• 几周内,卡吉加受影响严重

    As in the preceding weeks, Katsina and Jigawa states are seriously affected as well.


  • 帝亚欧的品牌包括皇冠伏特、尊尼获苏格兰威士忌尼斯黑啤酒

    Diageo's brands include Smirnoff vodka, Johnnie Walker Scotch whiskey, and Guinness stout.


  • 那时犹大来到约书亚,有基尼洗族耶孚儿子约书亚说:“耶和华低斯巴尼亚指着神人摩西所说的话,你都知道了。”

    Now the men of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, "you know what the LORD said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea about you and me."


  • 茨万拉伊先生先生每周一内阁一室,彼此怨恨事实,也标志戏剧性的转折

    The very fact that Mr Tsvangirai and Mr Mugabe sit down together in cabinet every Monday, apparently without rancour, marks a dramatic turnaround.


  • 不过刚刚称赞了恺撒·博尔亚,他的事迹里包括了所有索·克利斯罪恶行为

    Yet he has just completed the praise of Cesare Borgia, whose deeds included all of the kinds of evil actions typical of Agathocles.


  • 议会210个席位组织将获得10个席位,从而在穆集团茨万拉伊集团之间进行平衡

    The ten seats his faction has in the 210-member Parliament could hold the balance of power between Mr Mugabe’s lot and Mr Tsvangirai’s.


  • 这项计划包括耶路撒冷附近、约旦河西岸瓦特。齐夫定居点的350套公寓在东耶路撒冷的皮斯·特。齐夫定居点的750栋住房

    He said the plan includes 350 apartments in Givat Ze 'ev, a West Bank settlement near Jerusalem, and 750 homes in Pisgat Ze 'ev, a settlement in East Jerusalem.


  • 星期二直率地拒绝了肯尼亚领导人齐贝提出星期五官邸会晤的建议。 奥廷,齐贝是在利用计划好的会晤来搞公关伎俩

    On Tuesday, Mr. Odinga flatly rejected an offer by the Kenyan leader to meet at his official residence on Friday, saying Mr. Kibaki was using the planned meeting as a public relations gimmick.


  • 茨万拉伊和解姿态招致了批评不单是从地位上来说已经表面上团结作出了太多退让

    Tsvangirai's conciliatory attitude has led to criticism, not least from within his own ranks, that he has conceded too much ground to Mugabe, sacrificing change for the facade of unity.


  • 茨万拉伊这个一边倒的协议说不,正确的。而表示单方面执行协议。

    Mr Tsvangirai is right to reject the one-sided conditions under which Mr Mugabe says he will implement it.


  • 茨万拉伊表示一些国家津巴布韦制裁是不公正的,希望早日解除

    Mugabe and Tsvangirai also hoped for the early lifting of unfair sanctions on Zimbabwe by certain countries.


  • 格雷斯·86的总统老公年龄相差41岁过去5年间,她一直与津巴布韦央行行长迪恩·戈诺给丈夫绿帽戴。

    Grace Mugabe - who is 41 years younger than her 86-year-old husband - has spent the past 5 years cuckolding him with Gideon Gono, head of the country's central bank.


  • 一旦入正规谈判再也可能那么容易随心所欲;如果舞弊从中作梗,那么茨万拉伊只能退出

    Once Mr Mugabe is locked into proper talks, it may no longer be so easy for him to have his way. And if he cheats and filibusters, Mr Tsvangirai should simply walk out.


  • 星期一埃及举行非首脑会议前夕,非外长举行会议。各国外长呼吁世界各国领导人推动茨万拉伊举行对话

    African Union Foreign Ministers meeting in Egypt ahead of Monday's summit, said international leaders should push for Mr. Mugabe and Tsvangirai to talk to each other.


