• 渡过汹涌澎湃的大海回到陆地使人长舒一

    It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing.


  • 西尔斯在访问了许多中国城市,对中国和中国古代文化有了更多的了解。他说,上个世纪他来中国时,很少有中国人能说一流利的英语。

    After visiting many Chinese cities, Sears learned more about China and ancient Chinese culture. He said when he came to China in the last century, few Chinese could speak good English.


  • 进行必要精确计算发现它们都是符合实验结果的,听到也是舒了

    He made the necessary calculations to all orders of accuracy and found that they did fit, and I was very relieved to hear about it.


  • 找到一个舒服的正卧侧卧姿势,医务人员轻轻放入内视。内视镜通过食管,到达十二指肠

    You will be laid on your side or back in a comfortable position as the endoscope is gently passed through your mouth and into your esophagus, stomach and duodenum.


  • 张嘴说话但是发出来的只有呱呱的声音,一点重新开始自我介绍。

    He opened his mouth to speak, but he only croaked. He swallowed the little saliva in his mouth and started again.


  • 1920年普查国会未能众议院席位进行重新分配,历史上也是唯一

    AFTER the 1920 population census Congress failed for the only time in its history to reapportion the seats of the House of Representatives.


  • 我们希望提供一个容纳4 - 5居住场所新的衣服充足食物健康保健教育同时还有退休积蓄

    We expect to be able to provide a family of 4-5 with adequate shelter, new clothing, plenty of food, health care and education, while also saving for our retirement.


  • 如果觉得酒味过于涩,需要“呼吸”一下,那么可以换瓶。假如一开始醒酒,结果发现葡萄酒一些果味流失空气之中,没有悔药可吃了。

    If we taste a wine and it's so tight that it needs decanting, we can decant; if we decant first and then find that the wine lost some fruit to the air, there's no going back.


  • 30分钟他们观察玻璃出现裂缝,为防止巨大水压碾碎,行动终止并返航。

    They spent 30 minutes on the bottom of the world before surfacing with their glass viewing ports cracked by the pressure.


  • 正因为如此,一个身穿羽绒服雪地大个子手上端着一杯外卖咖啡走进来身边的空座位上感到气。

    She was relieved, therefore, when a big guy in a down jacket and snowmobile boots showed up and took the empty seat next to her. He had a cup of takeout coffee.


  • 松脆可可粉焙烤恰好充满每个模子底部,给都带来惊喜

    Crunchy: cocoa nibs baked right into the bottom of each ramekin for a little surprise in each bite.


  • 救援行动击倒我们之前苹果,”一个银行家

    "This is the last bite of the apple before bail-out fatigue overwhelms us," says one banker.


  • 确实将军北约盟友们因为数月的迷茫再次找到方向而长出

    True, his generals and NATO Allies will be relieved to know where they stand after months of uncertainty.


  • 回到家,不再那个能翻山越岭扛着沉重化石气行走数英里健康小伙儿了。

    After five years he was home. He was never again the healthy young man who climbed mountains and carried heavy bags of fossils for miles.


  • 大堆布满灰尘报纸下面重新发现张照片又重见天日了,它仍旧完好无损,这真让人舒了一气!

    Rediscovered from the bottom of that dirt-laden heap, it was able to see the light, still in good state. It was such a relief!


  • 图坦卡蒙正式不到,卡那封勋爵就被蚊子叮

    Less than two weeks after the tomb's official opening, Lord Carnarvon was bitten on the cheek by a mosquito.


  • 幕僚同行记者们注意到飞机上不时地裤袋拿出一个瓶子啜上一每个歇脚地找寻当地的酒吧

    His staff and the accompanying journalists noticed him taking constant drags from a hip flask on the flights and then searching out bars at each stop.


  • 一种雅库式的寿司,味道鲜美可以做成好的拼盘,在喝下伏特加是很好的小食

    The latter is exquisitely tasty and makes for a good zakuska – a snack to nibble on after downing a shot of vodka.


  • 这次达修士却没有像往常那样大笑只深深地了一气,索要画:“完分,我不能留下这幅画,以可以其他美术课的同学看看:有人是怎样美术课不及格的……”

    This time, Brother didn't laugh much, he sighed a bit and asked me to give him the picture, "Kuan, after I grade this, can I keep it to show the other classes how to fail art class?


  • 主人家中逃离,库乔不知何故气跑到了120英里哥伦比亚,并且住进了当地一位老妇人的家里

    After slipping away from home, Cujo somehow ended up 120 miles in Columbia in the home of an elderly woman.


  • 分钟卡车司机发现老太太都没吃,就忍不住对老头子说:“我真的心甘情愿给你老婆子一份的,就让吧。”

    A few minutes later, the trucker notices that the wife hasn't taken a bite. "I really wouldn't mind buying your wife her own meal, " he insists.


  • 这个硬面包外壳的表面涂上状的酱油乳酪,然放进微波炉里,使它烘烤更加

    The flatbread crust is topped with creamy garlic sauce, chicken, and cheese. And it crisps up perfectly in the microwave.


  • 了一高兴几乎用最大音量尖叫起来。

    He was so happy that he squealed, 'Bah!' at the top of his lungs when I took a bite.


  • 悠闲晚餐一样,坐好地慢慢品尝,在大脑中慢慢这些段落反复思考。

    Like aleisurely meal, sit back and taste each biteturn over the delicious phrasesin your mind.


  • 抓拍进球瞬间图片气,因为在下一刻,防守球员完全挡住了。

    I was mightily relieved to get this picture of him scoring that goal as the next frame he was completely blocked by the defender.


  • Pisamai Poonsuk坐在草席上回想起炮弹落下不久大家庭如何乘坐敞篷货车逃离他们位于柬泰边境村庄

    SITTING on her straw mat, Pisamai Poonsuk recalls how her family of ten fled their border village in a pickup truck soon after the shells began falling.


  • 报告是研究八个国家的30万饮食健康水平得出的结果。

    The findings come from an ongoing European investigation into diet and health, looking at 300,000 people in eight countries


  • 报告是研究八个国家的30万饮食健康水平得出的结果。

    The findings come from an ongoing European investigation into diet and health, looking at 300,000 people in eight countries


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