• 后德夫为维护奴隶制写了一份有力辩护,这份辩护成为支持所有亲奴主义作家开创性著作。

    Dew wrote a forceful defense of slavery in the wake of this, which became kind of a seminal text for all future pro-slavery writers.


  • 米勒最新小说《呼吸钟摆》(atemschaukel)于今年出版描写了二战罗马尼亚苏联的流放遭遇。

    Her latest novel 'Atemschaukel,' published this year, depicts the exile of German Romanians in the Soviet Union.


  • 罗伯特•尼罗扮演一个失去工作精神错乱执迷波士顿袜子队球迷

    Robert De Niro plays an obsessed Boston Red Sox fan who becomes unhinged after he loses his job.


  • 联邦调查局发布全面通缉令8小时,海尔就被缉拿归案。

    His capture comes just eight hours after the FBI issued an all-points bulletin for Helder.


  • 上完学,戈尔施密特成了作曲家兹·施雷克弟子。

    After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.


  • 布赖恩发动引擎慢慢驶离,上了奥克大道就开始加速

    Brian started the engine and pulled away slowly, but picked up speed once he entered Oakwood Drive.


  • 一周萨拉参加了学校的开放日。

    A week later, Sara and I attended an open day at Ted's school.


  • 放学尼克,然干洗店食品店

    After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the dry cleaner and the food stores.


  • 调查一致显示,男性天黑街上感到安全。可参见法洛的著作(1978年,127)。

    Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark. See, for example, Hindelang and Garofalo (1978, p.127).


  • 选举结束克劳认为巴黎报社可能会改变她的任务

    When the election is over, Claudette thinks that her newspaper in Paris may change her assignment.


  • 天气转晴,纳发现自己来到了一个陆地海岸

    When the weather cleared, Naddod found himself on the coast of a new land.


  • 2006年大选肖恩•特伦制作了一张图表,将现任总统的竞选开支优势他们最终获胜优势进行比较。

    After the 2006 election, Sean Trende constructed a graph comparing the incumbent campaign spending advantages with their eventual margins of victory.


  • 我们确实知道戈纳尔-发现几十年里这个地方已经严重恶化

    One thing we do know is that in the decades since Gonur-depe was discovered, the site has deteriorated significantly.


  • 几天前,TMZ名记者向美国国家橄榄球联盟委员罗杰·古尔发出质问:“我们发布视频就把·赖斯停职。”

    "You suspended Ray Rice after our video," a reporter from TMZ challenged National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell the other day.


  • 温斯顿·丘吉尔走过这里走廊珍珠港轰炸日本特使这里国务卿尔·赫尔会面。

    Winston Churchill once walked its corridors and Japanese emissaries met here with Secretary of State Cordell Hull after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.


  • 完孩子,直升机离开,里先生回家了。

    After he'd finished helping the baby and the helicopter had gone, Mr. Reeder went home.


  • ,去昌宫,一个了解韩国历史的好地方。

    After lunch, go to Changdeokgung Palace, a great place to learn about the history of Korea.


  • 》中,埃蒙·斯潘塞没有让盖恩爵士带着朝圣者穿越贪婪之神洞穴

    Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene does not bring Sir Guyon with his palmer through the cave of Mammon.


  • 发现当地学校没有准备好教泰这种学习速度的孩子,她开始在家里教他。

    She started teaching him at home after finding that local schools were not prepared for children who learned at Ted's speed.


  • 研究的作者奥黛丽·范梅尔说:“当你手写购物清单或便条时,一段时间你的记忆力会更好。”

    "When you write your shopping list or notes by hand, you simply remember things better after some time," said Audrey van der Meer, author of the study.


  • 不过自从解雇一系列兼职、低临时工作包括-泰勒公司Lord& Taylor)以及一家汽车公司销售客服

    Since being laid off, though, he has worked a series of part-time, low-wage, temporary positions, including selling shoes at Lord & Taylor and making sales calls for a car company.


  • 的研究表明,虽然没有什么能真正改变我们的 DNA,但孩子在出生前和出生第一年所经历的环境差异有时能够影响 DNA 的表现方式,甚至使同卵双胞胎变成两个很不同的人。

    Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA, environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves, making even identical twins into very different people.


  • 理查·杜尔特在接连失败辞职

    Richard Dourthe resigned at Bayonne after a run of defeats.


  • ·埃瓦茨实验室成为了博士

    I did my post-doc at the N.I.H., in the laboratory of Ed Evarts.


  • 终于和伦纳实验室出来接着得设法哄那里去睡觉

    After she finally got Leonard to leave the lab, Madeleine then had to cajole him into sleeping at her place.


  • 罗马上周欧洲联赛科西塞3 - 3战平丹尼尔·罗西评论如果他们对阵意大利球队时表现仍然这样糟糕的话将净吞弹。

    After Roma's 3-3 draw with Kosice in the Europa League last week, Daniele De Rossi commented that they would ship five goals if they played that badly against an Italian team.


  • 品特去世,詹一些朋友表演这些其中包括认为篇颂歌可以感召更多观众的马尔科维奇。

    After Pinter died, Mr Sands performed the poems for some friends, including Mr Malkovich, who thought the tribute could be adapted for a larger audience.


  • 法官作出裁决米利否认美国作出直接威胁

    After the judges ruled, Mr Miliband denied that America had issued a direct threat.


  • 发现东南融通存在会计不正当行为今年早些时候辞去公司审计人职务。

    Deloitte resigned as Longtop's auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company.


  • 发现东南融通存在会计不正当行为今年早些时候辞去公司审计人职务。

    Deloitte resigned as Longtop's auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company.


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