• 一次米兰频道采访中,古居夫否认下午同博内拉开玩笑时发生不愉快的事。

    In an interview with Milan Channel, Yoann Gourcuff denied that he has fallen-out with Daniele Bonera as the paired joked this afternoon.


  • 防守表现赞扬不仅仅属于西米奇自己,事实上花了很多时间谈论内拉,“喜欢内拉一起踢球因为他是个伟大的球员。”

    The praise for the presentation from the defence doesn't just belong to Simic and in fact he took time to talk about Bonera: 'I like to play with Daniele because he is a great player.


  • 未来拼搏第三年中高兴的把精力集中改进写作技巧,改进与那些我一样力图独树一帜的主的关系

    With my third year far into the future, I'm happy to be able to focus more directly on improving my writing and my relationships with other bloggers seeking to make a difference.


  • 可以看看更早:《攻击推荐系统》,讨论了来自几个作者的一篇文章

    Please see also my earlier post, "Attacking recommender systems", that discusses another paper by some of the same authors.


  • 我们禁止核试验条约》上意见一致早就知道因为斯特罗布·塔尔外长贾斯旺特·辛格人就不扩散事宜努力几个月了。

    We didn't agree on the test ban treaty, but I already knew that, because Strobe Talbott had been working with Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh and others for months on nonproliferation issues.


  • 新浪开始主营门户业务打包出售不过在找到直接的微生财之道,这家公司并不着急。

    Sina has begun selling packages that bundle Weibo with its main portal business, but the company is waiting before it tries to monetize Weibo more directly.


  • 基亚表示,中国东盟国家签署南海各方行为宣言我们向前迈进大步,文莱对此积极态度

    Bolkiah indicated the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China SEA signed between China and the ASEAN countries is a great step forward. Brunei holds a positive attitude to this.


  • 一样沃尔沃艰难地夹杂批量生产诸如奥迪宝马奔驰品牌之间

    Like Saab, Volvo sits uncomfortably between the volume producers and such marques as Audi, BMW and Mercedes.


  • 乔治-布什一样,驻华大使经历使这个国家整个改变的认识。

    The ambassador to China, just as it did for H.W. Bush, changes the whole way the country will look at Jon Huntsman.


  • 欧丽希一导演这部讲述了埃尔斯伯格五角大楼文件出版之前事件电影获得荣誉和最佳专题节目奥斯卡提名

    Ehrlich who co-directed the 2009 film profiling Ellsberg and events leading up to the publication of the Pentagon Papers won a Peabody award and an Oscar nomination for best documentary feature.


  • 所有欧洲球队中,荷兰队预选赛阶段失球最少的球队,只丢了两个。 世界杯他们丹麦日本喀麦隆分在了,为斯特克伦格开出15/1的赔率不算太离谱。

    The Dutch were the meanest of all the European sides in qualifying, letting a mere two goals in, and could be a good bet at 15.00 with Denmark, Japan and Cameroon in their group.


  • 胡风现实主义主张,是以高扬主观战斗精神客观现实从而达到客观真实深层次结合为特征的。

    Hu Feng's realism is characterized by combating objective reality with high subjective combat spirit which combines with the depth of objective truthfulness.


  • 是对外经济贸易大学大一新生,教会父亲如何使用,以此来他随时了解自己生活状况。

    Li Tongming freshman from University of International Business and Economics taught his father how use the service get to know what is going on in his son's life.


  • 安妮摩罗通常著名飞行丈夫查理当副驾驶员他们开辟跨越大洋飞行航线

    Anne Morrow Lindbergh often acted as co-pilot for her famous aviator husband, Charles Lindbergh, and together, they explored new air routes across several oceans.


  • 姿7洁面用棉绒擦脖子周围然后品牌爽肤水。 。

    I use Boots No. 7 cream cleanser, wiped on cotton wool around my face and neck, and a toner afterwards by the same brand.


  • 非,短长和谐交税的无权限欧盟层里上所得税法迟缓

    But, because the community lacks the coordinated direct tax the appropriation jurisdiction, in the European Union stratification plane's obtained tax law development is slow.


  • 帕德 拉里亚斯决定巴尔修好,以防宫廷万一会支持巴尔亚。

    Padrarias decided to make friends with balboa in case the new court should side with balboa.


  • 青岛物流系统工程有限公司一家专业致力物流系解决方案服务商

    Qingdao broadcom logistics system project co., LTD. Is a professional committed to logistics department and solutions provider.


  • 青岛物流系统工程有限公司一家专业致力物流系解决方案服务商

    Qingdao broadcom logistics system project co., LTD. Is a professional committed to logistics department and solutions provider.


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