• 许多巨大地毯似的,这种碳纤维纺织品离开工厂向兰茨胡特巴伐利亚城席卷

    The carbon fiber textiles leave the factory rolled up like so many enormous carpets, bound for the Bavarian city of Landshut.


  • 达公司福特公司出价进行敌意收购

    Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte.


  • 十二岁咪咪·奥斯通过两个网站收容所中的有需要的动物提供了50吨以上食物

    Twelve-year-old Mimi Ausland has provided over 50 tons of food to needy animals in shelters through two websites


  • 我们即将国内引进排放上限和交易计划但是上限针对能源使用量,而非排放量。“。”

    "We are going to introduce a domestic cap-and-trade programme, but the cap will be on energy intensity, not carbon," said Ramesh.


  • 耶和华显现地赐的后裔。亚伯就在那里显现的耶和华了一座坛

    And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.


  • 此书与众不同的,斯读者们提供了上传自己照片、为书打上自己烙印的机会

    What makes this project unique is that Smolan offers readers a chance to upload their own photographs and personalize their copies.


  • 俄勒冈州波特市郊大家发表演说,我正在视察英特尔公司,这是一家开创数字时代先驱公司。

    I'm speaking to you from just outside Portland, Oregon where I'm visiting Intel, a company that helped pioneer the digital age.


  • 但是并不反对驾车走在旁边他们这样缓慢地着,里奇村庄走去

    She did not, however, object to his keeping his gig alongside her; and in this manner, at a slow pace, they advanced towards the village of Trantridge.


  • 夫人,现在困难事,就是忍住皮皮解释多么“伟大”的一件事。

    The hardest part of all, said Ms Quinlan, was explaining to Pipi the enormity of what she had done without laughing.


  • 作为一家上市公司必须公布所有必要信息,就像是路易斯·布代斯曾希望那样,你必须定期证交会上交文件,披露公司的信息。

    If you are a public company, the important thing is you have to do all of the disclosure that Louis Brandeis would have liked; you have to file regular forms with the SEC, disclosing information.


  • 位于日内瓦欧洲粒子物理研究所科学家们450公里意大利萨索地下实验室的探测器发射了中微子。

    Scientists at the Cern lab in Geneva fired a beam of these particles through 450 miles of rock towards detectors in the Gran Sasso lab in Italy.


  • 哈莉·卡特(),宾州斯克顿市斯·雷维洛展示如何身体扫描仪中站立。

    Vharie Carter, left, shows Liz Reviello of Scranton, Pa., how to position herself in a body scanner.


  • 上个月·布朗所教年级的班上,棕色头发男孩一个同学痰。

    In Fran brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.


  • 是夜希德瑞克说起巴德事情,弗突然间醒悟——巴德也深爱着自己

    That night , Sheldrake mentions Bud's actions to Fran . She suddenly realizes that Bud loves her .


  • 下面,由美国地质调查局地震预险项目组项目协调员迈克尔·布皮得博士解答最近发生地震起因、地震预测等问题。

    Dr. Michael Blanpied, associate program coordinator for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, took your questions about the causes of the recent quakes, earthquake forecasting and more.


  • 英国老牌摇滚巨星洛德·史都华日前巴黎埃菲尔铁塔顶层相处了很时间的女友彭尼·开斯特求婚

    Rod Stewart has proposed to his longtime girlfriend at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Stewart's record company said Saturday.


  • 圣人弗朗西斯没有足够的时间去,唱颂歌或者鸟儿告解或者做任何其他讨喜事情,正尼的心意。

    This was no Saint Francis with enough time to knock out a few canticles or to preach to the birds or do any of the other endearing things so close to Franny Glass's heart.


  • 于是耶和华怒气以色列人发作,将他们屡次交儿子便哈达的手里。

    So the Lord 's anger burned against Israel, and for a long time he kept them under the power of Hazael king of Aram and Ben-Hadad his son.


  • 州劳动局资助马里再就业咨询中心寻求帮助

    She sought help from the Maryland state Professional Outplacement Assistance Center, or POAC, which is funded by the state Department of Labor.


  • 例如,天伯伦鞋业在每鞋上贴上“绿色指数”的标签史克药业成本价成千上万的非洲居民出售艾滋病药物

    Timberland putsgreen indexlabels on all its shoes. GlaxoSmithKline makes HIV drugs available at cost to millions of Africans.


  • 回到加纳首都阿克拉一切开始地方邀请观察家体育月报》(Observer Sports)来到了创立小学年来欣欣的小学取得了极大成功

    Back home where it all started in Accra, the capital of Ghana, Lamptey invites Observer Sport to the thriving junior school that he has founded and which, in three years, has become hugely successful.


  • 昨晚德克萨斯米德纪念广场,布什面前20000名群众表示,计划克劳福德度过一个惬意早晨

    He was planning, he told a crowd of 20, 000 gathered at the Centennial Plaza in Midland, Texas last night, on having a "relaxing morning in Crawford".


  • 当时的选择简单:“拉丹做出了保证。”

    Mr Varin says the choice was simple: “I had given Ratan my word.”


  • 1776年12月25日,乔治·华盛顿将军率军渡过德拉新泽西州英军的“黑森雇佣兵”发起进攻

    It was on December 25, 1776, that General George Washington and his army made their historic crossing of the Delaware River to attack the British 'Hessian mercenaries' in Trenton, New Jersey.


  • 1776年12月25日,乔治·华盛顿将军率军渡过德拉新泽西州英军的“黑森雇佣兵”发起进攻

    It was on December 25, 1776, that General George Washington and his army made their historic crossing of the Delaware River to attack the British 'Hessian mercenaries' in Trenton, New Jersey.


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