  • 来自大学伯克利分校。沃甘,缅甸探险队会员,他解释道稀有物种用拍照的方式或者是照片凭证地方数据记录的方式来替代

    Guin Wogan from the University of California, Berkeley, a member of the Burma expedition, explains that rare species are photographed or "photo vouchered" and locality data recorded instead.


  • 再次让姆贝基茨万拉伊之间斡旋去年曾在双方代表间进行了调解。

    Mr Mbeki, who mediated talks last year between representatives of Messrs Mugabe and Tsvangirai, was asked to resume his efforts.


  • 迄今为止,茨万拉伊还是低头不语,尽管属反复暗中破坏没有公开场合发表过任何抱怨

    So far Mr Tsvangirai has kept his head down. Despite the many attempts of Mr Mugabe's old guard to humiliate and undermine him, he has made no public complaint.


  • 茨万拉伊表示感谢中国津巴布韦争取民族解放斗争给予的宝贵支持

    Mugabe and Tsvangirai said Zimbabwe thanked for China's precious support of Zimbabwe's struggle for national liberation.


  • 大西洋海象阿拉斯国家野生动物保护区寻找一些个人空间

    Atlantic walruses look for some personal space in Alaska's Togiak National Wildlife Refuge.


  • 现在似乎为了彰显茨万拉伊弱势地位,单方面剥夺MDC几个部长职权,由来自ZANU - PF的部长们代行其职。

    Now, as if to underline Mr Tsvangirai's impotence, Mr Mugabe has unilaterally stripped several MDC ministers of their powers, transferring them to ZANU-PF ministers.


  • 威廉苏尼认为质量没有好,巴贾廉价印度品牌,威廉苏尼是墨西哥摩托车俱乐部董事长,它网上石油巨头社区

    The quality is not quite as good as Bajaj, a cheap Indian brand, reckons William Zuñiga, president of Moto Club México, an online community of petrolheads.


  • 星期一访问甘地1948年被火化纪念地拉·特。

    On Monday they visit Raj Ghat, the memorial that marks the spot of Gandhi's cremation in 1948.


  • 齐贝表态要共同合作。

    Messrs Kibaki and Odinga sound co-operative.


  • 反对派领导人雷拉·奥丁则声称齐贝先生舞弊。

    The opposition leader, Raila Odinga, says Mr Kibaki cheated.


  • 如今,穆塔马拉先生茨万拉伊先生的各自派系议会席位相当对于如何结束穆的统治发生激烈分歧。

    Today, Mr. Mutambara and Mr. Tsvangirai each head factions with a roughly equal number of seats in parliament.


  • 如今,穆塔马拉先生茨万拉伊先生各自派系议会席位相当,对于如何结束的统治发生激烈分歧。

    Today, Mr.Mutambara and Mr.Tsvangirai each head factions with a roughly equal number of seats in parliament.


  • 帝亚欧酒业公司旗下品牌包括皇冠伏特、尊尼获苏格兰威士忌健力士黑啤酒

    Diageo's brands include Smirnoff vodka, Johnnie Walker scotch whisky, and Guinness stout.


  • 由于齐贝都希望回报他们支持者,任命这些支持者担任部长职位,所以预期内阁至少现在一样的部长职位。

    With both Kibaki and Odinga seeking to award jobs to their supporters, the Cabinet is expected to have at least as many ministers as the current 34.


  • 这些塞万莱(Tsvangirai)的攻击提升了公众中的地位-正如(Mugabe)许多年前努力提升自己的地位一样:他结束白人统治的斗争中了监狱

    The attacks on Mr Tsvangirai have improved his public standingjust as Mr Mugabe burnished his, long ago, by going to prison while fighting for an end to white rule.


  • 这些塞万莱(Tsvangirai)的攻击提升了公众中的地位-正如(Mugabe)许多年前努力提升自己的地位一样:他结束白人统治的斗争中了监狱

    The attacks on Mr Tsvangirai have improved his public standingjust as Mr Mugabe burnished his, long ago, by going to prison while fighting for an end to white rule.


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