• 杂货店16岁的少年请求一位陌生人母亲一些食物作为交换,他帮陌生人把买的东西他的车上

    A 16-year-old asked a stranger at a grocery store to buy him and his mother some food in exchange for carrying the man's groceries to his car.


  • 这些法律使减少浪费成为标准。”玛丽·穆拉德,她是巴黎的一学生,写关于法国食物浪费的报告

    "These laws make it a standard to reduce waste," says Marie Mourad, a student in Paris who has written several reports on French food waste.


  • 研究调查2.8万挪威母亲发现那些焦虑抑郁愤怒母亲更有可能孩子吃不健康食物

    That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious, depressed and angry were more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets.


  • 11学生去了很多餐馆,告诉人们节约食物的重要性。

    The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food.


  • 早晨教堂举行完婚礼仪式大约600宾客邀请前去参加设在白金汉招待会。招待会上食物饮品一定很棒的

    After the morning ceremony at the Abbey, some 600 guests are invited to a reception at Buckingham Palace, where the food and drinks are sure to be amazing.


  • 数百妇女儿童聚集狭窄巷道中,而且有目击者位妇女摔倒在地,而其他人试图进入大楼希望率先领取食物

    Hundreds of women and children had gathered in the narrow lanes, and witnesses said the women tumbled over one another trying to enter a building in an attempt to collect the food first.


  • 研究员研究了关于几乎9 300男人女人的1980年完成生活方式调查数据包括他们有多频繁地各种各样食物问题

    The researchers studied data on nearly 9,300 men and women who in 1980 completed lifestyle surveys, which included questions on how frequently they ate various foods.


  • 设在英国救助儿童星期天警告说,灾区有成千上万儿童几个星期内将面临饥饿问题除非紧急食物援助尽快抵达这些灾区。

    The U.K.-based Save the children Fund warned Sunday thousands of young children in cyclone-hit areas face starvation within weeks unless emergency food supplies reach the areas soon.


  • 唐奎26岁的绵阳市韩旺救援中心服务士兵他们地震后便开始在稳定有序地分发食物饼干了

    Tang Kui, 26, a soldier serving the relief center at Hanwang town of Mianyang city, said they have been sending out a steady stream of food, water and biscuits to victims since the quake.


  • 来自孟加拉国的阿。图尼彦解释说,炮击以及缺少食物使得和数百孟加拉人的生活条件极其恶劣

    Mohamed Abu Tunyan, a worker from Bangladesh, explains that the shelling and the lack of food and water made living conditions dire for himself and hundreds of other Bangladeshis.


  • 发言人称,车上48乘客均供食物暖气,同时已周日巴士送至各自的目的地。

    The 48 passengers had food and heat, a spokeswoman said, and were taken by bus Sunday to their destinations.


  • 练习成为食物挑剔者的这些年来从来没有发现任何人间昂贵食品商场里面使用一张优惠券

    In all my years as a practicing food snob, I've never seen anybody whip out a coupon at a pricey food emporium.


  • 日本媒体周五报道,日本男子厨房中的食物不断消失感到非常奇怪,于是在设置隐蔽摄像机竟然发现他衣橱中住着一个陌生女子

    A Japanese man who was mystified when food kept disappearing from his kitchen, set up a hidden camera and found an unknown woman living secretly in his closet, Japanese media said Friday.


  • 探险者通常都要携带近20装备其中包括绳索、防水食物以及一些应急药品

    A canyoneer typically hauls as much as 20 pounds of gear, including rope, wet suit, food, and first aid supplies.


  • 丽·布洛克纽约营养健康顾问这项研究无关。他说,应该做的食用各种食物

    Carrie Bloxson, a New York City-based nutritional health counselor who is unaffiliated with the study, says that eating whole foods is the way to go.


  • 他说:“他们把难民中,而难民海上只有不堪使用引擎,不充足食物。”这样的难民至少有一千

    They towed them back out to sea with disabled engines, inadequate food and water, at least a thousand of them.


  • 受灾最重的来宾市,有约700师生水围困在忻城县北更初中校园里食物饮水储备只能供应2

    In Laibin, the worst-hit area, about 700 students and teachers in Xincheng County Beigeng Junior High School have been trapped by floods, with food and water enough for only 2 days.


  • 不可亵渎神因为耶和华,就是神食物他们献的,所以他们成为圣。

    They must be holy to their God and must not profane the name of their God. Because they present the offerings made to the Lord by fire, the food of their God, they are to be holy.


  • 你们亵渎耶和华桌子污秽的,上的食物可藐视的

    But you profane it by saying of the Lord's table, 'it is defiled,' and of its food, 'it is contemptible.'


  • 食物频道委托开展调查涵盖了2000英国男性女性。调查发现,如果从零开始,英国女性普遍只能做出道菜

    The poll of 2, 000 men and women commissioned by the Good Food channel found that the typical female can cook only seven dishes from scratch.


  • 食物频道委托开展的这调查涵盖了2000英国男性女性。 调查发现,如果从零开始,英国女性普遍只能做出道菜

    The poll of 2,000 men and women commissioned by the Good Food channel found that the typical female can cook only seven dishes from scratch .


  • 第5 -“TakeAway”: “take away”就是把食物纸袋里拿走,袋子还印小丑图案(注:暗指麦当劳)。

    Take Away You take away food in a paper bag with a clown on it.


  • 我们请娜迪9伙伴坐车厢,启程寻找食物

    We told Nadia and her companions-there were nine of them-to hop into the back of the truck, and we set off to look for food.


  • 自从10以前监狱被释放数百援助者同情者关注并激励倪女士和她丈夫董继勤提供他们金钱食物衣服

    Since her release from prison 10 weeks ago, hundreds of supporters and sympathizers have rallied round Ms. Ni and her husband Dong Jiqin, offering them money, food, and clothes.


  • 自从10以前监狱被释放数百援助者同情者关注并激励倪女士和她丈夫董继勤提供他们金钱食物和衣服。

    Since her release from prison 10 weeks ago, hundreds of supporters and sympathizers have rallied round Ms.Ni and her husband Dong Jiqin, offering them money, food, and clothes.


  • 自从10以前监狱被释放数百援助者同情者关注并激励倪女士和她丈夫董继勤提供他们金钱食物和衣服。

    Since her release from prison 10 weeks ago, hundreds of supporters and sympathizers have rallied round Ms.Ni and her husband Dong Jiqin, offering them money, food, and clothes.


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