• 同一重载操作符可以共享内存构造ABC对象

    The same overloaded operator allows you to construct objects of class A, B, and C in shared memory.


  • 为了演示目的同一页面显示详细内容同时限制构造视图数目

    For the purpose of the demonstration, you show the details on the same page, limiting the number of views to construct.


  • 能够构造基于页面定位不同联合测试实例并且要求用户输入的页面同一或者多个数据相关联。

    You can build test cases based on different combinations of page navigation, and associate each page that requires user input with one or more Datapools.


  • CSP中的进程构成复杂系统基本构造 ——进程可以同一多个其他进程连接起来全都设置并行的),从而构成一个进程网络

    Processes in CSP form the basic building blocks for complex systems -- one process can be wired up with one or more other processes (all set to execute in parallel) to form a network of processes.


  • 对于带有少数几个构造方法参数或者如果创建同一多个方法可行的,但是对于构造方法具有大量参数的类来说,很快就会变得杂乱无章

    For classes with few constructor arguments or if you are creating many objects of the same class, this is viable but soon becomes untidy for classes whose constructors have lots of arguments.


  • ,9.0地震海啸日本发生。这两个地方并不处在同一地壳构造板块上

    That was the same day as the 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami hit Japan; however, Japan is on a different tectonic plate.


  • 进行图像分析先前拍摄同一地点构造进行对比是否有所不同,“菲利普斯说。”

    "It will do image analysis to see if there is something different with the structure compared to an earlier picture taken from the exact same spot," says Phillips.


  • 传统内核不好实现这样分布式构造,因为系统保证不同处理器上的不同程序不会写入同一块内存

    In a traditional kernel this is difficult to implement; the system has to be sure that different programs don't try to write to the same memory from different processors.


  • 被称为foreach有时也叫作增强的for这些同一构造

    It's also called foreach, and sometimes enhanced forbut these all refer to the same construct.


  • 能量- - -或者说的能量,其实都是同一能量- - -是你们集体意识构造的时候,,天啊!壮丽景象就会出现生活你们的世界中了!

    When the power of love-or light, which is the very same energy-is the constitution of your collective consciousness, oh! The magnificence in your lives and your world!


  • 伦敦西南80英里(130千米)蓝石阵被认为巨石阵同一时期确切构造明朗

    Bluehenge, about 80 miles (130 kilometers) southwest of London, if thought to date back to the same period, but the exact circumstances of Bluehenge's construction aren't clear.


  • 三者同一地质背景条件下,不同构造条件控制不同产出形态金矿结果

    They are the result that various structural conditions control the gold deposits of different occurrence forms in the same geological setting.


  • 山带区域构造演化大规模成矿作用同一大陆动力学过程不同表现

    The regional tectonic evolution and extensive mineralization in orogenic belts are different expressions of the same continental dynamic process.


  • 由此可见韧性剪切同一构造层次情况下,变形较强的部位产生破裂

    Therefore, ductile shear zones can lead to shear fracture at the same structural level where ductile deformation develops.


  • 大型艺术图案可以构造不仅放在一起同一作者作品放在一起工程使用相同形式公约

    Large-scale artistic patterns may be constructed not only by putting together works by the same author but also by putting together works which use the same forms and conventions.


  • 头洋葱每一件作品的形状演示似乎简单,一旦剥离外层味道变得更加浓郁表露了作品本身完备逻辑构造

    Like an onion, each is obvious in shape and presentation, but as you peel back the layers, they become more pungent, and their logical construction is revealed.


  • 铺装构造研究园林设计中的细部设计提供了个切入点,有助于设计中形成上到乃至微小的细部都服从于同一概念整体

    Studying on pavement construction is regarded as an entry-point for detailed design in landscape design, which helps to form a whole of the same concept from up to down, even the extremely small part.


  • 岩溶分布构造部位,同一地质单元中的浅层深层区具有类似性。

    In the same geological formation, the similarity in distribution is observed for both shallow and deep layers.


  • 地层为同一时期不同沉积体系不同构造位置上的沉积响应。

    Lianhe Group was related as fluvial fan sedimentary system in the north. They were disposed at the same time in the different structure location.


  • 不同构造类型发育不同沉积体系砂体,同一构造不同类型构造发育的砂体类型不同

    The different types of sand-bodies developed not only in the varied structural zones, but also in the different structures of the same structural zone.


  • 第三变形沿盆地不同时代地层界面同一地层不同岩性界面发育的伸展拆离构造

    The third phase deformation is normal fault that developed along the formation interface from different times or the same stratum with different lithology in the basin.


  • 提出同一地震构造带上,小层面应力方向具有一致性。

    It is suggested that on the same seismotectonic zone, the directions of principal compressional stress of fault plane solution of small earthquakes are consistent.


  • 每个房子针对基地位置量身定制的,在相同建筑构造创造个性,并用同一设计线索把它们结合在一起,”JessicaRobertBarker

    "Each house is tailored to its position on the site, fashioned from the same building fabric, and gathered together using a common design thread," said Jessica and Robert Barker.


  • 断块山地山麓地带构造运动形成原面构造阶地有一定共生关系

    In the piedmont zone of fault-block mountains the pediments and tectonic terraces developed during the same tectonic movement are possessed of a certain paragenetic relation.


  • 尽管处于同一构造样式内,克拉2背斜构造两翼部位储集层物性仍表现出明显的差异

    There are strong heterogeneous characteristics of reservoir property between the core and limbs of the Kela-2 anticline, although they are in the same structure.


  • 砂岩非常一致REE模型,基本显示同一相同的构造背景

    The unanimous REE diagrams of the sandstones suggest that they were formed from the same source rocks and tectonic setting.


  • 采用子空间支撑延拓方法,构造复线性空间任意支撑函;确定在同一支撑点上复支撑泛函的数值域,从而得到复支撑泛函具有唯一性的充分必要条件

    This paper investigates the existence of complex support functional of a convex function in complex linear spaces and the complex numerical ranges of the complex support functionals on a point.


  • 为了说明建筑结构技术性能影响,对这项技术在同一建筑类型不同构造形式中的应用进行了评价。

    The technology is evaluated for different configurations of the same building type to demonstrate the effect of building context on performance.


  • 为了说明建筑结构技术性能影响,对这项技术在同一建筑类型不同构造形式中的应用进行了评价。

    The technology is evaluated for different configurations of the same building type to demonstrate the effect of building context on performance.


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