• 常见问题串通投标合同欺诈

    Most Common Problems: Collusion, Contract fraud.


  • 如果说婚姻契约夫妻间承诺合同那么这种行为叫做合同欺诈

    If a marriage is an agreement, then the promise between a couple is the contract. In this case, your behavior is nothing but contractual fraud.


  • 如果说婚姻契约夫妻间承诺合同那么这种行为就叫做合同欺诈

    If the marriage is an agreement, the promise between the couple is a contract. Thus, your behavior like this is nothing but a contractual fraud.


  • 组织管理经济合同组织查处合同欺诈行为,组织管理动产抵押物登记,组织监管拍卖行为

    To regulate contract performance, administer the registration of movable collaterals and regulate auction behaviors; to investigate and penalize contract frauds and other illegal practices.


  • 依法组织管理合同,组织查处合同欺诈行为,组织管理动产抵押物登记,组织监管拍卖行为

    To regulate contract performance, to investigate and penalize contract frauds and other illegal practices; to administrate the registration of movable collaterals and regulate auction behaviors.


  • 因此未成年人合同欺诈行为研究反映出一种价值取向,必须法律规制层面着手

    Thus, the research of minor contract fraud behavior reflect one value tropism what must set about from the legal regulation.


  • 欺诈救济措施主体设计、补救措施赔偿责任上均有区别于传统合同欺诈的制度设计。

    The remedies of fraud are different from traditional contract law on scope of the parties, remedial measures and compensation for losses.


  • 作为一个负责任企业机构立方氮化硼再次警告所有接受者欺诈信件虚假交易,不存在任何合同付款被困银行金库

    As a responsible corporate body, the CBN is once again warning all recipients of fraudulent letters on bogus deals, that there are no contract payments trapped in the bank's vaults.


  • 保险欺诈损害保险合同当事人合法权益,扰乱保险市场秩序

    Insurance cheating does damage to legitimate right of contract party and disturb order of insurance market.


  • 遵守合同价格条款”的有关规定进行欺诈报价

    The Pricing Terms under this contract shall be abided by and no fraudulent price quotation is allowed.


  • 合同诈骗罪民事欺诈行为无论主观方面客观方面还是侵犯客体及其权利属性都有不同

    But contract fraud and civil fraud are different in both their objective and subjective aspects, what is being violated and the nature of its rights are also different.


  • 如果合同承诺属于欺诈法,那么只有拒不履行的一当事人字据证明合同义务时,案件方能成立。

    If contractual promises fall under the statutes of frauds, suit will lie only if there exists a writing by the party who resists performance which documents his contractual obligation.


  • 现行刑法虽然惩治合同诈骗犯罪提供了法律依据但是司法实践中,如何正确区分合同诈骗罪合同纠纷中的民事欺诈行为,探讨价值的问题。

    Present Criminal Law also provides law gist for punishing this crime. But it is worth discussing so as to correctly distinguish civil cheat in the crime of contract take-in and contract dissension.


  • 欺诈防治法要求强制执行口头出售土地土地利益合同种辩护理由,那么,一份口头合同业已部分履行时问题就出现了。

    Since the statute of frauds is a defense against enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land or an interest in land, problems arise when an oral contract has been partially performed.


  • 反过来说口头合同一年期限内不可能履行,那么《欺诈防治法》这项规定就会制止根据项口头合同而进行的追索。

    Conversely, when performance of an oral contract is impossible during a one-year period, this provision of the statute of frauds will bar recovery on an oral contract.


  • 条采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立合同无效

    Article 10. Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void.


  • 如果合同根据条款可能(而不是大概)一年之内履行,那么它就不在欺诈防治法》规定范围之内,从而就不必书面形式了。

    If the contract, by its terms, is possible (not probable) to perform within the year, the contract is not within the statute of frauds and need not be in writing.


  • 将以欺诈、胁迫或乘人之危订立的劳动合同规定为可撤销合同可以解决矛盾,并能够更好地保护当事人的利益。

    This contradiction can be solved and the parties can be protected better when such contract is provided as voidable contract.


  • 欺诈防治法,有人口头合同要求强制执行而提出辩护依据。

    The statute of frauds is a defense to the enforcement of this type of oral contract.


  • 不能恢复,法院设法认定一个可在《欺诈防治法之外强制执行合同

    If not, the courts will maneuver to find a contract that is enforceable outside the statute of frauds.


  • 劳动者欺诈胁迫手段或者乘人之危,使用人单位在违背真实意思情况下订立或者变更劳动合同

    The employee forces the employer to conclude or alter the employment contract against the employer's true will by means of deception, coercion or taking advantage of the employer's difficulties;


  • 欺诈防治法作用就是针对要求执行口头土地买卖合同提出抗辩。

    The statute of frauds operates as a defense to the enforcement of an oral contract for the sale of land.


  • 除此之外,赋予欺诈撤销变更劳动合同、追究过错方违约责任选择权

    In addition, the law should give the part which cheated by the other part some option rights to repeal or modify the contract and to ask them afford the responsibility of breach of contract.


  • 除此之外,赋予欺诈撤销变更劳动合同、追究过错方违约责任选择权

    In addition, the law should give the part which cheated by the other part some option rights to repeal or modify the contract and to ask them afford the responsibility of breach of contract.


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