• 因此大脑味觉识别系统一个高度复杂感知机制它让所有种感官各种组合方式工作

    Thus the brain's flavor-recognition system is a highly complex perceptual mechanism that puts all five senses to work in various combinations.


  • 各种组合启用禁用它们导致不同结果

    Enabling and disabling them in various combinations caused differing results.


  • 我们把能想到各种组合了一次。

    We tried it in every conceivable combination.


  • 以下非类型化数据技术方便性性能各种组合

    The following untyped DataSet techniques have various combinations of convenience and performance. First, you can access the value of a column using a DataColumn instance


  • 使用这些技术各种组合可以真正帮助找出子公司

    Using various combinations of these techniques can be really helpful to figure out what affiliates are up to.


  • 可以各种组合,可以适应大多数进攻计划

    It can be ran out of a variety of alignments, and can be adaptable to most offensive schemes.


  • 研究了香型低度白酒运用孔膜过滤技术各种组合除浊方法

    Various combined methods for defecating the rice fragrant spirit with a low degree of alcohol were studied by means of microporous barrier filtration technique.


  • 运行JTable应用程序之后就可以各种组合方式查看调查的结果

    After that, you can view the survey data in different combinations.


  • 准噶尔盆地南缘构造样式类型以断裂褶皱各种组合类型为主

    The tectonic patters of south margin of Junggar basin are composed of the composition of faults and folds mostly.


  • 本文给出了能够描述各种组合发动机系统工作过程通用方程组

    A set of general equations which can describe the operating process of all kinds of combination engine systems is given in this paper.


  • 生产各种规格真空压缩精品真空压缩袋,各种组合套装真空压缩

    The production of various specifications of vacuum compression bags, boutique vacuum compression bags, all kinds of combined vacuum compression bag.


  • 眼睛看到的完整东西只有依靠各种组合才能呈现真实感受

    My truly feelings could only be expressed by combination of what I have seen in different Angle.


  • 图层之间起始高度距离各种组合特定距离视角生成不同体积效果

    Various combinations of starting altitude and distance between layers will produce different volumetric effects at specific distances and viewing angles.


  • 弹簧各种组合形式车辆上配套使用,并用不同装配技术弹簧装在车辆上。

    Springs are paired off on vehicles in various combinations, and are attached to vehicle by different mounting techniques.


  • 同时,本公司也生产各种组合锯套装,各种特殊合金锯片,以及各种金刚石锯片

    Also we produce dado bado blades set and all kinds of diamond circular saw blades.


  • 自由液面水底平面壁的各种组合边界条件程序应用映射技巧处理。

    In this program, free water surface condition and boundary condition on seabed and bank are satisfied by means of images.


  • 方法适用于解元素排列中的绝对位置相对位置更为重要各种组合优化问题

    It is suitable to the optimization of the kind of permutation problems in which solution absolute positioning of the elements is more important than relative positioning of the elements.


  • 比较全面地研究多维震动作用下结构反应组合问题,对各种组合方法进行了评价。

    The combined problem of structural responses to multiple seismic ground motions is extensively analyzed and evaluated.


  • 本发明所揭示的组合烤箱可以用对流空气冲击空气和微波能量及它们的各种组合进行工作。

    A combination oven that is operable with convection air, impingement air and microwave energy in various combinations thereof.


  • 上世纪五十年代起各国在不断提高单机动力装置性能同时不断推出各种组合形式的动力装置。

    Many kinds of combined power plant have been introduced with the ever improving performance of single engine since 1950s.


  • 进入战国前期,连词“而”各种组合基本具备句法结构语义关系也呈现复杂多样的形态

    When entering into the early stage of the Warring States, these kinds of combinations were basically provided, their syntactical construction and lexical relation emerged complex formations.


  • 本文通过个案研究表明,农民工再次职业流动过程关系作用发挥是以各种组合的形式出现的。

    Based on a case study, the author draws a conclusion that strong ties together with weak ties play a role in the course of occupation re-mobility of peasant worker.


  • 继承另一个缺点随着不同user数量增加各种组合变得数目众多维护起来越发困难

    Another disadvantage of inheritance is that as the number of different classes of users increases, the various combinations become numerous and increasingly difficult to maintain.


  • 研究了一体化二次变频收发信机各种组合频率干扰产生原因:主要由于混频器放大器非线性

    This paper investigates various combined frequency interference in integrated and double-converted transceivers, and points out that the reason is the non-linearity of frequency mixer and amplifier.


  • 一个数据驱动连接测试套件时我们可以输入各种组合数据记录列入到测试脚本动态变化AUT行为中。

    When a data-driven table is linked to the test suite, it is possible to specify several combinations of data records to input to the test scripts and to dynamically change the behavior of the AUT.


  • 首先设计系统采用模块化程序设计方法采用软件工程开发原理便于系统功能的各种组合修改

    First of all, I should design a system USES the modularized program design method, using the development of software engineering principles, various combinations of both for the system and revise.


  • 各种组合工艺运用重油催化裂化提供了优质原料提高了渣油加工深度,增强了企业的应变能力经济效益

    The use of integrated process provides more qualified feedstock for RFCC, increases the yield of light oil, and enhances the economic benefit of refineries and adaptability of crude oil.


  • 尽管这里通过单独场景介绍集成,但是典型的问题隔离过程往往各种组合方式三个场景无缝地融合在一起。

    Although the integration points were described as three separate scenarios, a typical problem-isolation scenario would seamlessly blend all these scenarios together in various combinations.


  • 综合比较所有绿蓝光波段各种组合构成植被指数LAI估算能力,认为GNDVIGBNDVILAI比较好的关系

    The capabilities of these vegetation indices derived from all kinds of combinations of red, green and blue bands to LAI estimation were compared. GNDVI and GBNDVI have the best relation with LAI.


  • 综合比较所有绿蓝光波段各种组合构成植被指数LAI估算能力,认为GNDVIGBNDVILAI比较好的关系

    The capabilities of these vegetation indices derived from all kinds of combinations of red, green and blue bands to LAI estimation were compared. GNDVI and GBNDVI have the best relation with LAI.


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