• 突然觉得以后的日志应该后英

    I find suddenly that I should write Chinese first and then thanslate them into English.


  • 非常后英格里德忍不住打破了沉默,“我,”恐惧地说道。

    The silence was broken eventually by Ingrid. "You're joking, "she said, in a horrified voice.


  • 未必会在罢工斗争中作出太多让步似乎英航的主要股东支持——在宣布罢工股价几乎没怎么下跌。

    He is unlikely to yield much ground to union militancy. It seems that BA's core shareholders support him: the share price hardly moved when the strike was announced.


  • 格拉斯哥艺术见证了格拉斯哥从新兴工业城市商业城市变迁。就商业繁华的程度而言,当时的格拉斯当之无愧称之为伦敦后英帝国第二大城市。

    It was also an affirmation of Glasgow's industrially-based rise to a commercial prominence whereby it could justly claim to be the second city of the British Empire after London.


  • 劳资纠纷不是困扰英航唯一问题20多年私有化改制后,英航仍然在为国有遗留问题而挣扎抗争。

    Industrial disputes are not the only issue bothering BA. More than 20 years after privatization, it is still struggling with the legacy of state ownership.


  • 随着英格利斯后来其他商人开始工作改装后电话亭开始城市乡村重新出现,人们发现了它们用途

    As Inglis and, later other businessmen, got to work, repurposed phone boxes began reappearing in cities and villages as people found new uses for them.


  • 英帝国解体几十年里英国仍以小型强国的姿态呈现世界面前。

    Even in the decades after it lost its empire, Britain strode the world like a pocket superpower.


  • 英格·莫拉斯则捕捉到拉·戈隆德里纳作精彩的地上后卧鱼。过有弗拉明戈舞蹈者表演尝试过这个动作。

    The dancer La Golondrina is caught by Inge Morath in a dramatic backbend on the floor; I have yet to see any flamenco dancer try this in performance.


  • 2001年冯英龙的父亲去世后化玲便开始以拾荒为生

    Yu began her job as a ragpicker when Feng's father died in 2001.


  • 即使循环利用垃圾分类垃圾可以燃烧温度精确地与其匹配,从而最低程度降低二恶英,使垃圾焚烧厂的燃烧过程更加清洁

    Even when not recycled, sorted trash is easier for incinerators to burn cleanly, because the temperature in the furnace can be adjusted more precisely to minimize the formation of dioxin.


  • 1999年,英国石油公司收购了美国石油公司,杜德雷先生加入了BP公司,担任BP英俄合资公司一把手之前,负责在多个国家石油勘探生产工作.

    Mr. Dudley joined BP in 1999 after the company bought Amoco, an American oil company, and he oversaw exploration and production in a variety of countries before heading BP’s Russian joint venture.


  • 在经过几年袖手旁观”后,日本银行邀请参与一些大宗交易,比如说英博啤酒(InBev)对AB啤酒(Anheuser - Busch)的数十亿的竞标

    After years on the sidelines, Japanese Banks are being invited to help finance big deals, like in Bev's bid for Anheuser-Busch, a rival brewer.


  • 英国步兵团中校指挥官阿富汗阵亡的。这英国福克兰群岛战争(译注:1982英阿马岛战争)后的27年来,英军阵亡的首位现役中校军官。

    The commander of a British regiment has been killed in Afghanistan, the first to have died in active service since the Falklands war 27 years ago.


  • 18岁被曼联签下之后,于1936-37年他加盟红魔首个赛季帮助曼联拿到冠军奖杯,红魔渡过两个赛季低谷后重返英甲,同时他的加盟也中止了曼联长达45像溜溜球一样的升降级之旅。

    He first signed as an 18-year-old and helped United win the Second Division title in 1936/7, returning to the top flight after "yo-yoing" between the two divisions for 45 years.


  • 吃过早餐学习一个小时

    I study English an hour after breakfast.


  • 每天很喜欢上课产生了浓厚兴趣培训结束后我们进行了测试,我出了优异的成绩。

    I like go to class every day, has a strong interest on British standard, tested after the training for us, I also did very well in the last exam.


  • 英足总表示他们不会因为波尔报告而采取进一步的调查,波尔巴拉克不满判罚而得到黄牌四名切尔西队员进行干扰。

    They also said they would not be following up on Poll's claims in his report that four Chelsea players had harassed him after Michael Ballack was booked for dissent.


  • 加上极2年内海平面上升,会今天任何750英之下陆地淹没,海拔高度将下降675英尺

    This combined with the 675 foot drop in elevation due to sea level rise within 2 years after the shift puts any land under 750 feet in today's elevation under water.


  • 瞎子把新闻纸一个漏斗形状纸筒,漏勺里舀出煮花生装满纸筒后递给英曼。

    The blind man twisted a square of newsprint up into a cone and then dipped with a riddly spoon into the pot and filled the cone with wet peanuts.


  • 王俊英去了西安大专学习商务英语,毕业后,母亲提出给她一个小学教书的工作。

    After Wang finished a business English degree at a community college in Xi 'an, her mother offered to arrange a teaching job for her at the village elementary school.


  • 王俊英去了西安大专学习商务英语,毕业后,母亲提出给她一个小学教书的工作。

    After Wang finished a business English degree at a community college in Xi 'an, her mother offered to arrange a teaching job for her at the village elementary school.


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