• 实验表明随着纤维含有量纤维长度增加材料弯曲递增趋势。

    Experimental results show that the flexural modulus increases with the increases of the fibre content and length.


  • 包装材料含有毒性元素重金属含有控制有关标准以下

    Packaging materials should not contain toxic elements, heavy metals, or the amount of content should be controlled in accordance with the relevant standards.


  • 植物性油脂中,山茶所富含的,减少血液中的胆固醇具有特效的油酸含有量最高的。

    As botanical oils, tea seed is rich in oleic which can reduce cholesterol in the blood.


  • 而且,英国的土壤,一方面酸雨把土壤中的矿物质过滤掉了,一方面密集种植使得土壤矿物质含有量达到历史以来最低点,几近枯竭

    Then there’s the state of our soils. Acid rain leaches minerals out of the soil while intensive farming has depleted levels to the lowest in recorded history.


  • 其他咖啡含有超过450卡路里的热其中大多数冰咖啡的卡路里超过都达到200。

    Other iced coffees contained more than 450 calories and the majority had an excess of 200.


  • 如果小组矿石样本含有43号元素,那么该小组分离出一个的元素

    If the team's ore sample had contained element 43, the team would have been able to isolate a weighable amount.


  • 为了控制参与者咖啡因吸收研究组他们含有大约相当于咖啡的咖啡因药片或者外表相似安慰剂药片。

    To control the amount of caffeine the participants received, the team gave them pills containing caffeine equivalent to around four cups of coffee in one day or similar looking placebos.


  • 问题是在于很多食品仍旧含有多于我们大部分份该摄入140毫克的食盐

    Problem is, many still contain more salt than the 140 mg most of us should get in a single serving.


  • 是1公顷面积就含有5千1公顷普通森林蓄碳10

    A single hectare typically contains more than 5000 tonnes of carbon, ten times more than a typical hectare of forest.


  • 分子甲烷含有8个氢原子大约可生成分子H2,使得化学过程实际生成25%30%。

    Two molecules of methane, containing eight hydrogen atoms between them, will yield roughly one molecule of H2 – this gives an effective hydrogen yield of 25 to 30 per cent from the chemical process.


  • 字符串必须含有格式所需确切数据len(string) 必须等于calcsize(fmt)。

    The string must contain exactly the amount of data required by the format: len(string) must equal calcsize(fmt).


  • 亚洲口味产品含有2.8相当于吃掉5片的

    Its Taste of Asia product was found to contain 2.8g of salt - the equivalent of eating more than five bags of crisps in a single sitting.


  • 蛋黄:蛋黄含有非常胆固醇,含超过每日推荐300mg三分之二

    Yolk: the yolk is extremely high in cholesterol, containing more than two-thirds of the recommended daily limit of 300 mg!


  • 但是达到以上必须一整含有125的水。

    But to get that amount, you have to drink the whole bottle, which contains 125 calories.


  • 葡萄柚也是亲戚我们知的“文旦”,但它们含有的呋喃并香豆素很少甚至没有。”

    There are certain relatives of grapefruit that we call pummelo, some of which are very, very low or have no furanocoumarins in them at all.


  • 避免含有脂肪,高,高高能食物,以及饮料能够减少癌症风险可以限制我们肉食消费尤其是加工肉制品

    Avoiding foods high in fat, sugar, salt and calories, along with sugary drinks, can reduce the risk of cancer, as can limiting our consumption of meats, especially processed meats.


  • 只有150卡路里这种浓缩含有大多美国人所建议一整天摄入还多的

    With only 150 calories, a single can of the condensed soup has more than a whole day's recommended sodium for most Americans.


  • 鱼类认为是DHA一个最好来源不幸的是,美国环保局警告说,怀孕妇女必须提防她们对消费因为许多鱼类含有危害程度的

    Fish are considered one of the best sources of DHA, but unfortunately, the EPA warns that pregnant women must watch their fish consumption because many fish contain harmful levels of mercury.


  • 含有多种食物时,此种方法是否依然能够帮助人们减少食物的摄入,还不明确。

    It is unknown whether this method would help people cut their consumption of a real meal which consists of multiple foods.


  • 恒星金属度用于表征含有“金属”的——其实所有元素

    The metallicity of a star measures the amount of "metals" it has —that is, any element heavier than helium.


  • 恒星金属度用于表征含有“金属”的——其实所有元素

    The metallicity of a star measures the amount of " metals" it has — that is, any element heavier than helium.


  • 因为食品中含有各种各样甜味剂生产商可能隐瞒实际含糖

    By including various forms of sweetening, manufacturers can make hide the fact that it is mostly sugar.


  • 事实真相是这种水果作为主要成分的食品,实际上就是些含糖极高的浓缩果汁,根本就没有真正水果含有的植物营养素维生素

    The downside: The first ingredient listed is a fruit, but it’s often a concentrate made from boiled-down juices fairly rich in sugar and lacking the phytonutrients and vitamins found in whole fruits.


  • 美国环保署办公室农药计划负责人——布拉·爱德华兹,它违背一个广泛报道的“事实”,与以植物为基础食品相比通常含有较少农药残留

    Contrary to a widely reported "fact," meat typically contains less pesticide residue than plant-based foods, according to Debra Edwards, the director of EPA \ 's Office of pesticide Programs.


  • 美国最受欢迎马铃薯含有农药残留

    America \ 's popular spud ranks high for pesticide residue.


  • 学校食堂允许提供外面严格控制热饭菜只能提供含有最低维生素饭菜

    School canteens will not be allowed to offer meals outside strict calorie limits, and must provide foods with a minimum level of iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins.


  • 他们强调额外的”果糖这个词形容的是果糖摄入不是水果产品天然含有果糖

    Their focus was "added" fructose. The qualifier refers to fructose intake other than that occurring as a natural constituent of any fruits or other produce.


  • 保持最低牛奶摄入因为大部分牛奶含有饱和脂肪

    Keep dairy to a minimum because most dairy products are high in saturated fat.


  • 来源于地下水源含氧很低含有其它化学物质

    This type of water comes from underground sources and has low levels of oxygen, yet high amounts of sulphur and other dissolved chemicals.


  • 来源于地下水源含氧很低含有其它化学物质

    This type of water comes from underground sources and has low levels of oxygen, yet high amounts of sulphur and other dissolved chemicals.


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