• 人们发现他现在是一动物医生时,他们就把生病的宠物带到他那里。

    When people found out he was now an animal doctor, they brought their sick pets to him.


  • 作为瑞士唯一动物权利公立辩护律师,哥切尔素食者,没有宠物因为反对动物实验,所以尽量避免吃药

    The country's only public defender of animals, Mr. Goetschel is a vegetarian who has no pets and avoids taking medication because of his opposition to research on lab animals.


  • 切尔瑞士苏黎世以为动物辩护职业的律师,他是代表宠物饲养动物野生动物利益公立律师。

    Mr. Goetschel is the official animal lawyer for the Swiss canton of Zurich, a sort of public defender who represents the interests of pets, farm animals and wildlife.


  • Preston先生承认部门只有12检查员每年需要检查超过2,800处场所包括场、野狗栏宠物

    Ms Preston admits that there are only 12 inspectors and that, between them, they have to check on more than 2,800 facilities each year—including breeding sheds, dog pounds and pet shops.


  • 调查引发热烈讨论:会员拥有一只海龟条狗另一个想要兔子,第三则说不能宠物因为她老是频繁休假

    The survey sparked a lively thread: One member owned turtles and a dog, another wanted a rabbit, and a third argued she couldn't have pets because she vacations so frequently.


  • 格利还是师,她发现宠物狗主人训练狗狗的机敏性方面兴趣大增。

    Muggli also is a dog trainer and has seen significant growth in interest in agility training.


  • 研究人员征集了222处于恋爱中的志愿者,询问他们伴侣以及相关另外两个单词,比如宠物

    The researchers asked 222 volunteers who were involved in a romantic relationship to supply the partner's first name and two other words related to the partner, such as a pet name.


  • 电影歌曲“Ben”在1972年列排行榜第一。电影《Ben》讲述了一个男孩宠物吃人的故事。

    His recording of "Ben," the title song from a movie about a boy and his homicidal pet rat, was a No. 1 hit in 1972.


  • 即使失败不会遭受太大损失。YouTube只有区区几百员工仍然可以内容合作宠物视频中获利

    If they don't, it's not a huge loss, and with just a few hundred employees, the company can still make money from content partnerships and cat videos.


  • 研究人员挑选出41宠物,把它们分为拉布拉多猎犬、狮子狗斯塔福德狗3,然后让70志愿者观看宠物狗和主人照片,并宠物狗和主人做配对判断。

    A group of 70 people were asked to match photos of 41 dog owners to 3 possible breeds - Labrador, poodle or Staffordshire bull terrier.


  • 加里里克特参加新闻发布会蒙特·克莱尔兽医院的兽医担心家庭化学品以及宠物影响

    Gary Richter, a veterinarian at Montclair Veterinary Hospital in Oakland who attended the news conference, said he is worried about household chemicals and their effects on pets.


  • 大约有两千名宠物主人登记宠物火化,偶尔也有要求安葬宠物

    About 200 owners a year book cremations and there is the occasional burial as well.


  • 科罗拉多男子生财之道很特别,因为将灵车改造宠物豪华轿车宠物主只要支付英里1美元就能用这车时髦载着他们宠物亚斯

    A Colorado man has taken an unusual step to drive in new business: he has turned a hearse into a limo for pets-for a dollar per mile owners can send their dogs to the Land of Ah's kennel in style.


  • 警方告诉当地新闻媒体称,3月31日,威利·迈里克外面宠物吉娃娃玩耍男子绑架了带到车上

    On March 31, Willie Myrick was playing outside with his pet Chihuahua when a man grabbed him and forced him into his car, police told local news outlets.


  • 宠物——我们看到不死族术士接受了初级宠物任务

    Pets - We saw an Undead Warlock get his first level pet quest.


  • 指定家庭成员邻居宠物一些额外的重视最初几天

    Designate a family member or neighbor to give your pet some extra attention during the first few days.


  • 丈夫这样值得不能抛弃宠物。乔今年65岁,是一律师

    But it was worth it, says her husband, 65, an attorney: 'You don't discard a pet.


  • 马瑞贝斯·鲍茨儿童图书作家已出版童书超过16本。她目前丈夫、三个孩子宠物生活华州。

    Maribeth Boelts is the author of over 16 books for children. She lives in Iowa with her husband, three children, and several pets.


  • 2001年,中国妇女丈夫提出离婚诉讼,理由是的丈夫一次不慎失言家里宠物八哥开始不断重复的话。

    In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.


  • 72男子自己能捡回一命,归功于宠物鸡尾鹦鹉因为鹦鹉男子中风制造出「够大噪音」示警。

    A 72-year-old man has credited his pet cockatiel with saving his life after raising the alarm by making a "heck of a noise" when he had a stroke.


  • 一家宠物商店把金鱼代替工资发给雇员,而服装店服务员在领取工资的时候拿到的却是店里的衣服

    One pet shop worker was given goldfish in lieu of money and 2 workers at a fashion store complained when they were paid in clothing.


  • 女士走路上班时经过一家宠物,看到鹦鹉栖息人行道上。

    A lady was walking down the street to work. A parrot was perched on the side-walk outside a pet store.


  • 失业德国男子为了一瓶啤酒卖掉女的一头宠物猎犬,因为实在太渴望一瓶啤酒了,可是别人感受的行为,却伤害了小孩子幼小心灵

    An unemployed German man sold his six-year-old stepdaughter's pet beagle for a beer. He was desperate to quench his thirst. But in callous disregard he trampled the tender spirit of a child.


  • Hoang Ngoc Bau小时候毒蛇咬,宠物自己命,于是他决定成为宠物医生。

    Bau decided to become a vet after his pet dog saved him from a poisonous snake when he was a child.


  • 每个宠物,都希望自己宝贝一个不能乱起,很多条件限制,宠物就可以天马行空,胡乱起。

    Each buying pet person, hope to his baby has a good name, people name can't informal, that is subject to many conditions, pet name can be a powerful and unconstrained style.


  • 每个宠物,都希望自己宝贝一个不能乱起,很多条件限制,宠物就可以天马行空,胡乱起。

    Each buying pet person, hope to his baby has a good name, people name can't informal, that is subject to many conditions, pet name can be a powerful and unconstrained style.


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