• 焦耳自由膨胀就是,打开阀门的过程,气体从一个腔跑一个腔,并在它们之间平均分配

    So the Joule free expansion involves opening this valve and asking what happens when this gas moves into the other bulb or distributes between the two.


  • 也任由回到生活中来,就好像水流阀门一样简单

    I let him slip back into my life ten years later as easily as water flowing through a gate.


  • 这种力量如此的强大以至于陷阱阀门里形成了漩涡,诱捕阀门关闭进一步阻止猎物出逃。

    The force is so powerful that swirls develop inside the trap, further preventing prey from escaping after the trap door quickly shuts.


  • 一旦关闭这阀门切断室内水路,立即室外打开水龙头排掉积存管子或者水龙头里的水,确保无可结冰的物质。

    Once the water is shut off inside, go outside and open the outside taps as well. This will drain any water remaining in the pipe or in the tap, so there's nothing to freeze.


  • 注意检测所有阀门必须开启拆卸所有软管防止检测组件受到破坏

    Note: After test, all valves must be open and hoses removed to prevent damage to test kit.


  • 海军船舶建造造船厂所建造结构中的阀门必须符合配件调配中心cid编号,否则海军将不会接受艘船舶。

    When a Navy vessel is being built the ship yard doing the construction must apply to the Parts Control Center to CID Numbers on all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.


  • 达到适当温度合金迅速容易地管道外壳阀门套管之间空间

    When the proper temperature is reached, alloy will flow readily into space between tube outer wall and valve socket.


  • 阀门慢慢开启下游关闭供应系统注水。

    When valve is filled, open the downstream shutoff slowly and fill the water supply system.


  • 焊料处于粘滞状态时,刷子多余焊料清除干净。焊料冷却,将条嵌条环绕在阀门的端口。

    Remove excess solder with small brush while plastic leaving a fillet around end of valve as it cools.


  • 监控开关按照所有相关管理机关要求工厂进行预置测试一旦阀门装配,就可能进行调整

    Supervisory switch is preset and tested in accordance with all applicable agency requirements at the factory. No adjustment is possible once the valve is assembled.


  • 设计修改需要进行附加试验确保阀门执行他们预期功能

    Additional testing will be performed after the design modifications are implemented into the valves to ensure they will perform their intended function.


  • 这种排放方式缺点在于忘了开启阀门打开阀门忘记关上造成大量压缩空气浪费

    This discharge way's weakness is forgot to open valve, or open the valve and forgot to turn off the and caused a lot of compressed air waste.


  • 然而经过一段时间,夏科长发现消防阀门没有

    However, over time, Xiake Zhang found the fourth floor of a fire valve has no water.


  • 结冰气候预防-检测管线系统阀门应该处于开启状态做到排泄完全充分

    Freezing Weather Precaution - Subsequent to testing a piping system, valves should be in an open position to allow complete drainage.


  • 这种情况除非阀门及其部件被人工检测才会被发现。

    Such conditions are not detectable unless the valve and its components are physically removed and inspected.


  • 钢瓶已经连接过程慢慢仔细地开启钢瓶阀门

    Open cylinder valves slowly and carefully after the cylinder has been connected to the process.


  • 针对以前堵塞问题设计并制作了气路系统,使氢气反应能够通过阀门控制对气路进行冲洗

    Second, on account of the block of gas channel we designed a gas channel system, through which the hydrogen can flush the gas channel after the reaction by the control of valves.


  • 不要修正任何多出的垫圈材料这些多出部分阀门螺栓管道重新回到正确位置从而实现正常的密封

    DO NOT TRIM any excess gasket material, it will seat itself after bolting the valve into the pipeline, thus providing a positive seal.


  • 抛光消除任何锋利的边缘可能损害阀门

    After spinning it is polished to remove any sharp edges that could damage the valves.


  • 打开灶头气源开关,灶头点燃关闭排气管阀门

    Then turn on the stove gas source switch. After the stove is lit up, turn off vent-pipe valve.


  • 怀疑分摊水量水池水管阀门进入水池水池相连消防管道排出

    Suspected of sharing of water by the pool on the water valve into the pool the pool is connected with the fire from the exhaust pipe.


  • 严禁阀门法兰·法兰两边石棉垫片

    Forbid welding the flange after installing the valve. Both sides of the flange should be added the asbestos gasket.


  • 海军船舶建造造船厂所建造的结构中的阀门必须符合配件调配中心CID编号,否则海军将不会接受艘船舶。

    When a Navy vessel is being built, the ship yard doing the construction must apply to the Parts Control Center for CID Numbers on all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.


  • CCD摄像头拍摄容器物料表面图象计算机处理得到位高度进而控制物料容器供料阀门

    The material surface image screened by a CCD camera was processed to calculate the level of material by a computer, and then to control the valve of material container.


  • 通电磁力直接先导阀封闭依次向上提起阀门打开

    Power, the electromagnetic force directly to the pilot valve and main valve closed small pieces followed by upward, open the valve.


  • 为了保持协调一致的阀座密封性能延长阀门的使用寿命建议用户在每当操作阀门清洗和冲刷美国太平洋塞阀一次。

    To provide consistent seating performance and prolonged valve life, it is recommended that you purge and flush your Pacific Wedgeplug valve each time it is operated.


  • 这些有害现象输水阀门变化有着密切关系。

    But these harmful phenomena are closely related to the variety of flow pattern behind the reversed tainter valve.


  • 冲洗人员只需到冲洗合适位置上,感应器感应到人体便发出信号打开水头阀门进行冲洗。

    The feels instrument will feel the body and give a sign to spray water after the people stand on wash table.


  • 冲洗人员只需到冲洗合适位置上,感应器感应到人体便发出信号打开水头阀门进行冲洗。

    The feels instrument will feel the body and give a sign to spray water after the people stand on wash table.


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