• 挡开了砸头部的一

    He parried a blow to his head.


  • 尾巴头部伸展时,至少到达肩隆的中途

    When the tail is extended toward the head it reaches at least halfway to the Withers.


  • 缓慢地腿部拉直使腿部保持伸直状态同时将大腿头部牵引。

    Gently straighten the leg and, keeping it straight, draw it in towards your head.


  • 高温下明显,因为腿部血管膨胀大量血液部,使得头部输送血液变得更难

    That is especially true in the heat, when blood vessels in the legs are distended and blood tends to pool in the feet, making the flow of blood up to the head even more difficult.


  • 清单1显示了为此目的而STS发出一个示例请求这个示例是经过编辑的,其中删除各种头部列出请求主体

    Listing 1 shows an edited example of a request to an STS for this purpose, with the various headers removed and only the request body listed.


  • 一边一边缓慢摆动头部

    O Slowly turn you head from side to side.


  • 虽然已经文档头部显示标题重复是个不错的方法,它屏幕阅读器访问者搜索引擎表明这是重要的内容。

    Sure, you've got your title in your document's head, but repetition is a good thing, and indicates importance, to you, to screen readers, to your audience, and to search engines.


  • 通过液体船首来完成将使头部下沉或者上升液体抽船尾船首上翘。

    This is done by pumping fluid towards the bow, which pitches it down for a dive, or sending it towards the stern to point the nose up when ascending.


  • 多塞博物馆最新一轮展览中,出现一具真实大小的上头部模型,目的是世人展示这种看起来什么模样。

    The new Dorset County Museum exhibit includes a life-size model of the pliosaur head to show what the animal would have looked like.


  • 根据赫布利斯群岛地区2009年鸟类观测报告,曾有人看到只羊羔头部一只试图抓住金雕的情景。

    A lamb was seen headbutting a golden eagle who was trying to grab it, according to the Outer Hebrides bird report of 2009.


  • 通过头部设置 -H "Accept:application/rdf+xml"服务器给出SemanticWeb代理信号,这样的头部设置表明用户代理期待的是一个 RDF响应

    I signal a Semantic Web agent to the server with the header setting -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml", which means the user agent expects an RDF response.


  • 啄木鸟啄木头时候,每秒头部树撞击20次,你估计觉得这样它会需要个坚如钢铁的脑袋来得以生存,但事实上啄木鸟的脑袋相对较的,只啄木鸟在出生时,一个软的海棉状的物质,用来吸收啄木头时所产生震动

    Instead, the reality is that woodpecker heads are relatively soft. Each bird is born with a soft, sponge-like mass behind its beak that absorbs the shock created by pecking.


  • 住宅最高部分头部,能看到风景午后阳光温暖室内空间。

    The highest parts of the house act like heads which allow to look out on to the scenery or open towards the afternoon sun to heat the interior.


  • 但是由于完全预混式燃烧器火焰温度,增加了火焰燃烧器传热,造成燃烧器头部过热,使材料老化加快。

    But the short flame and high temperature of fully aerated burners conduct more heat through burners and that causes the head of burners overheat and material the size and structure of burners.


  • 吴谦关于中日海洋事务级别磋商,目前没有可供发布的信息建议了解。

    Answer: As for the high-level consultation on oceanic affairs, I do not have information to offer, and I suggest you to refer this question to competent authority.


  • 选择头部绿色美元符号艾希特

    To select this branch, head over to the green dollar sign in Alderney.


  • 另一只手放在头顶轻轻侧边牵动头部

    Place other hand on top of head and gently tip head over to this side.


  • 根据证人说詹姆士混凝土,将史蒂文森击中了头部

    According to witnesses, James picked up a piece of concrete and threw it at Stevenson, hitting him in the head.


  • 美国健康专栏作家建议播放电视公益广告片:一名男子一边持枪名女子头部扣动扳机一边声称

    The United States are recommended by a health columnist, television public service ads film: a man armed to the side of the head of a woman pulled the trigger, and one side claimed that he loved her.


  • 一旦成功地使其他我们现在准备弯曲弯曲座位集团弯曲角度的休息是在头部的同一方的。

    Upon successfully making the head rest group bend, we are now ready for bending the Lower Seat group bend.


  • 梁有生的车子撞油棕树,头部受到重创,灵魂离开了身体

    Yu Seng was seriously injured on the head and his soul left his body.


  • 但是她没有苏珊腹部而是了苏珊头部侧面

    But instead of the stomach the blow lands squarely on the side of Susan's head.


  • 驾驶员头部后面通风口起着防滚保护作用,用以赛车侧时防止重物车手

    The air intake behind the drivers head ACTS like a 'roll bar'. If the car flips over, it is physically the only thing stopping the weight crushing the driver.


  • 这个探险家听了上帝建议,石块就扔了土著首领头部

    So the explorer picks up the stone and proceeds to bash the living heck out of the chief.


  • 用户需求佩戴一个毗邻蓝牙装备的特制头部饰带,经由拆卸诺基亚N73手机发送无线讯号,然后回应大脑发出的讯号。

    Users wear a specially designed headband which is hooked up to a Blue tooth device that wirelessly sends commands to a Nokia N73 mobile phone.


  • 为降低贫油熄火油气头部燃烧室进行燃油分级贫油熄火模拟实验研究

    The experimental investigation was conducted for the fuel circumferential staging combustor with two domes to improve the lean blowout fuel air ratio.


  • 为降低贫油熄火油气头部燃烧室进行燃油分级贫油熄火模拟实验研究

    The experimental investigation was conducted for the fuel circumferential staging combustor with two domes to improve the lean blowout fuel air ratio.


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