• 牛奶香草交替使用每次加入搅拌直到糖霜搅到喜欢的平滑浓稠。

    Keep alternating with the powdered sugar and either milk or vanilla, stirring after each addition, until the frosting is the consistency you want, and smooth.


  • 每次使用程序保存起来,如果可用启动读取

    Saved after each use of program and read in at start-up, if available.


  • 同样注意,换尿布的位置是否每次使用都有清洁并且吃东西换尿布的区域是否很好地分开

    Note, too, whether diapering areas are cleaned after each use and whether eating and diapering areas are well separated.


  • 循环迭代这个数组打印命令的无异,只不过每次打印强制使用一个xhtml断行元素

    The loop simply iterates through the array and prints each line as it would do on the command line, but enforcing an XHTML break-line element after each print.


  • 每次使用程序作出任何修改保存起来

    Saved after each use of program if any modifications are made.


  • 时间内频繁开关节能灯会降低它的使用寿命固定安装安装房间的节能灯每次至少应15分钟关闭

    Repeatedly turning CFLs on and off shortens their lifespan: Install CFLs in fixtures or rooms you keep lit for more than 15 minutes at a time.


  • 开发这种基础设施,二者发现他们自已的基础设施本身成为了一个服务可以按照每次使用卖给开发人员。

    Having developed this infrastructure, they realized that their own infrastructure became a service itself, which could be sold on a per-usage basis to developers.


  • 使用一个存根测试Web服务可能非常繁琐的,因为存根类必须每次SEI修改重建

    Using a stub class to test the web service could be very tedious because a stub class needs to be regenerated every time the SEI changes.


  • 如果使用BuddyNote插件时选中选项每次执行必须手工登录LotusSametime而且退出应用程序不会保持任何注释

    If this option is selected with BuddyNote, then you will have to log in manually to Lotus Sametime for each execution, and no notes persist after you exit the application.


  • 每次使用完毕零部件有序收拾好,放置干燥以便下次使用

    After each use, put each component and part in order and place in dry places for next use.


  • 每次使用清理电动剃须刀以保持刃口锋利

    Clean the shave after each use to keep the cutting edge sharp.


  • 任何70%酒精含量液体或含溶液都可杀死流感病毒建议每次使用中性清洁剂清洗物品表面,再使用消毒剂进一步杀毒

    The influenza virus is inactivated by 70% alcohol and by chlorine solutions. It is recommended that environmental surfaces be cleaned with a neutral detergent followed by a disinfectant solution.


  • 每天早上安抚肌肤,晚上重复使用要有最佳的效果每次使用

    Smooth over skin daily in the morning and again at night. For best results, use after your shower or bath.


  • 每次使用完毕仔细检查头盔是否损坏如果头盔磨损严重明显损坏还是可能需要立即更换

    Each time after use please carefully check that the helmet is damaged, if the helmet is worn out serious but no apparent damage, also is likely to require immediate replacement.


  • 持续每次洗发使用发膜直到脱发明显改善每周使用一次稳固效果。

    Keep using this miracle treatment with every wash until hair improves, then use once a week to maintain gorgeous conditioned hair.


  • 导轨每次安装,应4第5条的规定试运行才能投入使用

    After the installment of guiding track framework, test run it according to the regulations of article 5 of section 4, then can be put into use.


  • 每次使用结束,必须清水循环清洗清洗完毕关闭电源开关,切不可将水排净。

    Rinse the machine with clean water each time when you finish using it. Swith off the power after cleaning. Leave some water inside.


  • 每次切除我们都会使用传统肱三头肌前移术进行修复所有数据包括屈曲角度、鹰嘴切除总量、主动被动活动测量结果都会进行比较。

    A traditional triceps advancement repair was performed following each resection. Flexion Angle, amount of olecranon resection, and active and passive motion measurements were compared.


  • 使用方便无需开关,晚上受声音控制自动点亮每次点亮会自动延迟45自动关闭

    It is very easy to use, no switches, and controlled by the sound. At the same time it can be lit automatically, and shut down 45 seconds later.


  • 如果用户每次使用软件时候等到启动画面消失才能正常使用这会让启动画面相当的厌烦

    It would be frustrating to the user if he has to wait until the splash screen to disappear. We can provide the user with a choice. When he clicks on the splash screen, it will disappear.


  • 使用方法:洁面眼膜取出沿眼睑紧贴肌肤,15 - 20分钟取下,每次使用间隔时间保持在2 -3天内

    Usage: After facial cleaning, take out the eye mask, apply it onto eyelid for 15-20 minutes. Use it once every 2-3 days.


  • 把洗衣球拿出来晾干使用每次洗完衣服建议两三更换一次

    Should be the ball out to dry laundry re-use, each time after washing clothes. The proposed change once every two or three years.


  • 使用用法:取本品适量涂匀面部每次洗脸使用

    Method of application: Apply a proper quantity to face after cleansing.


  • 每次需要使用缓冲区时,集区取用一个使用完毕再交还集区。

    Every time you need to use a buffer, you take one from the pool, use it, and return it to the pool when done.


  • 使用四个低压球囊扩张再灌注立即进行处理,每次再灌注30接着闭塞30秒。

    Postconditioning was deployed immediately after generation of reperfusion with four low-pressure balloon inflations, with each occlusion lasting 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of reperfusion.


  • 使用方法:每日2次,每次用量瓶盖彻底漱口30吐出。不可吞服建议6以下儿童使用,请存放儿童不易触及处

    Directions:Fill one cap (20ml), rinse mouth thoroughly for 30 seconds, gargle & expel. Do not swallow. Not recommended for children under 6. Keep away from reach of children.


  • 使用方法:每日2次,每次用量瓶盖彻底漱口30吐出。不可吞服建议6以下儿童使用,请存放儿童不易触及处

    Directions:Fill one cap (20ml), rinse mouth thoroughly for 30 seconds, gargle & expel. Do not swallow. Not recommended for children under 6. Keep away from reach of children.


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