• 星期佛罗里达同维森特·福克斯总统磋商

    Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Vicente Fox.


  • 切尔西可能会同维队的比赛中取得一边倒的优势,相信结果会是蓝军小胜

    Chelsea may be coming up against a decent side in Wigan Ath., but I do believe that its going to result in a narrow home win for the Blues.


  • 很难说因为年龄时塞斯克起跑线上是埃拉这样球员并肩作战的。”说道

    "It is difficult to say because at the same age Cesc was already playing in the starting line-up with players like Patrick Vieira," he said.


  • 西奥•沃尔科特已经摆脱大腿伤势科洛图雷罗宾范佩西经过上周日同维的联赛,身体状况也已达到比赛的要求。

    Theo Walcott has recovered from his thigh injury while Kolo Toure and Robin van Persie are both match-fit after returning against Wigan last Sunday.


  • 按照数学家们的分类,三叶形简单的纽结。 所谓纽结,它是三空间不与自己相交的封闭曲线,或者说是三空间中与圆周胚的图形。

    The trefoil is the simplest knot in mathematicians' classification.


  • 伦敦经济学院拉姆•帕塔尼亚非洲拉丁美洲相比一个相当差距

    This is a much bigger gap than in Africa and Latin America, says Vikram Pathania of the London School of Economics.


  • 霍布斯再一次马基雅利一样,现代国家伟大建构者。

    Hobbes, again, along with Machiavelli, was one of the great architects of the modern state.


  • 博尔事们集中研究古代格陵兰岩石里钨位素,它们黄金一样,也具有粘接吸引力。

    Willbold and his colleagues concentrated on investigating the ancient Greenland rocks for isotopes of tungsten, a metal that, like gold, has an affinity for bonding with iron.


  • 德国朋友·勃兰特1970年华沙犹太人区纪念碑前的一国家波兰重归于好。

    My German counterpart Willy Brandt launched his country's reconciliation with Poland by bending his knee at the Warsaw ghetto memorial in 1970.


  • 其他姑且不论,罗斯.达斯坚决不肯做匪徒女人——倒是认识几个她们迷恋“大人物”外出诱惑、身处法庭刺激,介意周六晚上挨打

    She knew a few of those. They liked the glamour of going out with a “face”, the thrill of being in court, and didn’t seem to mind a beating on a Saturday night.


  • 第二我们杰姬毛里斯弗农特德·肯尼迪以及埃德卡洛琳·肯尼迪。施洛斯·贝格一起去划船游泳

    The next day we went sailing and swimming with Jackie and Maurice, Ann and Vernon, Ted and Vicki Kennedy, and Ed and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.


  • 房子庭院差别起来,这个德贝尔的化身沿用德贝尔名字的人比苔丝所期望的相差更远了。

    This embodiment of a d'Urberville and a namesake differed even more from what Tess had expected than the house and grounds had differed.


  • 标准部署流程会让自动化变得更简单,让人员从重复任务解脱出来,合适访问控制相结合,可以开发人员自己执行部署。

    It is also simpler to automate, freeing up Operations for less repetitive tasks and, in combination with suitably access controls, enabling developers to carry out their own deployments.


  • 研究小组选取岛普罗登斯水牛城面积上差不多,美国东北部森林覆盖的地区。

    Providence and Buffalo are roughly the same size, and both fall within the study area chosen by the research team: the forested environments in the northeastern United States.


  • 莱茨一个充满活力私营机构我们更多传统大学合作十分有意义的。

    Willetts said it was "healthy to have a vibrant private sector working alongside our more traditional universities".


  • 史丹福和他的事布鲁斯·布莱德利是这样认为的。而且最近弗吉尼亚的仙人掌——这里可能是那群流动欧洲最先登陆地方——克洛纪元下面发现的用具

    Moreover, tools recently found beneath Clovis-era layers at a dig in Cactus Hill, Va.--about where European itinerants could have first landed--also resemble Solutrean artifacts.


  • 钻石中的原子它们相邻原子形成的”化学键,形成了一个坚固的、金字塔般的重复性晶体结构

    The carbon atoms in a diamond form "3-D" bonds with their neighbors, resulting in a sturdy, pyramidlike, repeating crystalline structure.


  • YouTube业已包括NBCCBS在内的传媒达成协议允许网站上播放相关的视频内容,而且试图亚康订立类似的协定

    YouTube has struck deals with some media firms, including NBC and CBS, to allow their material to appear on its site, and had been trying to thrash out a similar agreement with Viacom.


  • 与之相似的是,侵入我们身体引发传染病各类病原微生物也是这个复杂组织环境发生作用的。

    Likewise, the various microbial pathogens that invade our bodies and cause infectious disease interact with this complex 3-D tissue milieu.


  • 数学语言表达就是每个单连通3重(3-manifold)封闭体与一个球体胚(homeomorphic)。”

    As mathematicians say, “Every simply connected closed 3-manifold is homeomorphic to a 3-sphere.”


  • 之后,查鲁戈莫拉莱斯以及科雷亚一伙人一起唱起了卡拉OK,歌名叫“Hastasiemprecommandante” —是首纪念切•格拉瓦功绩歌曲。

    Mr Chávez joined Messrs Lugo, Morales and Correa in a karaoke rendition of “Hasta siempre commandante”—a dirge about the exploits of Che Guevara—before disappearing.


  • 这项研究中,他们加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的克里斯托弗•道使用了一项全国性数据,这项数据对1000异卵双胞胎的基因进行了对比

    For this study, they and Christopher Dawes of UCSD used national data that compared more than 1, 000 identical and fraternal twins.


  • 这项研究中,他们加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的克里斯托弗•道使用了一项全国性数据,这项数据对1000异卵双胞胎的基因进行了对比

    For this study, they and Christopher Dawes of UCSD used national data that compared more than 1,000 identical and fraternal twins.


  • 丈夫一起赫斯特郊区成立了一个商业咨询公司,而那里是凯尔特工作阶级聚集地

    With her husband, she set up a business consultancy in the suburb of Hurstville, once an Anglo-Celtic working-class stronghold.


  • 事实上可能国家评估结果协议以及家庭基金教育需求殊途归,为巴西年轻人带来有益的工作

    It is indeed possible that the national tests could click with Mr Neves's results agreements and the Family Fund's education requirement to lift young Brazilians into useful work.


  • 西尔我们父亲切斯特·朗宁一旅行从前中国加拿大外交官

    Sylvia and I were traveling with our father, Chester Ronning, who had been a Canadian diplomat in China.


  • 把配准后的ct模型CAD理论模型的XY方向截面YZ方向截面进行比较,验证算法正确性可行性

    Then XY section image and YZ section image between registered three-dimensional ct model and CAD model are compared to verify validity and feasibility of algorithms.


  • 把配准后的ct模型CAD理论模型的XY方向截面YZ方向截面进行比较,验证算法正确性可行性

    Then XY section image and YZ section image between registered three-dimensional ct model and CAD model are compared to verify validity and feasibility of algorithms.


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