• 尽管喜欢读书今天早些时候看完AynRand的作品《源泉》(The Fountainhead)也是喜欢的小说之一),Zachary还渴望能够互联网兴趣的读者交流

    Though he also likes to read books (earlier this year he finished, and loved, “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand), Zachary craves interaction with fellow readers on the Internet.


  • 由此使得泪水哀哭得到转变

    And that will transform both the tears and the weeper.


  • 尽管作了创立欧洲自由贸易协会这个尝试在《罗马条约》签订第五英国申请成为其会员不过这一度受戴高乐否决阻碍直到1973年丹麦爱尔兰成功加入该协会。

    Despite the EFTA experiment, Britain applied for membership only four years after the Treaty of Rome, but was blocked by DE Gaulle's veto and did not join until 1973, along with Denmark and Ireland.


  • 因此客户端的标识SSL握手期间服务器所知,而客户第一个 SSL 端点执行过程

    This is because the identity of the client is made known to the server during the SSL handshake and the client performs this process with only the first SSL endpoint in the chain.


  • 尚德公司创始人施正荣公司辩称,正是因为他们太阳能变得更负担的起,使之能源进行竞争

    Shi Zhengrong, the founder of Suntech defended his firm, saying it was making solar more affordable so it could compete with dirtier forms of energy.


  • 这个国家少数人群,男权力承认,也是经过斗争得来

    But the state's recognition of the rights of gender minorities, gays and lesbians has not come without a fight.


  • 拉姆齐今夏转入阿森纳,而阿森纳曼联埃弗顿竞争之下得这位非常有潜力少年

    The teenager joined the Gunners this summer from Cardiff after Arsenal beat off stiff competition from the likes of Manchester United and Everton to sign the highly rated youngster.


  • 直到最近几年时间恢复到我定义的食物健康关系中

    It has only been within the last few years that I have regained what I would define as a "healthy relationship" with food.


  • 最后癌症斗争,直到不得不接受医疗服务时释放

    At the end of a struggle with cancer, for which he had been denied medical treatment, he was finally released.


  • 消防队员们那场森林大火搏斗将近3个星期最后火势控制住。

    Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.


  • 消防队员们那场森林大火搏斗将近3个星期最后火势控制住

    Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.


  • 是否很久以来第一注意日落?你是否开始街上陌生的人们进行交谈

    Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages, or speak to some stranger on the street?


  • 当时我们有可能是意大利境外唯一马奇·奥尼感兴趣投资人几经恳求答应我们面谈谈。

    We were likely the only investors outside Italy interested in Marchionne at the time. After some begging and pleading, he granted us a meeting.


  • 直到最近几年时间恢复定义食物一种健康关系中。我喜欢食物,但更进一步说,我喜欢好的食物。

    It has only been within the last few years that I have regained what I would define as a "healthy relationship" with food.


  • 是因为结了

    It was because he loved my money that he married me.


  • 盖伯瑞尔只得托伊中士芭丝谢芭舞,然后提醒麦垛可能会遭受的损失

    Gabriel had to wait until Sergeant Troy had finished his dance with Bathshe-ba before he could warn him about possible damage to the ricks.


  • 渔夫周旋了几天发现一条超过自己渔船马林鱼虽然明知很难取胜放弃

    The old fisherman al with fish after a few days, found that this is a more than his several times as big marlin fishing boats, although knowing is hard to win, but still don't give up.


  • 其实他们中的很多人只不过是为了看上去艺术家为了其他艺术家“保持一致这么的。

    In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists.


  • 听着可不是你们这样搞些阴谋连续当选议员的。

    Listen, I didn't get elected to five consecutive terms by conniving with people like you.


  • 原因,实在是因为这些财务专家实际生活大多数人一样最后支付给自己

    The reason is that these financial professionals actually do what the masses do, which is pay themselves last.


  • 上个月考上公务员离职后,部门说看到旁边空荡荡的座位真是有一丝感伤直到加入消除了这种感觉

    One of my prevenient colleague passed the exam of official, all of us in our department felt a bit sad when he quit job, until the fresher took place of him.


  • 让人十分难受,无所适从有时甚至世间最痛躯体一样剧烈。正是因为生活中充满无休止难题,我们觉得人生苦难重重,悲喜参半。

    These are uncomfortable feelings, sometimes equaling the very worst kind of physical pain, and since life poses an endless series of problems, life is full of pain as well as joy.


  • 消防队员搏斗几个小时控制了火势。

    Firemen battled against the flames for several hours before getting them under control.


  • 五月初这个小家庭很少几个时乖运蹇时还自称是他们朋友了别。

    It was early in the month of May that the little family bade farewell to the few who, in the blight of fortune, called themselves their friends.


  • 布拉西考虑了好几个小时决定这个数目心里曾反复别的客人所可能的数目加以比较

    Brasi had spent many hours deciding on the sum, comparing it to what the other guests might offer.


  • 布拉西考虑了好几个小时决定这个数目心里曾反复别的客人所可能的数目加以比较

    Brasi had spent many hours deciding on the sum, comparing it to what the other guests might offer.


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