• 利证券公司该项研究调查了200040至79岁的成人,研究表明由于寿命延长在增加储蓄留存养老储备金。

    Because of longer life spans, Americans are also boosting their savings to preserve their nest eggs, the TD Ameritrade study showed, which surveyed 2,000 adults between 40 to 79.


  • 为一画家,她痴迷于紫禁城的建筑之,同时也对更多地了解中国哲学感兴趣。

    Fascinated by the structural beauty of the Forbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested to learn more about Chinese philosophy.


  • 列车14乘客以及工程师休息室乘务员杀。

    Fourteen passengers on the Amtrak train were killed, as well as the Amtrak engineer and lounge car attendant.


  • 这份依据攻击次数排列出降序单中,享有丰富“黑客文化”的乌克兰俄罗斯位列三,可以说“实质归”,而力压中国欧洲各国位居第四的巴西则确实是个意外(尽管与前乌,俄,还有一定差距)。

    In descending order (by number of attacks), the top countries were Ukraine, Russia and Americaand with a gap, Brazil.


  • 野生生物摄影师付钱给飞行员到阿拉斯加荒野地带拍摄那里大自然

    A wildlife photographer who paid a pilot to drop him off in the Alaskan wilderness to photograph the nature's beauty.


  • 那些,你泡泡糖机器中五彩缤纷小球中找到,你能从女孩光彩夺目的服装找到,你能在一只搭配商店橱窗架上的红色高跟鞋那儿找到。

    The multicoloured balls in bubble-gum machines could be picked up in a girl’s dress, or the red of a stiletto shoe matched with the frame of a shop window.


  • 航空发言人指出,现在这个系统为公司降低成本为时过早

    It is too early to tell how the new system will work out from a cost perspective, an airline spokesperson says.


  • 世咨询公司报告纽约洛杉矶跻身50仅有城市不过由于贬值个城市今年的有所下滑

    New York and Los Angeles were the only two North American cities to rank among the highest 50, though both fell in the rankings due to a depreciating U.S. dollar, Mercer reported.


  • 泰宣布召回不久,这家工厂老板自杀身亡,数百工人失业,厂区内的职工宿舍如今人去楼空

    The factory's owner killed himself after the recall, and the company laid off hundreds of workers. Their concrete dormitory on the factory grounds now stands empty.


  • 警察的线人交代,调查者已经抓获这次汽车爆炸案嫌疑人

    US investigators have arrested a suspect in an attempted car bomb attack in New York City, police sources say.


  • 泰宣布召回不久,这家工厂老板自杀身亡数百工人失业厂区内的职工宿舍如今人去楼空

    The factory's owner killed himself after the recall, and the company laid off hundreds of workers.Their concrete dormitory on the factory grounds now stands empty.


  • 2010年10月26日作为即将上行尸走肉”的宣传活动,一演员化身僵尸贝尔格莱德市中心街道

    A man looks at an actor dressed as a zombie on a street in downtown Belgrade October 26, 2010, as part of a promotional campaign for an upcoming U.S. TV series called "The Walking Dead".


  • 上周媒体报道,鸿精密工业股份有限公司的一家分公司——佛山市电子公司的实习生自杀身亡。富士康同属鸿海公司旗下。

    Last week, a student intern reportedly committed suicide at Chimei Innolux company in Foshan, a branch company of Hon Hai Precision Industry, which also owns Foxconn.


  • 女孩通常变得更具曲线

    Girls' bodies usually become curvier.


  • 查诺斯接受这次访问一周,就有另卖空发布了一份报告,指责一家上市中国木材公司(嘉汉林业——译注)财务造假,受影响,该公司股价暴跌90%。

    Just a week after his interview, a short seller's report on a U.S.-listed Chinese timber company sent its stock tumbling 90%.


  • 次,女儿数学竞赛中落后于一个韩国小孩获得第二这个女孩晚上2000道数学题直到重新领先。

    Once, one of her daughters came in second to a Korean kid in a math competition, so Chua made the girl do 2, 000 math problems a night until she regained her supremacy.


  • 他正无偿代表二百左右亚混血儿以及他们分布在菲律宾家庭成员马尼拉大使馆就他们的未来进行谈判

    He was representing, pro bono, 200 or so Amerasians and their family members scattered through the Philippines, negotiating their futures with the U.S. Embassy in Manila.


  • 2010年8月16日墨边境华瑞兹城。是躺墨西哥家庭综合开发机构男弃婴,他没有可能家庭暴力或滥用毒品受害者

    A baby boy without a name, either abandoned or rescued from domestic or drug violence, rests in a crib at the Ciudad Juarez branch of Mexico's DIF family development agency August 16, 2010.


  • 塔克·埃尔帕索市,男子走过边境线附近咖啡馆

    A man walks past cafe near the border separating the United States and Mexico in El Paso, Texas.


  • 不过李明博呼吁释放总部设在加利福尼亚CurrentTV记者凌志李云娜以及韩国工人关押原因不明

    However, Lee called for the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee of California-based Current TV, as well as a South Korean worker he said was being held for unknown reasons.


  • 菲律宾难民营亚混血儿自杀后,收养四岁儿子帮助成为澳大利亚公民

    When one of the Amerasians in a Philippine refugee camp committed suicide, Trinh adopted the man's 4-year-old son and helped him become an Australian citizen.


  • 交易跃上榜首拥有18000经纪人1.6万亿元的客户资产

    The Smith Barney deal catapulted it to the top spot, with 18, 000 brokers and $1.6 trillion in client assets.


  • 1991年,逮捕了试图边界进入国的阿尔及利亚庇护寻求者,带有炸药,目的炸毁洛杉矶国际机场

    In 1999, the Americans nabbed an Algerian asylum-seeker as he tried to cross the border from Canada with explosives intended to blow up Los Angeles International Airport.


  • 然而1991至1992年间,通过对全国范围内的170越南混血儿的调查,波马克发现约有14%的人自杀倾向;76%的人希望(至少是偶尔想过)越南

    But in a 1991-92 survey of 170 Vietnamese Amerasians nationwide, Bemak found that some 14 percent had attempted suicide; 76 percent wanted, at least occasionally, to return to Vietnam.


  • 根据不同推测2009年(蒂拓退出市场时)止,500至2000服用该药已经死亡

    By that time, according to different estimates, between 500 and 2, 000 people who had been taking the drug had died.


  • 年轻人因为谋杀判刑8

    Four young men had been sentenced for eighteen years for Amy's murder.


  • 鸿精密周三举行新闻发布会,此前一天,鸿海的附属公司电子(Chimei In noluxCorp .)华南工厂员工坠楼身亡。

    Hon Hai held a news conference Wednesday, a day after a worker fell to his death at a southern China factory of its affiliated company, Chimei Innolux Corp.


  • 鸿精密周三举行新闻发布会,此前一天,鸿海的附属公司电子(Chimei In noluxCorp .)华南工厂员工坠楼身亡。

    Hon Hai held a news conference Wednesday, a day after a worker fell to his death at a southern China factory of its affiliated company, Chimei Innolux Corp.


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