• 精神压抑有关

    Lead is also linked to the mental sickness of depression.


  • 心理感受性一个多维人格概念,精神分析理论紧密联系。

    Psychological mindedness is a multidimensional construct of personality, which is closely related to psychoanalytic theory.


  • 并非一部犯罪惊悚片,而是杰西·艾森伯格演出众多作品一样,关于两难处境精神状态影片

    This is not a crime thriller, but with Jesse Eisenberg had performed many works, is the dilemma of people with mental state of the film.


  • 代人富有创造力革新精神工程师之一。

    He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.


  • 歌德说过,“创造一切非凡事物的那种精神总是青年时代创造力联系在一起的。”

    Goethe said, the spirit to make every extraordinary thing is always linked to youth and creativity.


  • 珠儿精神从来十足母亲采药老人谈话时,她一直玩得挺带劲

    Pearl, whose activity of spirit never flagged, had been at no loss for amusement while her mother talked with the old gatherer of herbs.


  • 想到了已故母亲流下泪水随后又打起精神伴娘、女傧相、友人姨妈冲到抢购最前沿

    She shed some tears while thinking of her late mother, but then regained her good spirits while leading the charge along with her bridesmaid, maid of honor, friend and aunt


  • 我们印尼一道新的目标指引,共弘扬万隆精神,共开创两国关系更加美好未来

    We are willing to work together with Indonesia to carry forward the Bandung spirit and create a more beautiful future for bilateral relationship under the guidance of new goals.


  • 古罗马公元43成功侵入大不列颠岛时,也将他们烹饪冒险精神带来了。

    When the Romans finally succeeded in invading the British Isles in 43ad, they bought with them a sense of culinary adventure.


  • 当然认为真的就是但是这些东西与我以前看到犯罪精神病患者社会分子大脑完全

    I don't think I am, but this looks exactly like [the brains of] the psychopaths, the sociopaths, that I've seen before.


  • 我们团结流露出来无私奉献精神怜悯之情提醒我们一面临挑战时刻,我们美国人民个整体,荣辱共进退。

    We were united, and the outpouring of generosity and compassion reminded us that in times of challenge, we Americans move forward together, as one people.


  • 乔布斯精神永远那些一样有幸乔布斯一起工作

    Steve's spirit will live on forever with those who, like me, had the honor to know and work with him.


  • 暴躁脾气无畏精神一种解读,参议员们发生争端已经不是什么新闻了。

    The flip-side of his courage is a short temper. There have been too many blow-ups with fellow senators.


  • 如果说地的项目团队能够有助于培养协作精神的话,那么对于分布式的团队来说,就很难体会这一点了。

    Providing a project team with co-location certainly helps foster a collaborative nature to their work, but with a distributed team, it can be difficult for them to feel like a team at all.


  • 这位精神矍铄的老奶奶其他50名领取养老金的老年人一起居住一家养老院里。

    The sprightly woman lives in a nursing home with 50 other pensioners.


  • 海伦·艾格博士(Dr .HelenEgger)是杜克大学医学中心儿童精神学家流行病学家。对学症沮丧焦虑性障碍关系进行了研究。

    Dr. Helen Egger, a child psychiatrist and epidemiologist at Duke University Medical Center, has studied the relationship between school refusal and conditions like depression and anxiety disorder.


  • 即使是奥菲斯乐团成员们也不得不承认,能够充满活力、激励人心的音乐大师合作表演令人精神抖擞。

    Even Orpheus members admit it can be thrilling working with energetic and inspiring maestros.


  • 胡风现实主义主张,是以高扬主观战斗精神客观现实博击从而达到客观真实深层次结合为特征的。

    Hu Feng's realism is characterized by combating objective reality with high subjective combat spirit which combines with the depth of objective truthfulness.


  • 英国一项相关的调查显示完整家庭儿童相比,离异家庭的儿童患精神方面疾病的概率高出

    British research showed children of broken families are five times more likely to suffer damaging mental troubles than those whose parents stay together.


  • 精神药物治疗副作用吸烟生活方式贫穷状况一起共导致人群出现身体疾病

    The adverse effects of antipsychotic medication, along with smoking, lifestyle factors and poverty, may contribute to physical illness in this population.


  • 所以给予支持的朋友们人们、以往们、业务上的联系人者们保持联络对于精神健康求职来说都重要。

    Staying connected to supportive friends, family, former co-workers, and business contacts is important for your mental well-being and your job search.


  • 不久精神恢复了。我在病痛的斗争中恢复了健康。

    Soon I was on the mind. I was pulling through and recovering from my sickness.


  • 机会赫利挖沙机械全体员工以真挚的情谊进取的精神各界朋友一道共创和谐美好的明天

    To take this opportunity, he Lite dredging machinery all employees will be sincere friendship and spirit, with all the friends together to create a harmonious and beautiful tomorrow!


  • 一生英美近现代浪漫主义悲观主义诗人以及美国当代意象派诗人有着广泛精神联系

    During his lifetime, he had a broad spiritual connection with modern British and American poets of various schools ranging from romanticism to pessimism and imagism.


  • 后座朱迪丝莱拉在一起,于是我们出发了。我穿上裤子,这样精神状态好些了。

    I climbed in the back next to Judith and Leila, and away we went. I HAD my pants on now, which further improved my state of mind.


  • 检查病人根据病人的病史进行实验室检验X射线其他诊断治疗其他医生商议评估病人的身体和精神健康状况

    Examine patients and take their histories, order laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures and consult with other medical practitioners to evaluate patients' physical and mental health.


  • 检查病人根据病人的病史进行实验室检验X射线其他诊断治疗其他医生商议评估病人的身体和精神健康状况

    Examine patients and take their histories, order laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures and consult with other medical practitioners to evaluate patients' physical and mental health.


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