• 幸福显然毫不相干,因为亨利·斯图尔特爵士当然是个十分的人。

    It is obvious that it has nothing to do with success. For, 2 Sir Henry Stewart was certainly successful.


  • 幸福显然毫不相干,因为亨利·斯图尔特爵士当然是个十分的人。

    It is obvious that it has nothing to do with success. For, Sir Henry Stewart was certainly successful.


  • 个例子,问题设计找出什么程度嫉妒可以导致假定情形比如假设他们最好朋友与其他人购物

    For example, the questions were designed to find out what level of jealousy resulted in hypothetical situations, such as if their best friend went shopping with someone else.


  • 后来人群逐渐汇聚几百人时,有些家长警察发生冲突流血,几人激动颤抖

    Later, as the crowd surged into the hundreds, some parents clashed with the police, leaving several bleeding and trembling with emotion.


  • 古罗马公元43侵入大不列颠岛时,也将他们烹饪冒险精神一带来了。

    When the Romans finally succeeded in invading the British Isles in 43ad, they bought with them a sense of culinary adventure.


  • 说这话的人一位互联网大师因此可以争辩?

    He was a successful Internet guru, so who am I to argue?


  • 共和党迄今为止一直不敢提及黑人话题”,害怕因此而标榜种族主义者”。不敢以“希拉里是个骗子”作为谈资,担心被斥为斯塔尔一丘之貉

    The Republicans had hitherto been nervous about raising "the black issue" for fear of being branded "racist", or the "Hillary is a liar issue" for fear of being tarred with Ken Starr's brush.


  • 基里安高度赞赏中国重视青年体育运动事业,表示国际大体联中国保持良好合作举办的重大赛事十分

    Gillian spoke highly of the importance China attaches to youth sports, saying that FISU has maintained sound cooperation with China as all major sports events it staged in China achieved success.


  • 好的理由怀疑一切定局份报告就业趋势好转不相符合的一个小偏差。

    There is good reason to suspect that when all is said and done this report will appear as a blip marring a strengthening upward employment trend.


  • 这种内嵌每一个个别决定中的不确定性指数正比(由于决定的结合效应)。

    The cost is directly and exponentially proportional (due to the compounding of decisions) to the uncertainty built into each individual decision.


  • 把金子锤薄片出线蓝色紫色红色线,用巧匠手工一绣上。

    They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen-the work of a skilled craftsman.


  • 金子锤薄片出线来,蓝色紫色朱红色线巧匠手工一绣上。

    And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with cunning work.


  • 至于金钱还是希望享受一起把一分钱两半花的感觉。

    But for money, I would like to share the last penny with you.


  • 那边小小的山凹之中,灌木已经累累结实,红色浆果白色雪地相映

    Down yonder little glen the shrubs are drooping under their burden, and the red alder berries contrast with the white ground.


  • 有些舞蹈可以敌人进入混乱”状态,使战斗的其它队伍可以吸取HP等等

    There are also dances which put enemies into a "daze", allowing other party members enganged with the target to drain its HP, etc.


  • 并指出区域低级变质作用是-埋藏变质作用(山前)造山变质作用综合结果

    Regional very low grade metamorphism resulted from the combination of early diagenesis burial metamorphism (pre orogeny) and late syn orogeny metamorphism.


  • 然后我们利用MO理论描述这些分子,我们讨论双原子分子。

    Then we're going to actually use MO theory to describe bonding within these molecules, and we'll start with homonuclear diatomic molecules.


  • 跟随我们聆听上海花园饭店总经理谷口先生,这位有着丰富管理经验统帅的介绍

    Please follow us and listen to the introduction of Mr. Kazunari Taniguchi, the General Manager of the Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai, who has accumulated a rich experience in hotel management.


  • 皮肤细胞匀浆代谢相似,酮洛异丙代谢原药酮洛芬。

    Ketoprofen isopropyl ester was hydrolyzed into ketoprofen when penetrated through the cultured skin, which resembled in the skin cell homogenates metabolism.


  • 每个姐妹会中的一位就五花八门的话题展开交谈,极力每位员的身上找到默契

    She chatted with a member from each sorority on various topics, trying hard to find chemistry with each member.


  • 妈妈,94年丈夫离婚尽管已经下岗10了,仍然些小生意维持家庭。

    Zou Chenghui, Liu's mother, divorced her husband in 1994. Although laid-off for 10 years, she still did some small business to save money.


  • 比如不能而栖,甚至草丛安家也奢望的飞禽只能在鼠里屈就,宿费就是在寒冬时节必须衔枝归,这种鸟鼠穴的景象只有在世界屋脊才能随处可见。

    For instance, the birds who have no tree branches, or even plants, in which to make a nest have to compromise and to take shelter in rat holes, for which they must find some branches in winter time.


  • 2杯水萝卜起。

    Boil turnip in 2 cups of water until soft. Dish.


  • 由此可见,即使环境体系SCC机理也是可变的,因此把SCC机理归纳一个统一的模型是妥当的

    Even in the same steelenvironment system the mechanism of SCC may be changeable. Therefore it is not proper to say that SCC is only governed by a single mechanism.


  • 由此可见,即使环境体系SCC机理也是可变的,因此把SCC机理归纳一个统一的模型是妥当的

    Even in the same steelenvironment system the mechanism of SCC may be changeable. Therefore it is not proper to say that SCC is only governed by a single mechanism.


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