• 根据戴维斯计划由于红树林陆地建设”作用,随着时间的推移,通过捕获沉积物岸线向海延伸

    According to Davis' scheme, the shoreline is being extended in a seaward direction because of the "land-building" role of mangroves, which, by trapping sediments over time, extend the shore.


  • 这家旅馆滩的专用通道

    The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.


  • 渡船定时穿越狭窄

    Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.


  • 午餐我们成群结队

    After lunch we all trooped down to the beach.


  • 条小路弯弯曲曲滩。

    The path wound down to the beach.


  • 转过身向海里游了下。

    I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea.


  • 我们注视波浪

    We watched the waves rolling onto the beach.


  • 阿尔米罗中部鲭鱼

    Almiro's boat had sailed out to the middle of the bay to fish for mackerel.


  • 地面缓缓倾斜

    The land inclined gently towards the shore.


  • 我们漫步滩走去

    We ambled down to the beach.


  • 去。

    The empty boat drifted out to sea.


  • 潜水员岸时氧气他们步履维艰。

    Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.


  • 1954年以来,日本再也没有派遣军事人员

    Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.


  • 今,船只和工厂在向海洋、河流等排放废物。

    Right now, ships and factories are putting wastes into seas, rivers and so on.


  • 于人类的错误,它们经常被扔得到处都是,有些地区所有排水沟都通向海洋。

    Through human mistakes, they are often thrown away everywhere and all gutters in some areas lead to our ocean.


  • 们在豹下方等待,然后游上来,以每小时40公里的速度突然撞向海豹,一口就把豹咬死。

    They wait below the seals and then swim up and crash into them by surprise at 40 kilometres per hour, killing them with one bite.


  • 份报告显示,印度尼西亚是第二大洋塑料污染国,每年向海洋排放多达240万吨塑料垃圾。

    Indonesia is the second largest ocean plastic polluter, producing up to 2.4 million tons of plastic waste into the oceans every year according to a report.


  • 潜水员道恩·沃特森向海绵专家克莱尔·古德温展示她的发现时,古德温确信这是一种在科学上未知的绵。

    When diver Dawn Watson showed sponge expert Claire Goodwin what she found, Goodwin was sure that it was a kind of sponge unknown to science.


  • 公司不得不目光向海

    The company has to look overseas.


  • 那里有扇门见过的最大的厨房

    From there a door led into the hugest kitchen Heidi had ever seen.


  • 城堡

    The castle fronts the sea.


  • 节目最终目标就是人士传播中国烹饪文化

    The ultimate goal of the show is to help spread China's culinary culture to people overseas.


  • 声音是从小街传来的,条街的一个村庄

    Those sounds came from a little street that led to a small village along the shore.


  • 后,罗特麦耶小姐许多手势解释如何餐桌上用餐。

    When he was gone, Miss Rottenmeier explained to Heidi with many signs how to help herself at table.


  • 詹姆斯透过望远镜看到了害怕的情景:盗船开去

    James saw through his telescope what he feared most: a pirate ship heading towards the bay.


  • 日本积极市场推广移动技术尤其是该国流行的钱包手机”。

    Japan will start an aggressive push to market abroad its mobile technology, especially the nation's popular "wallet phone".


  • 我们塔莫尼卡码头出发沿着弯弯曲曲,保留得很好的小径岸驶去

    We started out at the Santa Monica Pier and rode the curvy, well-maintained path that heads down the coast.


  • 赫夫说:“这些巨浪惊人速度岸,建筑造成了很大的破坏。”

    "These swells of water come ashore at tremendous speeds and cause most of the damage done to beach-front buildings," said Huff.


  • 4亿多年植物第一次向海岸上迁移,陆地荒凉而贫瘠,并非生命宜居之地。

    When plants first made the transition ashore more than 400 million years ago, the land was barren and desolate, inhospitable to life.


  • 20绝大部分时间里,一直撰写谈论太空飞行突然兴趣深处确实显得很奇怪

    As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea does seem peculiar.


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