• 比尔·盖茨当即就着了迷——那时要好的朋友坎特——他那时最要好的朋友坎特·埃文斯另一名长学生保罗·艾伦也是如此。

    Bill Gates was immediately hooked-so was his best friend at the time, Kent Evans, and another student, Paul Allen, who was two years older than Bill.


  • 妇女度假她们坐在岸边橡皮艇水上摩托车她们,把她们撞死了。

    Two women were vacationing in Longboat Key while they were floating on the rubber boat along the shore, a water scooter crashed into them and kill them.


  • 在乌兰巴托流行音乐会上模特儿童杂技演员在后台等待

    Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.


  • 合成材料制成重复使用的太空船,18(合60英尺),可以乘客飞行员短暂地送入太空然后滑翔回到地面

    This is a reusable craft made of composite material, 18 metres (60 feet) long and capable of taking six passengers and two pilots briefly into space before gliding back down to land.


  • 鼓励各州继续选本州现任参议员,鼓励现任者在位子待得尽量当前超过70岁的参议员有26

    It also encourages states to keep voting for incumbents and incumbents to hang on until they drop. The current Senate contains 26 people who are 70 or over.


  • 牙买加潜水员在观察一群军士(雀鲷),它因身上彩色条纹颇似军士徽章

    In Jamaica's Long Bay, a snorkeler watches a school of sergeant major fish, named for the colorful stripes that resemble a sergeant insignia.


  • 即使负载很系统上,这个命令输出非常因此通常通过命令行参数指定一个目录或者使用管道筛选的输出。

    The output from this is huge, even on a lightly loaded system, so you typically either supply the name of a directory as a command-line argument or use a pipe to filter its output.


  • 16厨师帮助他用40分钟完成了这个9.9巨型卷。

    With the help of 16 chefs, he prepared a 9.9 meter crepe in under 40 minutes.


  • 如果不需要命令提示符处键入、令人费解文件,这是不是很棒呢?

    Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to type a long, convoluted file name at the command prompt?


  • 狱警已在控制室就位,准备随时拉动开关接通电椅电流

    The Pope checks the clock while another C.O. mans the switch that activates the electric current into the chair.


  • 20几岁的渔民都来自缅甸当时另外18人乘坐12米的泰国木船出海,圣诞节澳大利亚北风大浪急海域沉船

    The men, both from Burma and in their 20s, were on a 12-metre Thai wooden fishing boat with 18 others when it sank in stormy seas off Australia's north coast two days before Christmas.


  • 尼娅拜伦教授英国个有营业执照心理学者。她主持这项研究调查了2000位2000年龄5-15岁之间孩子

    Professor Tanya Byron, a chartered clinical psychologist in the UK, conducted the study, which surveyed 2000 parents and 2000 children between the ages of five to 15.


  • 一个支派儿子使仆人大卫所选择耶路撒冷城里,在我面前灯光

    I will give one tribe to his son so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I chose to put my Name.


  • 尽管委员会成员,但要达成一致,道阻且——五成员个个都争强好辩,财政部还没拍板呢,他们中的一些就公然表示出对大体财务状态的不信任

    Even getting the five commissioners-a feisty bunch, some of whom had expressed their mistrust of big finance in public before they got the tap from the treasury-to agree was an achievement.


  • 艘40米龙舟需要4工人加班加点16才能完成。

    A 40-meter wooden dragon boat takes 4 people working overtime about 16 days to finish.


  • 这本手册欧洲议会秘书罗尔德-罗默颁发,适用于布鲁塞尔斯特拉斯堡工作785议员

    It has been circulated by Harold Romer, the parliament's secretary general, to the 785 MEPs working in Brussels and Strasbourg.


  • 相当段时间上帝派了天使人间,告诉他们自己看亚当全家

    After a considerable time had gone by, God sent an angel to them to announce that he himself was coming to inspect their household.


  • 穿着白袍,带 着黑色冒的牧师带领我们穿过曲折,直到面前展现出更小神殿矗立在岩石院子内

    Two priests in white robes and tall, black headpiecesled us through each of the movements. We turned and faced the smaller, innershrine, which stood across a courtyard, an expanse of rock garden.


  • 旧金山联邦储备银行研究者发现,领取失业救济的失业工人平均没有领取的人失业时间1.6

    Two researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco found that jobless workers who qualify for benefits have been unemployed, on average, only 1.6 weeks longer than those who don't.


  • 唯一美国海军军士查尔斯·帕迪拉就创下了之内跑85英里(137公里个人最好成绩,而这引起了一场跨越大西洋友谊赛

    Master Gunnery Sgt Charles Padilla, the one US Marine, achieved a personal goal of 85 miles (137 km) in one day, which sparked a friendly trans-Atlantic rivalry.


  • 文件很难

    Long file names are harder to read.


  • 文件很难

    Long file names can be harder to read.


  • 穿着白袍,带着黑色牧师带领我们穿过曲折,直到面前展现出更的神殿,矗立岩石院子内。

    We turned and faced the smaller, innershrine, which stood across a courtyard, an expanse of rock garden.


  • 请注意使用的是devfs,这就是读者看到上面所列设备原因

    Note that I'm using devfs, and that's why you see the extremely long device names listed above.


  • 如果使用数据库使用onpladm创建任务那么就不能使用ipload运行这些任务。

    If you use long database, table or column names and create jobs using onpladm, you cannot run these jobs using ipload.


  • 其种类很多基本理念变量开始添加一个标记表示类型(例如,所有符号变量ul 开头)。

    There are lots of flavors of this, but the basic idea is that you put a tag at the beginning of a variable name saying what type it is. (So all unsigned long variables begin with ul, etc.)


  • 其种类很多基本理念变量开始添加一个标记表示类型(例如,所有符号变量ul 开头)。

    There are lots of flavors of this, but the basic idea is that you put a tag at the beginning of a variable name saying what type it is. (So all unsigned long variables begin with ul, etc.)


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