• 大众媒体我们能够记录信息并且数量庞大且分散观众快速传达信息。

    Mass media allow us to record and pass information rapidly to a large, scattered audience.


  • 揭示植被分类原则从单一性综合性,分类方法从外貌分类向数量分类发展趋势。

    It also revealed the trend that the principle of vegetation classification is becoming comprehensive and classification methods are utilizing numerical classification instead of exterior one.


  • 平衡实现数量平衡向数量-质量平衡管理升级,成为当前土地管理迫切要求

    It has become the urgent requirement of current land management that Cultivated land requisition-compensation balance from quantity balance to quantity-quality.


  • 研究结论:耕地质量动态监测预警实现国土资源数量管理数量质量并重管理的重要技术基础

    The conclusion shows that the arable-land quality dynamic monitoring and early-warning system is important technique basis to realize quantitative and qualitative land resources management.


  • 所有经销商制造商热衷于数量不断增加中国百万富翁销售他们游艇此次展览这一计划重要组成部分

    All of the dealers and manufacturers are keen to sell their boats to the growing number of Chinese millionaires, and this show is an important part of the plan.


  • 世界卫生组织报告人类感染死亡数量过去个月中增加

    The number of human infections and deaths reported to WHO has accelerated in the past six months.


  • 显示数据包数量以及数据包传输速率(请参见清单12)。

    It shows you the amount of packets as well as the packet transfer rate (see Listing 12).


  • 虽然界面始终感觉原来但是服务器发出请求数量会大幅减少尤其是用户快速键入时候

    The interface still feels as snappy as the original, but the number of requests made to the server is substantially reduced, particularly when users type in quick bursts.


  • 列表添加链接之后,被清除引用数量较大更改完全没有

    After adding the linkage to the list, the number of weak references cleared changes from a large number to none at all.


  • 如果仅仅增加医疗机构所提供资源数量同样可以取得上述成果。

    The same results could not have been achieved by simply increasing the amount of resources provided to health facilities.


  • 审计长报告认为华尔街雇员支付了与2004年繁荣时期大致相同数量奖金

    The comptroller's report found that Wall Street employees got paid about the same amount of bonuses as they did in the boom time of 2004.


  • 问题在于,我们人类使用化石燃料越来越多,大气集中排放数量过去几千年来排放的总数还要多。尽管碳空气中一个重要的元素。

    The problem is that we're burning ever larger amounts of fossil fuels, putting a greater concentration of carbon into the atmosphere than has been seen for millions of years.


  • 可以一个管道添加任意数量容器并且每个容器大小受到可用储存空间限制

    There is no limit on the number of containers that you can add to a channel, and the size of each container is limited only by the amount of storage available.


  • 正如前面提到通常最好能够消息提供程序发送消息的用户数量进行限制

    As mentioned earlier, it is a good idea as a general rule to limit the number of users that can put a message to a messaging provider.


  • 团队成员提供适当层次技巧公司支持预期数量开发项目

    An organization that provides appropriate levels of skill among team members to support the anticipated number of development projects.


  • 这个Web服务应用程序使用户能够服务器上传任意数量文件获得这些文件的引用可以使用这些引用下载他们想要文件。

    This Web service application will enable users to upload any number of files to the server and get references back to those files, as well as download the files they want using these references.


  • 逻辑包含在announcement _ block函数中,所以这个模板传递适当数量公告

    This logic is contained within the announcement_block function so that the proper number of announcements are passed to this template.


  • 公司Facebook用户提供朋友数量一千至一万名不等的各档套餐价格则从177美元至1167美元不等。 Facebook是全球第一社交网站

    The company offers packages for Facebook, the world's number one social networking site, that start at 1, 000 friends up to 10, 000 friends at costs ranging from $177 to $1, 167.


  • 处理客户订单时发现商品库存少于订购数量,那么将使用AmazonSQS制造商发送一个购买订单。

    If, when processing a customer order, the widget inventory is less than the number ordered, a new purchase order is sent to the Manufacturer using Amazon SQS.


  • 例如一种其他服务器响应更快服务器发送更多请求算法或者连接数量最少服务器发送更多请求的算法。

    For instance, consider an algorithm that sends more requests to a server that has a faster response time than the others or to the server with the least number of connections.


  • 竞选活动中,除了提议削减预算外建议征收数量相当税收都是富裕个人公司征收的。

    In the campaign, in addition to the budget cuts, I had also proposed raising a comparable amount in new revenues, all from wealthy individuals and corporations.


  • 可以任意数量使用者相同主题提交请求也可以有任意数量提供者侦听(通过订阅)相同的主题。

    Any number of consumers can submit requests to the same topic and any number of providers can listen (through subscribing) on the same topic.


  • 但是存货数量的减少并没有销售下滑那么多,所以需要减少存货量。

    But inventories have not fallen as much as sales, so there is further catching up to do.


  • 经过试验之后,开始顾客出售分层数量超过的茶水。

    It took a year of experimenting before he could sell teas with more than two layers.


  • 一定数量被控制着均匀同一移动测试被要求简单的说出认为这些点的移动方还是右。

    A controlled number of these dots are purposely moving uniformly in the same direction, and the test subject simply has to say whether he believes those dots are moving to the left or right.


  • 必须控制出站请求确保同时同一端点发送请求的数量超过指定数量

    Outgoing service requests must be controlled so that no more than a specified number of requests are sent concurrently to the same endpoint.


  • 并不是三星售出的智能手机数量多过苹果——该公司并未披露销量信息——只不过,三星零售商交货数量较多

    This is not to say that Samsung has actually sold more units than Apple – Samsung does not release its unit sales informationonly that it has shipped more units to retailers.


  • 可以语句中添加任意数量的谓词。

    You can add as many predicates to a statement as you want.


  • 可以语句中添加任意数量的谓词。

    You can add as many predicates to a statement as you want.


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