• 都柏林直到1152年爱尔兰教会屈服

    Not till 1152 did Dublin give in to the Irish church.


  • 2008年9月雷曼兄弟崩溃促使爱尔兰借贷机构的债权人作出无限保证

    In September 2008 the collapse of Lehman Brothers prompted him to announce a blanket guarantee to creditors of Ireland's big lenders.


  • 名上海藉爱尔兰企业家爱尔兰共和国每个市民免费提供网上学习汉语课程

    A Shanghai-based Irish entrepreneur is offering free Chinese language lessons online to every citizen of the Republic.


  • 7月21日欧盟领导人削减爱尔兰提供援助利率此后爱尔兰德国十年期债券差距几乎缩减一半

    Since July 21st, when EU leaders cut the interest rate on the Irish bail-out, the spread between Irish and German ten-year bonds has shrunk by almost half.


  • 同时为了遵守欧盟爱尔兰制定条款法院开始协调安格鲁爱尔兰银行另一遭殃组织,爱尔兰全国建筑协会。

    Meanwhile, the courts began the process of winding down Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide, another distressed lender, to comply with the terms of Ireland's bail-out by the European Union.


  • 汉堡法庭2009年5做出决定认为屏幕抓取技术倒卖瑞安航空公司的机票非法的。 紧接着瑞安航空继续爱尔兰法庭控告这些用屏幕信息抓取技术倒卖机票的网站

    Following the May 2009 decision of the Hamburg courts that screenscraping to resell Ryanair’s flights is unlawful, Ryanair continues to pursue screenscraper websites in the courts in Ireland.


  • 爱尔兰需要立即启用有限目的银行人民世界证明,金融系统能够再次赢得信任。

    IRELAND needs to immediately adopt Limited Purpose Banking and show its people and the world that its financial system can once again be trusted.


  • 过去一年里,萨帕特罗先生拼命投资者证明西班牙葡萄牙列为一类,更不用说希腊爱尔兰了。

    For the past year, Mr Zapatero has been desperately trying to prove to investors that Spain should not be lumped in with Portugal, let alone Greece and Ireland.


  • 投资者担忧主权债务危机蔓延,葡萄牙西班牙可能爱尔兰后尘欧盟和国际货币基金组织申请资金援助

    Investors continued to worry about the possibility of contagion to Portugal and Spain following Ireland's decision to ask for aid from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.


  • 巴拉克解释了状况爱尔兰问题本国问题异同之处激起了他的兴趣。

    I explained the situation to Barak, who was intrigued by the differences and similarities between the Irish problems and his own.


  • 这笔平均还款年限7.5基金将会保证爱尔兰未来年可以不用被迫市场借钱

    The funding, which has an average maturity of 7.5 years, will protect Ireland from having to borrow in the markets over the next three years.


  • 12月1617日召开欧盟峰会上,欧盟面对投资者解决欧元区债务危机的质疑,这场危机引发欧盟希腊爱尔兰进行援助,目前仍蔓延

    At the Summit on Dec. 16 and 17 the group will confront investor skepticism about its readiness to stem the sovereign-debt crisis that led to bailouts for Greece and Ireland and threatens to spread.


  • 爱尔兰危机葡萄牙蔓延2010年1115日。

    Irish 'contagion' hits Portugal 15 Nov 2010.


  • 统计19世纪100年中爱尔兰美洲移民就达到500万人之以至于美国爱尔兰爱尔兰爱尔兰多。

    According to statistics, only 100 years of the 19th century, Irish immigration to America reached 500 million workers, so that in the United States than in Ireland Irish Irish people still more.


  • 葡萄牙继希腊爱尔兰之后第三欧盟和国际货币基金组织寻求联合救助欧元区国家

    Portugal is the third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to reach an agreement on a joint bailout from the eu and the IMF.


  • 强大欧洲国家只有通过希腊爱尔兰提供紧急信贷这些国家暂时绕开私营市场这样才避免了内爆的立刻发生。

    Stronger European nations averted an immediate implosion only by providing Greece and Ireland with emergency credit lines, letting them bypass private markets for the time being.


  • 虽然希腊意大利国内因为银行资金债务问题闹得天翻地覆,但投资者们相信有一个国家逐步,那就是爱尔兰

    Despite all the upheaval surrounding bank funding and debt problems in Greece and Italy, investors are betting that one country is seeing better days: Ireland.


  • 收盘走低回吐此前涨幅,爱尔兰宣布正式欧盟请求援助,投资者坚信爱尔兰主权债务危机可以得到控制。

    European stocks retreated, reversing an earlier rally, as Ireland's request for a bailout failed to convince investors that the region's sovereign-debt crisis can be contained.


  • 收盘走低回吐此前涨幅,爱尔兰宣布正式欧盟请求援助,投资者坚信爱尔兰主权债务危机可以得到控制。

    European stocks retreated, reversing an earlier rally, as Ireland's request for a bailout failed to convince investors that the region's sovereign-debt crisis can be contained. U.


  • 问问爱尔兰就知道了。就勤俭而言爱尔兰可谓欧洲少有成功典范,不过现在,该国也处在欧盟请求紧急救助的边缘了。

    Just ask Ireland, which is on the verge of signing up for a big bailout from Europe - despite the fact that by belt-tightening standards Ireland has been one of Europe's rare success stories.


  • 爱尔兰由于位于都柏林的非爱尔兰银行提供贷款从而导致自身数额激增。

    Ireland's huge share is bloated by lending to non-Irish Banks located in Dublin.


  • 市场首先停止希腊贷款然后爱尔兰,再然后是葡萄牙

    Markets stopped lending to Greece, then Ireland, then Portugal.


  • 斯托克欧洲600指数周一下跌1.7%,外界担忧救援爱尔兰不足以防止欧洲债务危机葡萄牙西班牙蔓延

    The move came after the index slumped 1.7% on Monday amid fears that the Irish rescue would do little to prevent the debt crisis from spreading to Portugal and Spain.


  • 8月13日,英国爱尔兰事务办公室国土安全组提议知名政要法律界人士派发特制反射镜,提防【2】附于汽车底部的炸弹

    On August 13th the Northern Ireland Office's home-protection unit offered to provide prominent political and legal figures with mirrors designed to check for 【 2bombs under vehicles.


  • 爱尔兰廉价航空公司莱恩航空考虑飞行途中使用厕所乘客收费执行长麦可利瑞

    Irish budget airline Ryanair is considering charging passengers to use the toilet during flights, Chief Executive Michael o 'leary said.


  • 爱尔兰廉价航空公司莱恩航空考虑飞行途中使用厕所乘客收费执行长麦可利瑞

    Irish budget airline Ryanair is considering charging passengers to use the toilet during flights, Chief Executive Michael o 'leary said.


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