• 吉曼真正区别出现教室

    But Langerman says the real differences emerge in the classroom.


  • 不久吉曼就要结束自己来华的一年自己希望回来之间交流桥梁

    Langerman will soon finish his year in China, but he says he hopes to return one day and be a bridge between the two countries.


  • 通过普林茨赢得开出禁区边缘一个任意球威廉姆斯。菲呢上弹克尔斯婷斯特·吉曼脚下。

    From a free kick on the edge of the area which Prinz both won and took, the ball rebounded high off the head of Fara Williams and looped out to Kerstin Stegemann.


  • 明白一旦展现了自身不幸信号就能捕捉进照片里,”一个生于澳大利亚女性主义者吉曼•基尔2005年这样写道

    "I understood that as soon as I exhibited any signs of distress, she would have her picture," wrote Germaine Greer, an Australian-born feminist, in 2005.


  • 明白一旦展现了自身不幸信号就能捕捉进照片里,”一个生于澳大利亚女性主义者吉曼•基尔2005年这样写道

    I understood that as soon as I exhibited any signs of distress, she would have her picture, ” wrote Germaine Greer, an Australian-born feminist, in 2005.


  • 去年11月开始,百货·马库斯百货迈克尔斯百货的1亿多个账户最近袭击受到某种程度的影响。

    More than 100 million accounts at Target, Neiman Marcus and Michaels stores were affected in some way during the most recent attacks, starting last November.


  • 但是,“真正才是痛处所在。”加州预算项目一个萨克拉研究公司·罗斯说道

    But "the real money is where the pain is", says Jean Ross of the California Budget Project, a research firm in Sacramento.


  • 按达尔文派观点这些男性不是为了直接竞争妇女(“女友主意吗,?”),就是为了竞争地位(“你看不起吗,?”)

    In the view of Darwinists, these men are either competing for women directly (" You looking at my girl, Jimmy? ") or competing for status (" You dissing me, man? ").


  • 每日邮报报道,在被告知自己肩部需要进一步手术之后,这可能将效力最后一场比赛

    The Daily Mail says Given could have played his last game for Manchester City after being told his injured shoulder seems certain to need more surgery.


  • 其中许多卜林就是庄园书桌

    Many of the letters were written here at his desk at Bateman's.


  • 曼-登斯曾提议谭纳标准用于美国应该修改

    Herman-Giddens suggested that the Tanner scale should be revised in America.


  • 最新发表研究中,他们宣称单纯通过增加每个主题的邻居数量有可能完成累托波尔兹·布斯分布之间切换的。

    In their latest work they say that it is possible to switch between Pareto and Boltzmann-Gibbs distributions, simply by increasing the number of neighbors each agent has.


  • 卢安镇长伊斯梅尔·托•古达达图妻子娜林就是受害者之一愤怒地指着安帕图恩周围的人不得不阻止

    Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, deputy mayor of Buluan, whose wife, Genalyn, was one of the victims, angrily pointed at Ampatuan and had to be restrained by those around him.


  • 诺市谢莉•E伍德钩针塑料袋编成作品不仅了手袋购物,她帽子围巾,脚上的拖鞋和地上的小地毯也是自己的。

    Cheri E. Woodman, of Saginaw, crochets things from plastic bags. Not only does she make hand and shopping bags, she wears a hat and shawl she made.


  • 米·伊曾任南非劳动部司长,有人指控利用职权之便增加自己的财产,之后便因此事下台。

    Jimmy Manyi has been suspended as director-general of the Labour ministry after allegations that he sought to use his post to further his own businesses.


  • 守门员谢-也是各队提及时备感失望

    Shay Given, the Manchester City goalkeeper, was also bitterly disappointed when the teams were named.


  • 谢伊·赛季排除的主力阵容。

    Shay Given has been ruled out for the season at Manchester City.


  • 当时首相布·拉赫试图扭转一现象,把受害者称为需要保护,需要重新融入社会的女英雄

    The then prime minister, Mujibur Rahman, tried to counter this by calling them heroines who needed protection and reintegration.


  • 盖恩斯沙漠小屋,因为盖恩斯索要更多金钱换取贝尔金的身份证与布瑞争论起来。布瑞特恳求迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her and the two kiss.


  • 盖恩斯沙漠小屋,因为盖恩斯索要更多金钱换取贝尔金的身份证布瑞争论起来。布瑞特恳求迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们俩个亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house, Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her, and the two kiss.


  • 布瑞特恳求为了她们的爱情支持,她们亲吻了起来

    Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her, and the two kiss.


  • 由于担心沙伊·赛季报销,准备召回租借利兹联队的门将大卫·冈萨雷斯

    Manchester City are ready to call back goalkeeper David Gonzalez from a loan deal at Leeds United - amid fears that Shay Given is out for the season.


  • 士兵警察最初发现了24具尸体包括古达达图妻子娜林(Genalyn)和两个姐妹,他们被击毙

    Soldiers and police initially found 24 bodies, including those of Mangudadatu's wife, Genalyn, and his two sisters, shot or hacked to death.


  • 对于95%人,财富分配遵循波尔·布斯分布,也就是对数线性图(log - linear scale)上的条直线。

    For 95 per cent of the population, it follows a Boltzmann Gibbs distribution, in other words a straight line on a log-linear scale.


  • 作者马西娅•赫·登斯(Marcia Herman -Giddens)发现白人女孩青春期平均发育年龄下降9.7

    Its author, Professor Marcia Herman-Giddens, found the average age of puberty among white girls had dropped to 9.7 years.


  • 盖恩斯迪发出指示,搞定布瑞特,后者要求添加100万美元作为送来马丁·贝尔金身份证的酬劳。

    Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit's request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin's I.D. card.


  • 盖恩斯同意再给布瑞特100万美元他们三人进入沙漠中藏着身份证

    Gaines agrees to give Mandy and Bridgit the extra million dollars and the three of them go into the desert night to reclaim the hidden id card.


  • 盖恩斯同意再给布瑞特100万美元他们三人进入沙漠中,去取藏着身份证

    Gaines agrees to give Mandy and Bridgit the extra million dollars, and the three of them go into the desert night to reclaim the hidden id card.


  • 华尔街日报今天看到这些争端包括其中我们称之为TheSouthButtv. TheNorthFace,此案涉及到密苏里大学学生米温克尔

    The WSJ today looks at these disputes and others, including one we’ll call The South Butt v. The North Face, which involves Missouri college student Jimmy Winkelmann (pictured).


  • 华尔街日报今天看到这些争端包括其中我们称之为TheSouthButtv. TheNorthFace,此案涉及到密苏里大学学生米温克尔

    The WSJ today looks at these disputes and others, including one we’ll call The South Butt v. The North Face, which involves Missouri college student Jimmy Winkelmann (pictured).


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