• 男孩子中间去。

    The boy dashed out into the road.


  • 转过身去一头去。

    I turned then and darted to the other side of the road.


  • 希望卡车能保持车道上,不让他就选择只能自己向路外面的泥地。

    He hoped the truck stayed put in the northbound lane, otherwise he’d have no choice but to find a field himself.


  • 皮埃尔站起来离开新的同伴穿过一堆堆火堆一边走去,听说那儿俘虏士兵

    Pierre left his new companions and walked between the camp-fires to the other side of the road, where he had been told that the common prisoners were camping.


  • 数学归纳法数学常常用到一种证明方法常见最为人们所熟知的归纳途径是简单

    The mathematical induction is a method of proof often applied in mathematics. The most common and the most famous inductive way is the simple directed path.


  • 当街友可.史考周一一早高地沃德两条交叉口向路时,名女子车子停到身边,然后给了他一些钱。

    Homeless man Michael Secaur was standing at Highland and Woodward Monday morning asking for spare change when a woman pulled up in a vehicle and handed him some money.


  • 10月15日,皮内达去了芝加哥的一家俱乐部,陌生人和帮助他一走来的朋友们演奏他的新歌。

    On October 15th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to play his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far.


  • 开了然后就很快关上了但是猎人已经看到足够多充满疑问的东西,返回去并且国王描述他所看到的一切。

    The door was only opened a little way, and quickly shut; but the huntsman had seen enough to make him full of wonder, when he returned and described to the king what he had seen.


  • 读者们展示他领略到的视野关于种族身份友谊回忆混乱曼哈顿城市生活

    Along the way he opens up for the reader new vistas on love, race, identity, friendship, memory, dislocation and Manhattan bird life.


  • 三星也是去年打入智能手机市场的,但是由于井然有序的产品系统能够市场快速推出产品销量飞涨

    Samsung only entered the smartphone market in earnest last year, but its sales have skyrocketed thanks to a sleek production system that rapidly brings new products to market.


  • 超人应付莫里森设计一切麻烦,以此过去漫画致敬角色无穷可能变得有血有肉了。

    Along the way, Superman deals with all manner of distractions designed by Morrison to pay homage to past comics and flesh out the character's infinite possibilities.


  • 一个通过将车驾驶错误来破坏交通趋势美国安全承包人学习的,这也是特别致命的。

    A tendency to beat the traffic by driving up the wrong side of the road-learnt from American security contractors-is particularly deadly.


  • 蒂姆阿里安娜一直各种各样的演,公众解释新的内容策略

    Tim and Arianna have been on a roadshow of sorts , explaining the new content strategy to the public.


  • 蒂姆阿里安娜一直各种各样的演,公众解释新的内容策略

    Tim and Arianna have been on a roadshow of sorts, explaining the new content strategy to the public.


  • 永恒岸边最后一陆地眺望自己一慢慢走来历程。

    Standing upon the shore of eternity, I turn for a last look landward over the course by which I came.


  • 现在唯一目标的就是

    The only way targets can go from here is up.


  • 遇到所有打听是否遇见妈妈

    And of everything that he met he made inquiry if perchance they had seen his mother.


  • 的确曾经名年轻的士兵说过谢谢,在南口十字口不远处踢球的时候,足球踢了回来

    Had he ever talked to them?There was that young one he'd said thanks to who'd kicked his football back tohim across Southport Road, away from the traffic.


  • 预计美国东部海岸移动,下午到达缅因州,会给弗吉尼亚州份区域、华盛顿特区新泽西州纽约等地方带来大暴雨。

    It is predicted to travel up the east coast, spewing rain over parts of Virginia and Washington DC, New Jersey and New York City before reaching Maine on Monday afternoon.


  • 船只撒谎到了食品,因而当他到达西印度时船上的食品原封不动他的状况也不错

    He cheated a little en route, accepting lunch from a passing ship, but did arrive in the West Indies with food boxes unopened, alive and reasonably well.


  • 而其独特井字状城市格局清晰地呈现图片左上角围绕着城市的环形高速也正在周边快速辐射开去。

    Its regular grid pattern is clearly visible at image upper left; concentric rings of major roadways around the city have been added as the metropolitan area has expanded.


  • 格·丽特- - - - -场可怕涨潮罕见存活者弗兰克林- - - - -个外表体面,身材瘦长西方移民结伴上大西洋行进。

    A rare survivor of the deadly "flux", Margaret teams up with Franklin, a decent, gangling emigrant from a western state, and heads for the Atlantic.


  • 黄昏时分,他们沿着老城鹅卵石走着,马克西姆娜求了婚,波琳娜答应了他的请求。

    At dawn, as they weaved together along the cobblestones of the old city, Maxim proposed and Polina accepted.


  • 他们雷鸣般地哈利亚山挺进

    They sweep toward the Hallelujah mountains in a thundering wave.


  • 天晚上上将西边都关掉,摸索着穿过6楼道楼的另外一边走。

    One night, I had just finished locking all the doors on the way up, had turned out the lights to the 6th floor and was heading down the hall to finish up the building and get the heck outta Dodge.


  • 欧盟比还要复杂——总有权倾朝野、气势汹汹的欧洲议会巨大水晶宫盘踞的尽头。

    It also involves the ever-more powerful, and stroppy, European Parliament, in its own gigantic crystal palace down the road.


  • 欧盟比还要复杂——总有权倾朝野、气势汹汹的欧洲议会巨大水晶宫盘踞的尽头。

    It also involves the ever-more powerful, and stroppy, European Parliament, in its own gigantic crystal palace down the road.


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