• 制备方法:把所选药材分别粉碎混合混合粉碎

    A preparation method is characterized by grinding the selected raw materials and then mixing or mixing the materials and then grinding.


  • 氢氧化钠中和反应混合物,再用反应前馏分、甲醇洗涤,烘干后粉碎即得高性能产品

    More fine properties of products could be gained by adding sodium hydroxide as neutralization process, and using water and methanol in sequence to purify product.


  • 采用高压蒸煮捣碎、热干燥粉碎及冷冻粉碎进行粉碎比较实验,确定鸡骨加工的最佳工艺。

    Making use of the single factor experiment and the orthogonal experiment obtains the optimum proportion of chicken bone paste sauce.


  • 回收塑料袋之,对它们进行再加工清洁,然粉碎,用它们制造新的再生它们投入塑料袋的生产制造中。

    We reprocess it, we clean it, and we shred it, we make new post-consumer recycled product and put that back into the manufacturing of new bags.


  • nasa斯必泽太空望远镜的资料,资料显示这明亮恒星周围环绕着一个尘埃其中的物质包含有机物岩石,跟碰撞后粉碎彗星物质极为相似。

    NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope showing a band of dust around the bright star that strongly matches the contents-such as water ice, organics, and rock-of a comet busted apart in a collision.


  • 重要是,因为制造自己的组织而花光原材料粉碎细胞内所有东西一切就停止了。

    More important, it would run out of raw material with which to print its instructions, grinding everything in the cell to an abrupt halt.


  • 通过正面相互对撞将原子粉碎物理学家意图重现爆炸宇宙形成一刹那情形。

    By smashing protons into one another in head-on collisions, physicists intend to recreate conditions that occurred a fraction of a second after the universe was created in the Big Bang.


  • 可以确定是,见证人们任何环境下所体现的尊严固有观念粉碎

    For sure, your stereotypes will crumble as you witness the dignity of all people no matter their circumstances.


  • 按照颜色分类塑料粉碎成小颗粒重新利用,就这样塑料瓶再生柔软聚酯

    Sorted by colour so the plastic could be broken down, granulated and reused, the bottles were destined for reincarnation as soft blue polyester blankets.


  • 我们都会战火中爆发出英勇壮举表示出自己的敬意但是还有一种更难能可贵的勇气就是在屡遭失望出乎意料的失败粉碎挫败依旧奋力前行。

    Courage for some sudden act, maybe in the heat of battle, we all respect, but there is that still rarer courage which can sustain repeated disappointment, unexpected failure, and shattering defeat.


  • 粉底颜料装入喷枪使用低压粉碎粉底颜料喷到皮肤表面

    The pigment is introduced into the airbrushing gun and using low pressure the gun will pulverize the makeup on the surface of the skin.


  • 具备粉碎有机生物“吞噬”功能的能量自给战术机器人(EATR)机器抓取植物微型链锯它们切碎,再通过自身携带的蒸汽燃烧引擎粉碎燃烧从而获取能量——这就是弗兰西斯·加沃斯第三代

    Crunch 'n 'munch EATR will grab plants with its robotic arm, chop them with a mini chainsaw, and burn them in its onboard steam combustion engine to make power. Francis Govers iii.


  • 污水污水处理装置处理固体残渣进入粪便消毒储存柜内积聚一定液位启动粉碎

    Influent sewage or solid residues treated by sewage treatment plant after into manure disinfection storage tank, and the tank accumulated these things to a certain level, start crushing pump.


  • 储存具有加药消毒残渣粉碎柜内冲洗处理污水残渣排舷外的功能

    This storage tank has the function of dosing disinfection, crushing residue, washing tank and discharging treated sewage residue to outboard.


  • 当天灾石离开那些曾经它们骷髅就变得脆弱。轻轻地把它们握手中就让它们变得粉碎

    The scourgestones are weak when separated from the skeletal grasp that once held them. Simply holding them in my hands has caused them to fracture and break.


  • 母亲读完失望之,竟颤抖的手指粉碎

    After the mother read the letter very disappointing, she even tear it to pieces with trembling fingers.


  • 低位凝胶被搅拌粉碎通过加热形成低位凝胶高位凝胶。

    After mixed and crushed, it can still can form the low and high gel again by heating.


  • 干品经技术方法提取一定脂肪的干燥、粉碎虫粉,可以延长保存期并提高蛋白含量质量

    Yellow powder insect stem article certain fat f aridity, smash insect powder, can prolong conservancy period and raise albumen content and quality.


  • 高位凝胶一旦粉碎不能恢复原状

    Once crushed, the high gel can not be restored to its original state.


  • 有些粉状药物明确需要加入热水溶解,通过缓解症状达到镇静作用。不要将需要颗的药物拿去粉碎服用。

    Some powdered remedies are specifically made to be added to hot drinks, soothing while they relieve symptoms Never crush medications that are meant to be swallowed whole.


  • 微细化淀粉粒度超过粉碎极限,微细化淀粉颗粒发生团聚现象,导致淀粉颗粒粒度增加

    When the micronized granularity exceeds grinding limit, the starch granularity will be reunited and finally lead to the granularity increase.


  • 另外复杂胫骨平台骨折骨折粉碎可以延伸,不利于稳定螺钉固定

    Additionally, in complex proximal tibial fractures, comminution often extends posteriorly, further complicating stable lag screw fixation.


  • 第二步,将分类原料一定设计要求进行粉碎研磨分门别类加以储存

    Secondly, Classified inorganic materials have been crushed and abraded to make a lot of powder and store them separately.


  • 母亲读完失望之,竟颤抖手指粉碎

    After reading the letter, the mother was extremely disappointed, and with trembling fingers, she tore it into pieces.


  • 主要是因为大师信息如何粉碎分离

    This is primarily because of how the grand master information was divided up after they were shattered.


  • 老人读完失望之极,竟颤抖手指粉碎

    After reading the letter the old man was so disappointed that he tore it into little bits with trembling fingers.


  • 转子运转平稳,即使锤片磨损平稳运行,粉碎温度低;

    Rotor can run stably even the hammer wears out, the temperature of grinding chamber is lower;


  • 转子运转平稳,即使锤片磨损平稳运行,粉碎温度低;

    Rotor can run stably even the hammer wears out, the temperature of grinding chamber is lower;


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