• 这辆格尔警官向车里面看了看。

    When the car was stopped, Officer Vogel looked inside.


  • IBM引进了雇佣惯例数十成为公司规范

    At IBM, Watson introduced employment practices that became the norm in big business decades later.


  • 或许就像是策划越战那样,尔福威茨想要清理斗争失败留下瓦砾建设一个正义援助帝国

    Perhaps, like the mastermind of the Vietnam war, Mr Wolfowitz would quit the rubble of a failed conflict to build a righteous empire of aid.


  • 其实,最近火灾另外也是六个次碰撞测试特车电池引发的。

    The latest fires are in addition to a battery fire in a crash-tested Volt six months ago.


  • 不管今天早上医疗检测结果如何,对于科特加入阿森纳第一次首发而言都一次不愉快结局

    Whatever the outcome of the medical assessment this morning, it was an unhappy ending to Walcott's first start of the season for Arsenal.


  • 汤姆议员又问考尔森,根据穆凯尔被捕的调查,是否想起穆凯尔什么时候开始世界新闻》服务。

    Tom Watson MP asked Coulson whether, following inquiries he made after Mulcaire's arrest, he could remember when Mulcaire first started working for the News of the World.


  • 与主管治疗师费格夫女士协商我们意识整个训练的过程中步态疗法基础治疗是当务之急

    After consulting Mrs. Freivogel, the leading physiotherapist, we realised that during the training, it is imperative that the basics of the locomotor therapy be considered.


  • 根据一家波士顿先驱报报导,如果罪名成立,斯面临35以上牢狱生活,刑满外加年的监督释放

    If convicted, Swartz faces up to 35 years in prison and three years of supervised release, according to a Boston Herald report.


  • 矿业部长劳伦塞·戈尔·卡玛沙漠金矿部分坍塌68开始矿工一一实施救援。

    Mining minister Laurence Golborne said miners would start being individually evacuated 68 days after the collapse of part of the gold and copper mine in the Atacama desert.


  • 通用公司周五通知需要配合调查。之他们也发表声明称,特车款安全的,而且正常驾驶下突然碰撞不会产生过度风险

    GM, which was informed of the investigation on Friday, said in a statement that the Volt "is safe and does not present undue risk as part of normal operation or immediately after a severe crash.


  • 参观完墓地我们驱车一些其他著名科学家的故居,例如纳。布劳恩居住过房子

    After that we drive to several Houses where we get to know the house where other famous scientists live, like the house of Wernher von Braun.


  • 登上科尔柯尔特开始痴迷轮船舵轮尤其是通过使用离合器进行交替旋转或者锁定特定位置方式

    Aboard the Corvo, Colt became fascinated with the ship's wheel, particularly the way it could alternately spin or be locked in a fixed position through the use of a clutch.


  • 花絮麦格教授邓布利任命为霍格新任校长伏地魔掌控魔法部,她的职位斯内普夺去。

    Trivia: Professor McGonagall was appointed Headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore's death, but was ousted by Snape when Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic.


  • 作为世行雇员氏入主世行,丽扎就不能继续保有原先工作

    A bank employee, she was not allowed to keep her job when he took his.


  • 上个月英国石油公司“深海地平线爆炸起火沉没,公司行政总裁托尼·海因此次泄露所承担压力越来越大。

    BP PLC Chief Executive Tony Hayward has come under mounting pressure over the spill, caused after a drilling rig BP was leasing, the Deepwater Horizon, caught fire and sank last month.


  • 上个月英国石油公司“深海地平线爆炸起火沉没,公司行政总裁托尼·海因此次泄露所承担的压力越来越大。

    BP PLC ChiefExecutive Tony Hayward has come under mounting pressure over the spill, causedafter a drilling rig BP was leasing, the Deepwater Horizon, caught fire andsank last month.


  • 首场比赛1 - 2不敌匈牙利英格兰成功反弹,凭借罗恩·弗拉·斯、查尔顿吉米-格里维斯的进球,英格兰3 - 1击败了阿根廷

    England recovered well from a 2-1 defeat against Hungary in the opening game as goals from Ron Flowers, Charlton and Jimmy Greaves sealed a 3-1 victory against Argentina.


  • 然而那些尔·吉安医生寻求帮助的人进行了研究显示尽管很多患有日益恶化的疾病癌症或是神经疾患通常不是晚期的。

    Studies of those who sought out Dr Kevorkian, however, suggest that though many had a worsening illness, cancer perhaps or a neurological disease, it was not usually terminal.


  • 位能进入教宗密男仆敲诈了一番尔辛·海姆得知了一封西班牙国王菲利普二世来信,里面详述了正在集结的西班牙无敌舰队整个作战计划。

    In blackmailing a groom to the chamber of the Pope, Walsingham gained access to a letter from King Philip II of Spain detailing the entire battle-plan of the gathering Spanish Armada.


  • 搜寻生物学神经生理学免疫学心理学的研究特里斯先生简要说明了欺骗和进化过程各种关系。

    Mining research in biology, neurophysiology, immunology and psychology, Mr Trivers delivers a swift tour of links between deception and evolutionary progress.


  • ”公司在德国统一到了尽头,由此干了荷耶血脉

    The end of the "Black Pump" followed reunification, essentially draining the veins of Hoyerswerda.


  • 这个非比寻常的盛会,叫做“格莱·尔节”,是为了庆祝雨水冲走撒哈拉炎热带来短暂而举办的。

    These unusual beauty contests, known as Gerewol, celebrate the fertility the rains bring to the parched edge of the Sahara.


  • 国家公路交通安全管理局了解到,包括突然火灾被损坏特车电池在内的,存在潜在火灾风险的产品均已被分置于威斯康辛州灵顿市一个用来检测设备零件的停车场内。

    NHTSA learned of a possible fire risk involving damaged Volt batteries when a fire erupted in a Volt that was being stored in a parking lot of a test facility in Burlington, Wis.


  • 那么先生是怎样处理考场作弊案呢?记得经过堂上考试先生发现的前、、左、右的邻座的考试成绩都不低,而且是以为核心向四周“辐射”——近的成绩越好,越远的越差。

    I remember many times after tests, Mr. Ward found that the students sitting around me had better scores than the others and the further away a student was from me, the worst his grade.


  • 上周日返家贝利母亲重聚,两已有11没有相见

    Upon his return on Sunday, Beliveau reunited with his mother, whom she had not seen throughout his 11 years on the road.


  • 上周日返家贝利母亲重聚,两已有11没有相见

    Upon his return on Sunday, Beliveau reunited with his mother, whom she had not seen throughout his 11 years on the road.


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