• 鼓励之下勒牙刷公司申请份工作,结果却遭到拒绝。

    With her encouragement, he applied for a job with the Fuller Brush co. Only to be turned down.


  • 工程师们竭力地岛核电站的3个反应堆注入海水,努力使它们降温。

    Engineers were desperately pumping sea water into all three units at Fukushima in an effort to cool them down.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马议员的竞选团队罗里达州派遣至少了5,000名律师

    Senator Barack Obama's campaign is expected to send at least 5, 000 lawyers to Florida alone.


  • 原子力安全保安事件描述昨天得到位于奥地利维也纳国际原子能机构的支持,他们5派出一个真相调查团。

    NISA's version of events was backed up yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, which sent a fact-finding mission to Fukushima in May.


  • 据接近此事的消息人士周五透露,目前上述检查官至少已经包括雷曼首席执行官尔德在内相关证人发出了一传票

    Lehman Brothers, issuing at least a dozen subpoenas including one to the chief executive.


  • 周前季前赛中,这名法兰克队员发现自己机会用身体接触影响埃的身体平衡,并断掉埃辛脚下足球,于是他用全身的力气将自己的肩膀埃辛。

    He had spotted the opportunity to knock an off-balance Michael Essien off the ball in a pre-season fixture two weeks ago and he had slammed his shoulder into him with all of his force.


  • 片假设辐射或者女川泄露之以及之后哪里移动一定是由天气模式决定

    Exactly where a hypothetical "radiation cloud", from either Fukushima Daiichi or Onagawa, would go should depend upon the weather pattern at the time of, and following, the release.


  • 你好茱莉亚。”贝利先生茱莉亚打了个招呼,“可以坐在旁边?”茱莉亚照办了。

    "Hello Julia." he greeted. "You can sit there on the bench next to Trevor." he said as she slipped on the bench.


  • 王邦领事本周二中国日报》表示,确认蒋海松系属中国国籍,领事馆将为提供领事保护援助

    Wang told China Daily on Tuesday that the consulate is providing consular protection and assistance to Jiang after identifying him as a Chinese national.


  • 尽管已故夫人总共哈弗大学博物馆捐赠了110件藏品,他仍旧拥有着数量可观的藏品,并且从未停止收藏。

    Although he and his late wife gave 110 of their works to Harvard's Fogg Museum, his walls were not left bare and he continues to buy.


  • 上帝亚伯拉罕承诺整个世界因为上帝将通过家庭传播了弥撒

    God made a promise to Abraham that the whole world would be blessed through him because God would send the Messiah through his family line.


  • “简直无法语言形容,”查理斯·尔科,一位来自纽约的高中天文老师CNN说道,“沉迷于此。”

    "You can't find words to adequately describe it," Charles Fulco, a middle-school astronomy teacher from New York, told CNN. "You become addicted."


  • “欧罗巴利亚”艺术节法兰克图书展等欧洲公众打开了展示当代中国的人文画卷。

    The Europalia-China Art Festival and the Frankfurt Book Fair bring the European people close to contemporary China.


  • 相信如果自己询问生命的意义,已经启蒙路上了。你每天生活人人往的天赐中。

    I believe if you are asking yourself questions about life then you are on your way to enlightenment and living each day in bliss which really is how we would all like to spend our days.


  • 捐款给帕加富公司资助泰的旅行风险投资家乔恩·默尔顿已经欧唐尼交待克斯误导

    Jon Moulton, the venture capitalist who made a donation to a company, Pargav, which helped fund Werritty's trips, is understood to have approached O'Donnell to claim that he was "misled" by Fox.


  • 护士格雷格·克正准备女友帕姆求婚

    Greg Focker is a male nurse, who is ready to propose to his girlfriend Pam.


  • 相反地,“没有任何情报影响行动来自中美合作所”,多诺万于1944年11月罗斯报告

    By contrast, "no intelligence or operations of any consequence have come out of SACO," Donovan reported to Roosevelt in November 1944.


  • 当时来自麻省麦迪·图·斯特大学化学家大卫·沃尔特顾问,来自哈佛大学的化学家乔治白边一起组队,他们一起提出了一个引信中加入一系列金属盐的想法。

    At the time David Walt, a chemist at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, teamed up with his former adviser George Whitesides, a chemist at Harvard University.


  • 来自英国沃登瑞贝卡今年385岁的儿子约书亚患有自闭症8个月前开始当地委员会申请一个残疾人停车位

    Rebecca from Saffron Walden, UK, 38, whose five-year-old son Joshua suffers from autism, had been waiting eight months for the local council to give her a disabled parking bay.


  • 日本能源方面的主管部门原子力安全保安院的发言人大重胜说道岛第一核电厂的紧急发电机的设计日本其他核电厂相当常见

    A spokesman for Japan's nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, the nation's nuclear-power regulator, said Fukushima Daiichi's emergency-generator design is "fairly prevalent" at other Japanese plants.


  • 570英里长的石油管道俄克拉荷马州梅德德州蒙特贝尔乌(MontBelvieu液态丁烷,该条线路腐蚀严重,以致专家爱德华·齐格勒比作瑞士乳酪

    The 570-mile-long pipeline carrying liquid butane from Medford, Oklahoma, to Mont Belvieu, Texas had corroded so badly that one expert, Edward Ziegler, likened it to Swiss cheese.


  • 除了 Dresser 之外,通用电气公司还增添了工业阀门产品诸如泰科国际斯公司以及爱默生电气等公司发起挑战

    With Dresser, GE added industrial valves and pumps to challenge companies such as Tyco International Ltd., Flowserve Corp. and Emerson Electric Co.


  • 辩护律师戈登·特纳上周四说,大约50岁的伍尔法庭美国联邦调查局承认打了通电话,并且现在意识到了错误

    Defense lawyer Gordon Turner said on Thursday that Woolfolk, who is about 50, admitted in court and to the FBI that she made the call and she now realizes it was wrong.


  • 斯坦研究小组转换效率已经达到17%的太阳能电池中添加钙钛矿时,他们测到一个功率很小的增加,达17.9%。

    When the Stanford group addedperovskite to silicon solar cells whose efficiency was already 17 percent, forexample, they measured a much smaller increase in power output, to 17.9percent.


  • 今后任何试图携带芹菜之类进入斯坦的人,禁止入场球场内投掷芹菜也面临禁止观看比赛的惩罚。

    In future, if anyone is found attempting to bring celery into Stamford Bridge they could be refused entry and anyone caught throwing celery will face a ban.


  • 弗兰克·兰帕德正在学习西班牙不过切尔西球迷表示,不会离开斯坦

    Frank Lampard is brushing up on his language skills, but has reassured Chelsea fans that he has no intention of leaving Stamford Bridge.


  • 斯克大众文化理论法兰克学派发起了挑战

    Fiske challenges the Frankfurt school about theory of popular culture.


  • 新莫斯科斯克石膏矿位于独联体国家内的KNAUF(可耐)企业提供的石膏总产量三分之一

    The mine in Novomoskovsk gives one third of the total gypsum produced in KNAUF enterprises located in the CIS countries.


  • 新莫斯科斯克石膏矿位于独联体国家内的KNAUF(可耐)企业提供的石膏总产量三分之一

    The mine in Novomoskovsk gives one third of the total gypsum produced in KNAUF enterprises located in the CIS countries.


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