• 多为乳腺癌向同胸膜内转移特点

    Features ofpleuropneumal metastases were ttsually seen homolaterally with the breast cancer.


  • 税务局已经将该案人民委员会报告

    The tax agency has reported the case to the Dong Nai People's Committee.


  • 之后,步履迟缓心不在焉地踱果园接界墙门。

    This done, he moved with slow step and abstracted air towards a door in the wall bordering the orchard.


  • 谭献词学思想明显体现出时期时期过渡的特点

    Tan-xian's thought of ci poetry showed features obviously that it transited from Jiadao period to Tongguang period.


  • Edra询问珊瑚得到回答是,“被收回了。” 110名家政人员打发走,而对夫妇关系那些一度狂热放贷,又急需回收款项银行一样崩溃了。

    The household staff of 110 had been fired, and the couple’s relationship fell apart as banksthat had once been greedy to lend demanded their money back).


  • 这种分离提供许多好处开始时,保持业务逻辑控制视图逻辑完全分离使您的应用程序中添加新的视图非常容易

    This separation provides a number of benefits; to start, keeping your business logic completely separate from your control and view logic makes it very easy to add new views to your application.


  • 这些配置一个本质问题越过订阅者复制事件主题使用订阅解决方案一样

    This configuration has an inherent problem, as does any solution which uses subscription to a topic of duplicate events across each subscriber.


  • 许多证实传达的信息我们信心会一建立起来因为我们确定了我们能够分辨出神的声音

    When God confirms His message in many people at the same time, it builds faith in us to know that we really do recognize and discern His voice.


  • 然后投资者专家网络支付费用,专家网络则那些投资者喝咖啡专家一些报酬。

    So the investors pay the expert networks a fee, and the expert networks pay the experts a fee for talking to the investors.


  • 大学研究者提出建议寻找地球放射性元素衰变速率变化太阳自转的关系。

    His advice to Purdue: Look for evidence that the changes in radioactive decay on Earth vary with the rotation of the sun.


  • 一种方式时也是欧洲案件核心就是拒绝那些允许自己软件视窗通过网络兼容运行”的对手透露信息

    Its other approach, which lay at the heart of the European case, was to withhold information from rivals that would have allowed their software to "interoperate" well with Windows over a network.


  • 王晓鲁就会调查较为贫穷家庭匹配。

    Mr Wang would therefore have paired them with the poorer households in his survey.


  • 市场上有谣言这家投行资金即将枯竭,随着谣言四起,投资者愿意贝尔斯登产生交易或者公司注入资金。

    With rumors leaking through the market that the bank was in danger of running out of money, investors did not want to trade with Bear Stearns or lend the company money.


  • 吸烟问题一样来自许多领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖科学研究不完整我们确定此事之前大气中继续排放废气没问题的。

    Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that its ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.


  • 俄罗斯南奥塞梯阿布哈兹签署友好条约。 此条约包含格鲁吉亚片分离区提供军事援助承诺

    Russia signed friendship treaties with South Ossetia and Abkhazia that include a promise of military assistance for the breakaway Georgian regions.


  • MQ服务器数据库一起携手工作使得应用程序构建灵活可伸缩可扩展工作流处理变得容易。

    MQ servers, working hand-in-hand with databases, make it easy to build flexible, scalable, and extensible workflow processing into your application.


  • 一个没有别人谈话致意介绍自己

    Say hello and introduce yourself to a person who is not in a conversation.


  • 我家房子。 我家距南北阿姆斯特丹街隔着房子。

    The building my family lived in was on the same side of the street, three buildings east of Amsterdam that ran north and south.


  • 其他航空公司一样支付燃油费国内机场缴纳着样的费用卡塔尔航空公司他们已经开始盈利压力,联合航空也努力并很快实现盈利。

    It pays the same price for fuel as other airlines and the same fees at its home airport. Qatar claims it is now profitable, while Etihad is under pressure to become so quickly.


  • 此举也许会懦弱的日本年轻人灌输男子汉气概不大可能缓解日本邻邦关系何裨益。

    This may imbue Japan's shiftless youth with manliness, but it is unlikely to ease Japan's relations with its neighbours.


  • 为了改变现状提出其他商业建议一样,老板如实讲出你看法

    To change that, you'll need to present the idea in the same way you would put forward any other business proposal.


  • 自己认识打过招呼后可以寻找那些过去过的人,对方做自我介绍然后开始你们的谈话

    After you greet people you know look for people you haven't met before. Introduce yourself and start a conversation.


  • 波尔图队员,斯科拉里在一块媒体协会说起蓝军应该高度重视。

    The former Porto man, linking up with Luiz Felipe Scolari, mentioned to the Press Association that the Blues had to be highly-regarded.


  • 波尔图队员,斯科拉里在一块媒体协会说起蓝军应该高度重视。

    The former Porto man, linking up with Luiz Felipe Scolari, mentioned to the Press Association that the Blues had to be highly-regarded.


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