• 逮捕的男子美国缉毒描述非常重要人物

    The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.


  • 苏格兰旅游局,33000名日本游客去年苏格兰旅游。

    The Scottish tourist board said 33,000 Japanese visited Scotland last year.


  • 有两名男子带到警察局进行讯问。

    Two men were brought in for questioning.


  • 警察逮捕了他带到了葛底斯堡警察局

    Two police officers arrested him and took him to Gettysburg police station.


  • 金波坦芝加哥长大,在加入美国国家航空航天局之前一名工程师每年举办大约12次演讲

    Higginbotham, who grew up in Chicago and became an engineer before joining NASA, that is the National Air and Space Administration, gives about a dozen speeches a year.


  • 他们希望移民归化局雇佣数百边境巡逻人员调查人员非法移民拒之门外,他们抵达他们进行追踪

    They also want the INS to hire hundreds more border patrol agents and investigators to keep illegal immigrants out and to track them down once they're here.


  • 移民归化局缺乏资源显然也不跟踪已估计200万名故意逗留过久外国人

    The Immigration and Naturalization Service lacks the resources, and apparently the inclination, to keep track of the estimated 2 million foreigners who have intentionally overstayed their welcome.


  • 雅伊拉·雷耶斯是纽约警察局一名交通代理

    Yajaira Reyes worked as a traffic agent for the NYPD.


  • 新闻调查局工作,在这里我们记录显示超过175名的儿童以及多达600名的平民巴基斯坦国内美国中情局所杀。

    I work at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism where we have documented the killing of more than 175 children and as many as 600 other civilians inside Pakistan by the CIA.


  • 根据一名美国地质局专家所言,最近的这些地震活动寻常的

    According to an expert from the United States Geological Survey, the recent activity is not unusual.


  • 我们带着名女孩驱车来到警察局填写好相关的文本,以便她们可以进入庇护所接受教育职业培训

    We drove the five girls to a police station to fill out paperwork so that they could move into shelters and receive schooling or vocational training.


  • 法国资讯电台援引一名机场管理局消息人士话说,飞机雷达消失可能发射失败问题但是这种现象是非常罕见的。

    France Info radio quoted an airport authority source as saying that its absence from the radar could be a question of a transmitter failure, but that this would be a very rare occurrence.


  • 事实上费克图甚至从来没有办法忘记美国人,一名中情局特工,因为关押那些经常当面这样称他,以至于他从未失去他的身份归属意识。

    Fecteau, in fact, reasoned that he could never forget he was an American and an Agency man - his captors threw it in his face so often that he never lost his sense of identity and affiliation.


  • 2003年,联邦调查局派去杰出调查人员之后搞清了案件底细。

    The FBI got to the bottom of the Leung case in 2003 after sending in one of its best investigators.


  • 随后名中情局人员十几武装警卫卡车火车押送到奉天(沈阳)监狱。沈阳是将近300英里以外东北最大城市

    The two CIA officers, with a dozen armed guards, were then taken by truck and train to a prison in Mukden (Shenyang), the largest city in Manchuria, almost 300 miles away.


  • 现在中国铁路电气化的一名官员终于肯承认高铁降速出于安全性考虑

    But now an official at China's Railway Electrification Bureau admits the slowdown was based on concerns over safety after all.


  • 不仅自行车发明者,是全美自行车冠军,还是美国宇航局的航空工程师

    Not only is he a national champion cyclist and a bicycle innovator, he's also a NASA aerospace engineer.


  • 广东省公共卫生局已决定41名乘客进行其7天的医学观察

    The Guangdong public health bureau decided to put the 41 passengers under a 7-day medical observation.


  • 朱荃说:“地震局已经派遣一支63名专业搜救人员救援队前往玉树。”

    The bureau has dispatched an emergency team made up of 63 professional rescuers to Yushu, Zhu said.


  • 同时建议国家宇航局团队添加一名临床心理学家帮助缓和潜在冲突

    He also suggests that NASA include a clinical psychologist on the crew to help mitigate potential conflicts.


  • 纽约州卫生局录得817名急人员死亡部门无法确定多少死亡个案世贸遗址直接关联

    The New York state health department has recorded 817 deaths of emergency workers but it cannot confirm categorically how many of those were directly linked to the site.


  • 尼娜到达诊所寻找杰克家人时,偶遇了了联邦调查局特工,那名特工这里盘问被送来医院的盖恩斯名手下

    Nina arrives at the clinic, and while looking for Jack's family she comes upon an FBI agent who is there to de-brief some of the men from Gaines' team who got brought in.


  • 美国联邦调查局员塑造成了流行品牌巅峰时期,想一名联邦调查局探员一所常青藤院校还要难

    He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college.


  • 联邦调查局结束了多少无辜美国生命摧毁了至少名忠实的联邦调查局特工职业生涯华裔美国妇女

    FBI probes have upended the lives of innocent Americans and destroyed the career of at least one loyal FBI agent, a Chinese American woman.


  • FBI美国国家税务局三百名联邦调查员部署新泽西州纽约州突袭住处办公室实施拘捕

    Three hundred federal agents of the FBI and Internal Revenue Service were spanned across New Jersey and New York to make arrests and raid homes and offices.


  • 大约上万名美国宇航局博客上支持者已经开始了他们投票但是意料之中的,根本没什么影响。

    Many of NASA's million or so Twitter followers have already begun tweeting their own votes, but these, unsurprisingly, won't count.


  • 大约上万名美国宇航局博客上支持者已经开始了他们投票但是意料之中的,根本没什么影响。

    Many of NASA's million or so Twitter followers have already begun tweeting their own votes, but these, unsurprisingly, won't count.


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