• 烹制过程极富表演性的过程中感觉舞一样。

    The cooking process is so theatrical and you'll feel like dancing a jig while you're eating it.


  • 概念——灵魂轮回的联系并不那么容易

    The concept of Gigaltransmigration of the soul and Zivugim are not so easily interrelated.


  • 但是威斯康辛大学人口健康学院资深科学家布里特·c·布克斯自由所在摩根似乎邻近的居民状况更好

    But Bridget C.Booske, a senior scientist at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, said Morgan County, where West Liberty is, seemed to be better off than its neighbors.


  • 但是威斯康辛大学人口健康学院资深科学家布里特·c·布克斯自由所在摩根似乎邻近的居民状况更好

    But Bridget C. Booske, a senior scientist at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, said Morgan County, where West Liberty is, seemed to be better off than its neighbors.


  • 我们亲眼目睹团体意识上演,中一便是国会地板上自己康复历程来鼓舞我们的嘉比·受到了同事深切怀念

    One of the places we saw that sense of community on display was on the floor of Congress, where Gabby Giffords, who inspires us with her recovery, is deeply missed by her colleagues.


  • 这个交易会为储备丰富的酒柜弥补干邑香槟空缺而且可以帮助中国扩张

    Such a deal would close the cognac and champagne gap in Diageo’s otherwise well-stocked drinks cabinet, and would help its expansion in China.


  • 如今涉及了各方面商务支柱产业仍是农业

    Today, Cargill is involved in all manner of businesses, but its staple remains agriculture.


  • 这个交易会为储备丰富的酒柜弥补干邑香槟空缺而且可以帮助中国扩张

    Such a deal would close the cognac and champagne gap in Diageo's otherwise well-stocked drinks cabinet, and would help its expansion in China.


  • 塞拉舒尔这样的研究人员已经开始寻找可能潜存于偏头痛和抑郁症中的确切基因——信息能够产生两种疾病的疗法

    Researchers like Terwindt and Schur have already begun hunting for the exact genes that may underlie both migraine and depression -information that could lead to novel treatments for both conditions.


  • 烹制的过程极富表演性的过程中感觉舞一样。

    Its preparation is so theatrical you'll feel like dancing a jig while you're eating it.


  • 演唱会前夜,伯特先生缓和了里尔体育馆行为,做出修订以使适应当地情感,甚至有可能扩大影响力

    Before the night of his show Mr Lambert agreed to tone down his act for the Putra Bukit Jalil stadium, tailoring it to suit local sensibilities and perhaps even widening his appeal.


  • 此外补充说,他'赞同锡吕玛塔达·里尼激活有益效果的解释。

    Further he added that he 'agreed with H.H. Shri Mataji's explanations of Kundalini activation and its beneficial effects'.


  • 现在情况看来变化了因为帝亚正把近几年积累数十亿英镑做筹措基金。

    Now things seem to be changing, as Diageo dips into a war chest of several billion pounds that it has accumulated in recent years.


  • 公司,美国最大私人控股企业决定转让拥有的美国美盛公司(一家世界领先钾肥磷肥生产商)64%的股票

    Cargill, America's biggest privately held company, decided to spin off Mosaic, a leading producer of potash and phosphate, in which it holds a 64% stake.


  • 这些私人信件卜林写给女的女家庭教师的。

    The private letters are from Kipling to his children's governess.


  • 巴马新闻秘书布斯表示,“无论哪项议案获得了通过所必须支持我们项。”

    "Whichever bill has the support it needs to be passed, that's what we'll move first," said Robert Gibbs, Mr Obama's press secretary.


  • 北狮主要以娱乐为目的,源于广州具有象征意义在舞狮活动中寄托着民众消灾除害、纳福美好意愿。

    Southern lion dancing, which originated in Guangzhou, is more symbolic. It is usually performed as a ceremony to scare away evil spirits and to summon good luck and fortune.


  • 齐贝先生可能会找到拒绝放弃盟友借口

    Mr Kibaki may find excuses for refusing to give up one of his Allies.


  • 影片迈克-内威尔执导杰克·哈尔领衔主演游戏创建者乔丹-麦纳担任编剧

    The film, directed by Mike Newell and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, is based on a screenplay written by the game's creator, Jordan Mechner.


  • 现在似乎为了彰显茨万拉伊弱势地位,穆加贝单方面剥夺MDC几个部长职权,由来自ZANU - PF的部长们代行职。

    Now, as if to underline Mr Tsvangirai's impotence, Mr Mugabe has unilaterally stripped several MDC ministers of their powers, transferring them to ZANU-PF ministers.


  • 美国移动运营商特巴老年人提供傻瓜手机”,最近它也增加了更多医疗保健服务。而同竞争他移动运营商采取了大致相同的做法。

    Jitterbug, an American mobile operator that offers easy-to-use phones for the elderly, recently added more health services; rival mobile carriers are doing much the same.


  • 韦维尔乃英国驻印度倒数第二位总督,品德之高尚,足包揽鲁德亚德•卜林著名诗歌如果》所赞颂全部人类美德。

    The penultimate viceroy of India may have possessed all the manly virtues extolled in Rudyard Kipling's famous poem "If".


  • 顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马第二任妻子瑞典公主凯塔琳娜定制的。

    The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900.


  • Fortune Brands交易情况复杂,比较之下,可以简单地买下杰克·丹尼美国销售量销售价格高于占边。

    Instead of the complicated deal with Fortune Brands, Diageo could simply try to buy Jack Daniels, whose sales volumes and selling price are higher than Jim Beam's in America.


  • 所经营的绿色护肤品公司“绿色潘亚”(PangeaOrganics)生产纯天然香皂浴液,成分包括杏仁蜂蜡和香草(sweetbasil)。

    His organic body-care company, Pangea Organics, makes all-natural soaps and lotions with ingredients such as almond oil, beeswax and sweet basil.


  • 作者马西娅•赫曼·登斯(Marcia Herman -Giddens)发现白人女孩青春期平均发育年龄下降9.7

    Its author, Professor Marcia Herman-Giddens, found the average age of puberty among white girls had dropped to 9.7 years.


  • 由于食盐因为全国人民健康不良影响受到攻击,食品业巨头公司(Cargill)去年11月开始了一项营销活动传播自己的广告词

    With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation's health, the food giant Cargill kicked off a campaign last November to spread its own message.


  • 由于食盐因为全国人民健康不良影响受到攻击,食品业巨头公司(Cargill)去年11月开始了一项营销活动传播自己的广告词

    With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation's health, the food giant Cargill kicked off a campaign last November to spread its own message.


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