• 核发送的请求可以用来创建新的资源更新删除现存资源。

    Requests to the micro-kernel can also be made to create new resources or update or delete existing resources.


  • 断裂时当马氏体体积分数增加到30%,提前,且孔有裂纹转变的趋势。

    Furthermore, the micropore in DP steel would change into microcrack when martensite volume fraction reached 30%. Meanwhile necking appeared early.


  • XRD分析结果表明,随金属离子浓度增加镀层呈现结构结构转变的趋势。

    The XRD analysis showed that the structure of the deposits changed from amorphous structure to microcrystalline as the metal ion concentration ratio increased.


  • 由于 schema.org 是 2011 年6 月 2 日宣布成立的,它数据输出添加同样支持

    Since the schema.org announcement on 02 June 2011, work has progressed to also add the same support for microdata output.


  • 起来尼尼大城去,其中的居民呼喊因为他们达到面前

    Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.


  • 格式宣称拥有社区应该格式日时候大家发出警告

    The very community that microformats claim to embrace should serve as warning for when microformats go too far.


  • 增量概念有助于个体团队成员他们工作划分单元从而团队提供出一些可测量价值

    The concept of a micro-increment helps the individual team member to partition their work into small units so that each delivers something of measurable value to the team.


  • 不过透露用户不久在新浪看到内建翻译工具以及可能还会出现英语的界面这些全球扩张的必要前奏

    Still, he suggests it will not be long before users see built-in translation tools and possibly an English-language interface, the necessary precursors to global expansion.


  • 一直拒绝站着法官答话怪物法庭使用一台苹果平板电脑博网站发布嘲笑法官证人的言论,后来又把音量调高,假装不会俄语

    She has refused to stand for the judge, called him a monster, dispatched mocking Tweets on her iPad from the courtroom, turned up late and pretended that she does not speak Russian.


  • 数据页面添加结构化数据一种简便方式

    Microdata is a simple way to add structured data to pages.


  • 委员会起诉英特尔非法电脑制造商退款,劝阻使用半导体公司生产的芯片

    The commission accuses Intel of paying illegal rebates to computer-makers to dissuade them from using chips made by Advanced Micro Devices, Intel's arch-rival.


  • 格式社区目标现有的(X)HTMLclass属性中添加语义,该属性最初的主要目标是表示

    The Microformats community's goal is to add semantics to the existing (x) HTML class attribute, originally intended mostly for presentation.


  • 尴尬致歉定位服务商SCVNGR网站受到亚马逊网络中断影响其中一家网站,用户致歉。

    Embarrassing apology: Location-based service SCVNGR, one of the sites affected by the by Amazon's network cloud outage, tweeting an apology to users.


  • OpenuP采用迭代生命周期(组织增量如何应用)得到稳定的、复合系统需要的构造,从而逐步迭代的目标前进。

    OpenUP applies an iteration lifecycle that structures how micro-increments are applied to deliver stable, cohesive builds of the system that incrementally progress towards the iteration objectives.


  • 美国队的大门原则上永远詹姆斯敞开,私下他们说,詹姆斯留在5000英里外的美国玩着实他们省了不少心。

    Team USA wouldn't have turned away James, but privately they'll all tell you it's been a relief to have him tweeting from 5, 000 miles away.


  • 与此同时很多在读关于罗一笑的文章之后直接罗尔的个人账号捐款

    Meanwhile, a great number of people also donated money to Luo on his own official WeChat account after reading his articles about Yixiao.


  • 超选导管置入撕裂血管近端损伤血管残端缓注入N-丁基2-氰基丙烯酸酯NBCA

    N-butyl 2- cyanoacrylate (NBCA) is gently deposited proximally to the arterial tear or at the level of the stump of the traumatized artery after superselective microcatheterization.


  • 上周末中国社交网络——信上开通公众号,推送了一段讲了12个字的普通话视频粉丝们问好。

    Over the weekend, he gave a 12-word welcome in Mandarin in an opening video for his new blog on Chinese social network WeChat.


  • 组织存在不同晶,晶中有许多平行二次孪晶,沿晶界诱发裂纹

    There are different direction twins in its casting structures, and parallel second twins emerge in one big twin where micro cracks appear along twin boundary.


  • 重点研究加工单晶材料临界切深切削表面粗糙度影响

    The crystallographic effects on critical depth, micro cutting forces and surface waviness when machining single crystals are emphatically investigated.


  • 液晶位移传感器工作原理是以介电异性列相液晶材料动态散射效应为基础的。

    The operation principle of a liquid crystal micro-displacement sensor is based on the dynamic scattering effect in the negative dielectric anisotropic nematic liquid crystal.


  • 土壤-地下水组分变化及其动态分析,它们反映了所处的河流地貌部位、气候人为措施等的影响,并遵循着地球化学组分迁移规律

    The dynamics of the vertical variations for main component in the soil groundwater reflects the influences of landform, climate, man made measures and the migration law of geochemical components.


  • 重点论述了前兼容兼容、须、空洞空洞、可焊性涂层以及如何避免无铅转移中出现的问题

    The forward compatibility backward compatibility tin whisker voids micro-voids and surface finishes were emphasized and how to avoid the lead free transfer problems were reviewed.


  • 解理临界事件由启裂第二尺寸的裂纹周围基体的扩展。

    The critical event of cleavage is the propagation of a second phase particle-sized microcrack into the neighboring matrix.


  • 解理临界事件由启裂第二尺寸的裂纹周围基体的扩展。

    The critical event of cleavage is the propagation of a second phase particle-sized microcrack into the neighboring matrix.


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