• 只有名德克·萨斯人阵亡23人受伤,受伤者包括萨姆休斯顿

    Only two Texans were killed. Twenty-three, including Sam Houston, were wounded.


  • 队伍包括理论物理学家仔细钻研了传遍整个国家来自士兵们大量情报。

    He and his team of colleagues, including a German theoretical physicist, pore over vast quantities of data gleaned from soldiers spread across the country.


  • 英方的指挥军威廉·将军带领32,000英军和9,000雇佣军(黑森人)1776年7月抵达长岛

    The British, commanded by General William Howe, landed 32,000 men including 9,000 German mercenaries (Hessians), on Long Island in July 1776.


  • 是一虔诚穆斯林每天诵读《古兰经》并且祷告

    Still a devout Muslim, Lindh reads the Quran and prays every day.


  • 1944年,作为临时演员进入电影界。

    In 1944, Kendall entered films as an extra.


  • 两个人达成协议,伦经理能得到一半

    The two struck a deal in which Rendell took half of what a manager would.


  • 艰苦挣扎西赛公司多达300工人面临解雇。

    Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm.


  • 让人存疑的——即使法语说得很流利——能否被人当作当地人

    It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.


  • 作为诗人·休斯自我表达约束非常敏感比如格律韵律

    As a poet, Ted Hughes had an acute sensitivity to the way in which constraints on self expression, like the disciplines of metre and rhyme.


  • 1969年,·威尔斯化石猎人来到澳大利亚的那拉科特,探索当时称为维多利亚洞穴的地方。

    In 1969, a fossil hunter named Rod Wells came to Naracoorte in South Australia to explore what was then known as Victoria Cave.


  • 这件可爱作品出自一位亚历山大·考尔美国艺术家之手。

    This lovely creation was the work of an American artist named Alexander Calder.


  • 海军狙击手仅用三枪击毙海盗,当时海盗挟持船长理查·菲利普斯作为人质乘坐艘救生艇漂浮公海上

    It took only three shots for navy snipers to kill the trio of pirates holding Captain Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat drifting in the high sea.


  • 索伦·瑞森社会科学家达尔伯格全球发展伙伴公司负责监督报告撰写进行辩护,这些数字显然粗略估计

    Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates.


  • 也是校长胡伦·汉弗莱斯重返校园第一。汉弗莱斯白人3月14日停课学校董事会4比2的投票结果通过了复职

    It was also the first day back for the principal, Hulond Humphries, a white man who was reinstated by a 4-to-2 vote of the school board after being suspended on March 14.


  • 然而,阿霍尔并没有家人带来团聚,而是揭示地区存在的一种分歧地区9700学生而且基本上是种族界限划分的这个区域。

    But instead of bringing families together, Aderhold's letter revealed a divide in the district, which has 9,700 students, and one that broke down roughly along racial lines.


  • 一些认为墨菲定律最早是一位的人提出来的,因此这个定律应该字命

    Some people believe that Murphy's Law was first proposed by a guy named Sod and the law should be called after him accordingly.


  • 菲利普·雅克··卢森堡的著法国画家这种兴奋中找寻到了自我

    Finding himself in the middle of this excitement was an accomplished French painter named Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg.


  • 一位唐纳·年轻高管一杯深色汽水塞这位苏联领导人手中

    A young executive named Donald Kendall thrust a cup of dark fizz into the Soviet leader's hands.


  • 霍尔没有让这些家庭联合起来而是揭示了这个有着9700学生学区分歧一分歧基本以种族界限为边界。

    Instead of bringing families together, Aderhold's letter revealed a divide in the district, which has 9,700 students, and one that broke down roughly along racial lines.


  • 博伊采访了166青少年,以了解他们的网络生活

    Boyd interviewed 166 adolescents about their online lives.


  • 几天前,TMZ记者向美国国家橄榄球联盟委员罗杰·古尔发出质问:“我们发布视频就把·赖斯停职。”

    "You suspended Ray Rice after our video," a reporter from TMZ challenged National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell the other day.


  • 哈利摄像机,镜头平扫正在打盹士兵时,把焦点对准巴基斯坦士兵,“我们巴基斯坦朋友……艾哈迈。”

    Harry is behind the camcorder, panning over snoozing soldiers when he zooms in on the face of a Pakistani soldier, "Ah, our little Paki friend... Ahmed."


  • 多纳斯特林,作为球队老板,发誓从今以后,我绝对不会向任何船队组织成员喝倒彩

    I, Donald Sterling, do swear that from this day forward, I will never boo a single member of the Clippers organization.


  • 阿拉斯加州举行艾迪塔罗雪橇比赛在针对参赛者一起故意袭击事件摩托雪橇手杀死了一条使多条狗受伤

    One dog has been killed and multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska.


  • 到2021年初,参加项目的学校还将扩大至120所学校,惠及21000学生。”阿恩在霍克湾一所学校里准备午餐时说道。

    The number will extend to 21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021 ," Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke's Bay.


  • 国运动员里克·雷是一顶尖运动员:他很有可能赢得奖牌。

    The British athlete Derek Redmond was a top runner: he had a very good chance of winning a medal.


  • 拿到证书时,一记者说:“这是非常勇敢的行为,因为他把自己的生命置于危险之中。”

    When Mr. Reeder got the certificate, a reporter said, "This was a very brave act, as he put his own life at risk."


  • 美利证券公司该项研究调查了200040至79岁的成人,研究表明由于寿命延长美国在增加储蓄留存养老储备金。

    Because of longer life spans, Americans are also boosting their savings to preserve their nest eggs, the TD Ameritrade study showed, which surveyed 2,000 adults between 40 to 79.


  • 90岁斯登·霍尔姆瑞典法学家,同时也是瑞典皇家科学院成员

    Sten Rudholm, 90, is Swedish jurist, member of the Swedish Academy.


  • 90岁斯登·霍尔姆瑞典法学家,同时也是瑞典皇家科学院成员

    Sten Rudholm, 90, is Swedish jurist, member of the Swedish Academy.


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