• 组织目前有18000会员收到内部通讯季刊

    The organization now has around 18,000 members who receive a quarterly newsletter.


  • 警方收到平民举报之后,这男子在家被捕了

    The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public.


  • 周后老人收到一封信儿子另一士兵医院死亡

    After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital.


  • 叫杰西的年轻女子收到了一只鹦鹉作为礼物。

    A young woman named Jessie got a parrot as a gift.


  • 经常收到其它女孩的电子邮件,她们告诉成为艺伎

    I often get emails from girls telling me they want to become a geisha.


  • 媒体指出其邻居密西西比州14,623符合资格申请者中大约89%人所要求的住房援助已经到位了。 78%的收到他们支票

    Critics point out that in neighbouring Mississippi, 89% of the 14,623 applicants deemed to qualify for homeowner aid have reached “closing”, and 78% have received their cheques.


  • 问题1收到关于复制一个错误

    Problem 1: You receive an error about the replicated table name.


  • TM1期望收到证书主题配置的端点的服务器匹配。

    TM1 expects the subject of the certificate received to match the server name of the configured endpoint.


  • 这项针对1500消费者研究发现超过80%的因为收到一家旅游公司电子邮件而购买机票

    The study of 1, 500 consumers found that a massive 80% had purchased an air ticket as a result of receiving an email from a travel company.


  • 乡村音乐周刊》(Country Weekly)时常收到德克萨斯州囚徒的歌,有志于成为乡村歌手。

    Country Weekly regularly receives songs from a prisoner in Texas who has ambitions of being a country star.


  • 现在,乌拉圭几乎所有38万小学生都已经收到台功能简易廉价XO小笔电,这是美国麻州民间公益社团「每位学童台笔电」(OneLaptopPer Child)推展的关怀模式

    Nearly all of Uruguay’s 380,000 primary-school pupils have now received a simple and cheap XO laptop, a model developed by One Laptop Per Child, an NGO based in Massachusetts.


  • 曾身为KGB分析人士的Panarin如今成了学者,差不多每天收到份采访邀请

    Panarin, formerly a KGB analyst and now an academic, gets about two interview requests a day.


  • 后来收到泰德Boda条回复评论他是Duarte设计公司的设计师,曾经这个项目戈尔共事过。

    Then I received this comment from Ted Boda, a Duarte designer who worked with Al Gore on the project


  • 小型市场研究公司WorldwidePanelLLC准备招聘4销售IT技术人员,结果收到了大量简历

    Worldwide Panel LLC, a small market-research firm, is getting flooded with resumes for four vacancies in sales and information technology.


  • 在随后6个月里,2915受调查者一直可以收到鼓励型戒烟短信,而其余收到感谢参与短信

    Supportive texts were sent to 2,915 of the smokers for six months. The rest received only messages thanking them for taking part.


  • 26日上午员工收到第3来自董事会邮件,直指CEO赵鹏等4高管3大罪状:妨碍公司上市计划;

    Monday morning, the staff got a 3rd email from the board of directors.


  • 此前死亡案例发生德国还有329个已经确认收到感染病例现在美国也出现黄瓜受害者

    All the deaths have occurred in Germany, where there are 329 confirmed infections, but cases have now spread to the US -where three victims have been identified.


  • 公司将39律师13律师助手往全州各地参与法庭辩论,现在和其他十几家公司一样没有收到劳务费

    The firm, which sent 39 lawyers and 13 paralegals into court battles all over the state, is one of a dozen that have so far been stiffed.


  • 现在没有工作,正在学习成为出租车司机银行收到帐单转给他父亲袁益仲还款

    Unemployed and studying to be a taxi driver, Yuan now has debt collectors from banks turning to his father, Yuan Yizhong, for bill payment.


  • 据英国广播公司报道好莱坞影星约翰尼·德普日前突然造访了英国小学,只因他收到该校小学生

    Hollywood star Johnny Depp made an unannounced visit to a London primary school after receiving a letter from one of its pupils, BBC reported.


  • 很快,朱莉收到了一张神秘纸条,纸条上指示巴黎威尼斯的火车,在火车上选择普通游客,伺机使监视者相信这个就是皮尔斯

    Jolie receives a secret note. She's to take a train from Paris to Venice, pick an average tourist and fool her pursuers into thinking that this stranger is Pearce.


  • 谁知,代码附近罕茨维尔镇一爱慕虚荣摩托车车主车牌凑巧相符,而那个倒霉的车主去年一年里收到几百错误罚款通知

    Unfortunately the default code matches the vanity plate of a motorist from the nearby town of Huntsville, who has received hundreds of incorrect payment notices over the past year.


  • 随后警务人员裁定违反法律收到警告处分

    Later, two officers were found guilty of breach of conduct and received warnings from a disciplinary agency.


  • 认为肯定有一申请顾问告诉其客户答案应该是“30年后自己”,因为办公室收到的申请里充斥这样答案

    She believes an admissions consultant told clients to say 'yourself, 30 years in the future, ' a response that quickly cluttered her office.


  • 感到在这里生活变得很艰难祈祷不要收到任何来信,”男子

    “There is a feeling that it’s getting hard to be here. I’m praying I don’t receive any text messages, ” says one man.


  • 这项上周二公布调查显示,在全国4721调查的手机用户中,有35%的人每周收到510条垃圾短信,15%的人每周收到10至20条

    The survey, released on Tuesday, shows that 35 per cent of all 4, 721 users questioned across the country receive five to 10 spam messages a week, while 15 per cent get 10 to 20.


  • 这项上周二公布调查显示,在全国4721调查的手机用户中,有35%的人每周收到510条垃圾短信,15%的人每周收到10至20条

    The survey, released on Tuesday, shows that 35 per cent of all 4, 721 users questioned across the country receive five to 10 spam messages a week, while 15 per cent get 10 to 20.


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