• 或者可以派遣一个舞蹈形式朋友他们今晚

    Or you can send a dancing form to your friends to call them to the party tonight.


  • 共和领袖公开意大利裔美国人拉票。

    Republican leaders are making open solicitation of the Italian-American vote.


  • 削减赤字削减开支转移注意力时,一点非常重要,就是国家没有忘记注意这些更为基层问题

    While the parties have shifted their attention toward deficit reduction and spending cuts, it is essential that the nation does not lose sight of these much more fundamental problems.


  • 但这个英国不好的意思:就在最近很多自民支持者感到自己临时联盟妥协,并且方式近人意。

    The very word has an unhappy ring in Britain: just now, lots of Lib Dem voters feel compromised by coalition with the Tories, and not in a good way.


  • 现在我们必须最好想法结合在一起并且美国人民显示我们仍然可以尽职尽责的时候了。

    Now is when we must bring the best ideas of both parties together and show the American people that we can still do what we were sent here to do.


  • 也是奥运会不到时间时候世界展示中国显著经济变化背景下在发生变化的一个机会

    And it will be a chance, less than a year before the Olympics, to show the world that against the background of China's remarkable economic change, the party is changing too.


  • 议员支持表示感谢他说议案通过全世界金融市场发出强有力的信息

    He thanked lawmakers from both parties for their support, and said the bill's passage sends a strong signal to markets around the world.


  • 不同寻常保守内有扩大公民自由权利减少入狱人员谈论另一自由示好的提案是,英国公民来年投票决定是否改变投票制度

    Unusually for the Tories, there is talk of increasing civil liberties and imprisoning fewer people; and in another SOP to the Liberals, Britons next year will vote on a change to their voting system.


  • 这个戴牙套的男孩写就本86名为保守主义定义》的著作上个月共和年度大会上数千人发表演讲。

    Krohn, still sporting braces on his teeth, has already written an 86-page book called Define Conservatism and last month addressed thousands of Republicans at their annual convention.


  • 如果奥巴马想要实现两双赢,可以支持自由贸易共和抛出橄榄枝平息两边不满的声音。

    If Obama wants bipartisan successes, he could reach out to the Republicans who still support free trade, tempering the shrill rhetoric on both sides.


  • 这种缺补选举中的参选率很少因此任何一此次结果作为民意检测是有难度

    Turnout is always very low in special elections, so it will be difficult for either party to use the outcome as a barometer of the public mood.


  • 除非众议院国会议员作出让步,否则他必须依靠保守支持通过邮政服务立法――这无异于眼睁睁看着立法失败

    Unless concessions are made to backbenchers, Mr Brown must rely on Conservative support to pass his legislation on the postal service—a fate almost as damaging as seeing the bill fail altogether.


  • 举止文雅巴马需要做足充分的准备面对可能出现的潜在共和竞争者了。

    So courtesy of President Obama he has another string to his bow that may help distinguish him from potential Republican rivals.


  • 各级委员会同级的代表大会负责报告工作

    Party committees are responsible, and report their work, to the Party congresses at their respective levels.


  • 这家公司老板斯科特拉斯穆森提醒,调查结果说明更多选民共和偏移而不代表他们伊拉克战争的观念有所改变。

    Scott Rasmussen, the firm’s boss, cautions that this finding may simply reflect a broader swing towards the Republicans, rather than shifting views on Iraq itself.


  • 布什拒绝呼吁,拒绝伊朗叙利亚示好。

    Mr Bush turned down bipartisan calls to woo Iran and Syria.


  • 如果保守取得胜利尤其是现任议员大多数即将自愿或因为其他原因退休情况下,他们威斯敏斯特派出令人吃惊的议员。

    If the Tories win, they will send a startling number of new MPs to Westminster, especially given the large number of impending retirements by sitting ones, voluntary and otherwise.


  • 解决全球饥饿问题努力是得到坚决支持的。

    The effort to address global hunger has always had strong bipartisan support.


  • 曾经强烈支持美国阿富汗派兵共和观点正在悄然发生转变

    Republicans -- who have been the strongest supporters of the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan -- are shifting their opinion on the conflict.


  • 来自德克萨斯州共和议员约翰.考很赞成这项计划情绪激昂的称怀疑态度的人保证他绝对不会允许任何辆带有安全隐患的卡车行驶美国的公路上。

    John Cornyn, a Republican senator from Texas who favours the programme, struck a more emotional note. He assured doubters that he would never allow an unsafe truck on his state's roads.


  • 1月24日共和占多数国会发表国情咨文40年来第一次。

    On January 24, I gave the State of the Union address to the first Republican Congress in forty years.


  • 对布什的支持见证了一个好斗的反增税保守主义者一个花钱不眨眼共和当权派的转变。

    Those votes recast his image from pugnacious anti-tax conservative to big-spending establishment Republican.


  • 共和竞争对手Norm Coleman宣称不会美国最高法院提出上诉那样可能拖延时间更长。

    Norm Coleman, his Republican opponent, announced that he would not appeal to the United States Supreme Court, which might have dragged things out even longer.


  • 共和参议员把靶子了IPAB一个被用来新的法律条款提出建议改变医疗费率的专家小组

    Republican senators targeted the Independent Payment Advisory Board, an expert panel created under the new law to recommend changes to Medicare coverage.


  • ,亚比兰,就是从会中选召可拉一耶和华争闹时候摩西亚伦争闹。

    This is that Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregation, who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against the LORD


  • ,亚比兰,就是从会中选召可拉一耶和华争闹时候摩西亚伦争闹。

    This is that Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregation, who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against the LORD


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