• 同一同样悲惨的是,报纸报道同样卡拉奇名17岁男生被捕指控亵渎神明

    The same day, just as miserably, newspapers reported that a 17-year-old schoolboy, also in Karachi, had been arrested and charged with blasphemy.


  • 时间里,科学家要求同一18个月回到实验室进行同样测试

    For eight years, the scientists asked the same group to come back to the lab every 18 months to take the same sorts of tests.


  • 他们同一笑话同样听到同样的消息。

    They laughed at the same jokes, sang the same songs and heard the same news.


  • 如果目标标准化学习方法每个人同一时间同样的方式学习同样东西那么通过实践来学习其实已经符合这个模式

    If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.


  • 们生活在同一个星球上,享受着同样的太阳,同样的空气和同样的水。

    We live on the same planet and enjoy the same sun, the same air and the same water.


  • 买了一本书,惊奇地发现里面有一幅艺术家皮埃尔·博纳尔的画,和他父亲的画一样,他坐在同样的花园里,同一张椅子上。

    He bought a book and was surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same garden as his father's painting.


  • 们在同一个足球队踢球,玩同样的玩具,睡一间房,有共同的朋友。

    They played on the same football team, and shared all the same toys, the same bedroom and the same friends.


  • 明显,那会很多的,反应堆他们建造成同一种类型,运用同样技术但是有些事,其他运行得好安全文化,很明显就是区别

    Clearly there are many reactors and they're all built of the same type and the same technology but some are run better than others and safety culture is clearly the difference.


  • 拥有形形色色住所同一总是意味着同样东西

    Love has various lodgings; the same word does not always signify the same thing.


  • 那些新颖博客新颖的视角评论——如果老是同一群人当中,你不可避免地发现同样思想翻来覆去地出现。爆发吧!

    Comment on Fresh Blogs For Fresh Perspectives - If you are always among the same crowd you will find inevitably the same thoughts being reflected back over and over. Break out!


  • 如果期望个人朝着同一方向同样方式成长两个人都不公平的,也会压抑剥夺彼此的生活乐趣。

    If you are expecting both people to grow in the same direction and in the same way, that is unfair to both people. It will curtail and suffocate both of their lives.


  • 所以,在同样数据结构可以改变表示数据的方式甚至可以不同方式表示同一事物

    So you can change how you represent things, or even represent the same thing in different ways, all within the same data structure.


  • 布列松胶卷同一镜头没有闪光灯同样快门——需要最新数码设备可以照片

    Cartier-Bresson used film camera, same lens, no flash, same shutter speed - he didn't need the newest digital equipment to take great photos.


  • 试想如果每个人都喜欢同样餐厅穿着出自同一位设计师之手的衣着,这个世界将会变得多么乏味?

    It would be very boring if everyone liked the same restaurants or everyone wore clothe from the same designer.


  • 我们经历同样——只是同一件事不同类别

    We all go through the same thingsit's all just a different kind of the same thing.


  • 研究结果显示一旦参与者通过扇门后他们记忆力表现明显下降只要他们保持同一房间内,就算是同样行走距离,他们的记忆力表现都会更好。

    The results showed memory performance dipped markedly once they had passed through a doorway, rather than when they covered the same distance but remained in the same room.


  • 同样基因各人身上的表现各异,甚至同一个人生命不同阶段的表现也不尽相同

    But the same gene can be expressed differently in different people-or at different times during an individual's life.


  • 相信好事因为将多个项目团队变为单一团队结构所有人都属于同一公司分享客户同样视角目标,分享同样KPI

    I believe this is a good thing because this changes project teams to a one team structure where everyone belongs to the same company, sharing the customer's viewpoint and goals, sharing the same KPIs.


  • 如果多个度量它们的聚合函数应用于同样而且次序相同,那么可以同一语句中计算这些度量。

    If the multiple measures apply their aggregation functions on the same dimensions and in the same order as each other, the measures can all be calculated in the same statement.


  • 反而觉得自己被冒犯了,”,“因为很多方面克雷格参议员一样——同样年纪来自同一社会团体,生活在同一年代。”

    "I felt personally attacked," he said. "in many ways, Sen." Craig is the same age and from the same kind of community and same period of time as I am.


  • 按摩完,他再同样按摩——这会你们能量调整同一的旋律,帮助你们建立感觉融合,还不用提那舒服要死感受。

    When you're done massaging him, have him do the same for you - this puts your energies in tune and helps create a sense of union, not to mention feels pretty damn good.


  • 对于WLAN工作站接入点之间通信确认降低带宽使用同一接入点其他工作站数量也会带来同样影响。

    For communication between a WLAN station and an access point, frame acknowledgments decrease the bandwidth, as do the number of other stations using the same access point.


  • 所有的二元论者可以坚持认为同样灵魂并非人格同一关键同样的人格,才是人格同一性的关键。

    And yet for all that dualists could consistently say, still same soul as not the key to personal identity, same personality is the key to personal identity.


  • 重要的是替换同一声音时,他们表现就更加不敢恭维了。

    More importantly, they were significantly worse at noticing the change when a different example of the same sound had been substituted.


  • 如果四处移动几个不同的地点学习同样东西,你有可能能够对于同一材料形成具有多重关联的印象。

    "If you move around and study the same material in several places," he says, "you may be forming.".. multiple associations for the same material, the same words and so on.


  • 哈姆雷特同样位置同一在本剧的两个版本内出现了不同法。

    In Hamlet the same word in the same place in the play is rendered differently in two different manuscripts.


  • 身边打开地上一本同样大小,也许就是同一部小说

    Beside her, on the floor, wide open, lay a book of the same form as the other, and probably a volume of the same romance.


  • 为了预防一问题最好解决方案创建两个单独变量同样方法根据第一变量得出第二个变量,像是写入同一变量那样。

    To prevent this problem, the best solution is to create two separate variables and just derive the second from the first the same way you would do so if you were just writing to the same variable.


  • 同样严重同一地方财富巨大差异即使繁荣”的东部沿海地区,也有着极端贫穷情况

    Least remarked upon, but equally serious, are huge differences in wealth within the same locality, along with dire cases of poverty, even on theprosperouseastern seaboard.


  • 没有记载表明这些暂时性完全失忆症病例当中,同样的状况会在同一个人身上发生两次

    There are also no documented cases of temporary global amnesia happening more than once to the same person.


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