• 司法监管标准退化了

    Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated.


  • 我们应从司法制度打击腐败能力方面获得一些安慰

    We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.


  • 妇女偏见全面影响司法体系各个层面

    Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.


  • 美国司法系统非常复杂有时还运作缓慢

    The American justice system is very complex and sometimes operates slowly.


  • 项目实施年后参与者接触青少年司法系统可能性降低

    A year after the program, participants were less likely to have had an encounter with the juvenile justice system.


  • 我们国家刑事司法系统兴趣。

    I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country.


  • 那么如何利用福利刑事司法系统产生我们想要行为呢?

    So how can you use the systemwelfare or criminal justiceto produce the behavior we want?


  • 第二我们希望通过刑事司法系统治疗那些因为绝望导致行为

    The second has us looking to the criminal justice system to cure behavior that is as much as anything the result of despair.


  • 许多美国人依然担心司法体系可能产生高昂费用

    Many Americans will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.


  • 看起来司法行业接近一种不怕经济衰退行业

    It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.


  • 渥太华华盛顿必须自由贸易流通司法安全事务之间找到一个微妙的平衡

    Ottawa and Washington have to find a delicate balance between the free flow of commerce and legitimate security concerns.


  • 英国警方外国银行账户没有司法管辖权。

    The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.


  • 报告滥用刑法非常普遍政府军队将其作为司法程序之外的判决。

    The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.


  • 曾是壳牌司法律部惟一女性

    She was the only woman in Shell's legal department.


  • 上任的地方检察官承诺司法腐败斗争

    The new district attorney has promised to fight police corruption.


  • 司法拉锯战在前,“清洁空气区”未来充其量只能说是前途难卜。

    With legal battles ahead, the zone's future looks uncertain at best.


  • 司法站着不动,看着一支奇怪队伍走过

    The Councillor stood still, and watched a most strange procession pass by.


  • 眼罩15世纪的一项革新代表着司法盲目性原则

    The blindfold (a 15th-century innovation) represents the principle that justice should be blind.


  • 司法大胆地宣布汉斯国王时代最高贵幸福时代

    The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period.


  • 美国司法表示四分之一孩子青春期遭到霸凌。

    The United States Department of Justice showed that one out of four kids will be bullied during their adolescence.


  • 这时人群散开了,司法走了进来,神气十足地拽着波特胳膊

    The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm.


  • 强化当事人举证责任成为我国法学理论司法实务共识

    Enhancing the party's onus probandi has been the common understanding of the law and judicial circle in our country.


  • 穿着一身黑色,显得优雅高贵

    He wore a black soutane which gave him something ofcourtly air. 


  • 布朗表示这个司法的决定完全归于麦卡斯基尔。

    The quasi-judicial decision, said Mr Brown, was entirely Mr MacAskill's to make.


  • 包括尊严宽容所有平等以及司法公平公正。

    They also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice.


  • 但是应该如何衡量比较国家稀有蟾蜍数量另一个国家司法独立性

    But how should one weight the number of rare toads in one country against the independence of the judiciary in another?


  • 刑事司法角度来看公开羞辱向民众传达犯罪活动后果信息,这对于震慑犯罪行为有着非常重要作用

    From the criminal justice perspective, public shaming serves an important function in deterring crimes by signaling to the public the consequences of criminal activities.


  • 在这里引发了参与者荒谬威胁从而重新确立他们司法信念

    Here the threat of the absurd caused participants to re-affirm their belief in justice.


  • 在任法官全国巡游(有些地方现在还这样做),他们带着司法程序壮观尊严气质,通过仪式体现司法的严肃

    Sessions judges toured the country, as in some places they still do, and they simply took the pomp and dignity of court procedure with them, using ritual to create a sense of gravity.


  • 霍尔特相信,对布莱·维克深入了解开端司法审判,最终在挪威犯罪小说反映扩展

    Holt believes that this greater understanding of the Breivik drama, from its inception to the judicial conclusions, will eventually feed into and expand the parameters of Norwegian crime fiction.


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