• 音乐会结束乐迷一下舞台

    Fans rushed the stage after the concert.


  • 约翰长大其他孩都感到抱歉

    When John was growing up, other kids felt sorry for him.


  • 1940年出版的《失业男人家庭》一书中提到的一家里,丈夫失去工作的第一反应是“不知疲倦工作”。

    In a 1940 book, "The Unemployed Man and His Family", described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job "with tireless search for work".


  • 任何一事都可能接下来5分钟内发生可能10才发生,甚至一辈也不会发生。

    Any of these things could happen in the next 5 minutes, but they could also happen in 10 years, or even after your lifetime.


  • 而自从原材料这些国家商品比重中国印度投资者购买金块来预防这种现象能够理解了。

    Since raw materials have greater weight in the inflation baskets of such countries, it makes sense for investors in China and India to buy gold as a hedge against this phenomenon.


  • 几个小时很高人和一个小孩赶到杰克逊他们是赶长的才到的,他们德克·萨斯来。

    A few hours after his death, a tall man and a small child arrived at the Jackson home. They had traveled a long way — all the way from Texas.


  • 事实上篇文章吃完了草霉

    In fact, I just finished a box of strawberries from typing this post.


  • 回想一下指定初始上下文,稍初始上下文节点节点进行所有搜索操作

    Recall that once the initial context has been specified, all later search operations take place within the child nodes of that initial context node.


  • 看着前面的人在开门买到开开心心的离开了,王老心急如焚

    Seeing how those standing in the front happily bought meat after the shop opened in the morning, Wang waited anxiously.


  • 例程就绪程序逻辑允许用户创建音调序列守护进程模式运行侦听音调命令执行命令。

    With the subroutines in place, the main program logic will allow the user to create a tone sequence, or will run in daemon mode to listen for tones and execute commands.


  • 指定初始上下文节点节点执行所有的搜索操作(例如查找特定用户)。

    Once you specify the initial context, all later search operations (such as locating a particular user) take place within the child nodes of that node.


  • 三个小时我们到达栏,酒店。

    After three hours we stopped at Benzilan, the first of the new Songtsam lodges.


  • 这些问题发布工作节点,由处理结果返回给主节点

    These subproblems are then distributed to worker nodes, which solve the problem and return the results to the master node.


  • 完成基本变量声明例程程序继续进行程序循环如下所示。

    With the base variable declarations and subroutine complete, the program moves on to the main program loop, shown below.


  • 圈选循环括号计时代码成为例程。

    After we wrap up our looping brackets and timing code, it's on to the subroutines.


  • 完成评估,就可以支付索赔过程来支付或者拒绝索赔。

    With the assessment complete the claim can now be settled or rejected by the settle claim subprocess.


  • 为了防止新鲜冰箱里冻完变成糊状,应该把它们彻底净,放在板上

    To prevent fresh berries from turning to mush in the freezer, wash the fruit thoroughly, pat it dry, and place on a cookie sheet.


  • 对于较大树型数据可能只想加载可见节点必要数据,用户展开一个节点再记载该节点的节点。

    For large tree data sets you probably want to only load the necessary data for the visible nodes of the tree. When a user expands a node, it starts to load the children of that node.


  • 自动化评估活动建模过程下一步就是更新索赔过程启动自动过程。

    With the automated assessment activities modeled as a subprocess, the next step was to update the main claims process to initiate the new automated sub process.


  • 同样大学生毕业不会一辈着第一份工作的薪水

    Likewise, a graduate will not be earning a first-job salary forever.


  • 读完篇论文蔡伟致信教授""为""。

    After reading this article, Cai Wei wrote to Professor Qiu, saying that "zuozi" should read; "cuozi".


  • 经过多次谈判欧盟主导爱尔兰一揽援救方案没有造成债权人损失

    After a lot of talk, Ireland's bail-out package, led by the European Union, did not impose losses on creditors.


  • 基于一个动态计算节点性能概要,任务分成送到每一个节点

    Based on the nodes' performance profile - computed dynamically - the bundle is then partitioned into several sub-bundles that are sent to each node.


  • 食物温度计放在一杯水中摆在一架中层——温度准确处过夜第二天早上读取度数。

    Put a food thermometer in a glass of water on the middle shelf, where the air temperature is most accurate. Leave it there overnight and take a reading in the morning.


  • 换而言之,根据给定元素查找其父元素元素、一个一个兄弟元素。

    In other words, say you have a given element and you want to find its parent element, one of its child elements, or its previous or next sibling element.


  • 对于一种情况DWR一揽解决方案

    For the latter cases, DWR is a turnkey solution.


  • 断接名称的名称加上空格数字

    The name of a breakout subgroup is the name of the main group, followed by a space and a number.


  • 评审接受项目工作区中的内容,可以将它们部分或者全体合并MasterProjectWorkspace版本1中。

    As you review and accept the content of the project child Workspaces, merge them, in part or in total, into the Master project Workspace version 1.


  • 评审接受项目工作区中的内容,可以将它们部分或者全体合并MasterProjectWorkspace版本1中。

    As you review and accept the content of the project child Workspaces, merge them, in part or in total, into the Master project Workspace version 1.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定