• 卡洛斯史林电信帝国延伸到了整个拉美

    Carlos Slim has extended his telecoms empire across Latin America.


  • 同时更衣室里,哈利队友换上鲜红的战袍(史林穿绿色的)。

    Meanwhile, in the locker room, Harry and the rest of the team were changing into their scarlet Quidditch robes (Slytherin would be playing in green).


  • 然而根据墨西哥位财经记者的说法,卡洛斯史林‧赫鲁所拥有美金六百七十八亿财产,使成为新的全球首富

    However, according to a Mexican business reporter, Carlos Slim Helú's US$67.8 billion makes him the new wealthiest person in the world.


  • 豪斯杯锦标赛中战胜史林想法真是太妙了,毕竟过去七年中没有能够做到但是现在纳皮这样一个公正裁判他们是否能够做到呢?

    The idea of overtaking Slytherin in the house championship was wonderful, no one had done it for seven years, but would they be allowed to, with such a biased referee?


  • 世界首富、墨西哥电信大亨卡洛斯史林(CarlosSlim)也主持拉美亿万富翁年会,在该会议上,富豪们打着讨论地区贫困问题幌子寻求彼此合作。

    The world’s richest man, Carlos Slim, a Mexican telecoms tycoon, hosts an annual gathering of Latin American billionaires who cultivate each other while ostensibly discussing regional poverty.


  • 稍后节目中将会听到黛西·柯梅尔·威尔逊的发言,他们是全国社会工作者协会的社

    Later in this series, you will hear from Stacy Colins and Mel Wilson, fellow social workers at the National Association of Social Workers.


  • 系列后续部分,将会听到黛西·梅尔·威尔逊的发言,他们是全国社会工作者协会的社

    Later in this series, you will hear from Stacy Collins and Mel Wilson, fellow social workers at the National Association of Social Workers.


  • 1928年,陈列密森艺术工业大厦北厅内圣路易斯精神”是查尔斯·首次创造独自不着陆横渡西洋飞行时使用过飞机

    Spirit of St. Louis, the plane in which Charles Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight, was installed in the North Hall of the Smithsonian's Arts and Industries Building in 1928.


  • 如果还在世的话,那么安司这样个消息所震惊:今年81岁库拉斯长期以来是东德秘密警察塔西”的一名特工

    Had she lived, she would be stunned to learn that Mr Kurras, now 81, had been a long-time agent of East Germany's secret police, the Stasi.


  • 纽约城5个行政区分别布朗克斯,布鲁克坦顿,皇后区曼哈顿

    New York City has 5 boroughs. They are the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, and Manhattan.


  • 一部有作曲家拉罗·著名主题配乐

    Each was underscored by composer Lalo Schifrin's famously jagged theme song.


  • 布鲁克被誉为“之城”教堂之城”,虽然这个小小的街区也出了不少像惠特曼伍迪艾伦芭拉翠珊和拳王泰森那样有头有脸人物,却唯独了一样。

    Brooklyn, the borough of churches and trees, Walt Whitman and Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand and Mike Tyson, has never lacked for people of distinction — except perhaps in one category.


  • 为了防止这本包装精美的诺顿纪念集对我们阻碍,我会利用内克古籍馆,以及图书馆的资源,同时运用一些幻灯片的电子文件

    In order to counteract the packaged and monumental form of the Norton, I will be using Beinecke's and Sterling's resources, using Power Point digitized files.


  • 1993年,约瑟夫·蒂格利兹阿兰·布CEA就职并且最后被广为引用的大卫·卡特勒和马修·夏皮罗因为在其中担任高级经济师,让平均分达到了736.5。

    For 1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is 736.5.


  • 普通读者这两位研究者的理解中,自己方法获得(包括廉价故事书以及罗曼),并且他们自己的头脑中给这些书赋予意义

    Ordinary readers, as they understand them, appropriate books (including chapbooks and Harlequin romances) in their own ways, investing them with meaning that makes sense by their own lights.


  • 克里斯·斯特教授伦敦自然博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 密森白手里用1美元买下了架创造历飞机

    The Smithsonian bought the history-making plane from Lindbergh for one U.S. dollar.


  • 因为《雷斯编年》两本书实际背景是在《编年《传承》两者之前如果预先阅读,后两者一些内容可能就变得乏味起来。

    While the Raistlin Chronicles actually take place before both Chronicles and Legends, they may spoil some of the material in these two main series if read first.


  • 南京2500建城素有六朝古都、朝都会的美誉,于一体的生态型历文化名城。

    Nanjing has a history of nearly 2500 years, and is known as the capital of six dynasties, or ten regimes, whose landscape incorporates mountains, water, city and forestry.


  • 再者,《雷斯编年》系列两系列书之后,所以,最好的顺序大概就是等到读毕《编年传奇》以后。

    Additionally, since they were written afterward, it's probably best to hold off until you've read Chronicles and Legends.


  • 一些关于人们录音文件,图书馆里有,我们课上这些文件你们可以语言学习中心网页找到

    There are also audio recordings of the poets that we will be reading that come from Sterling and you can get to on the Center for Language Study website.


  • 提克德国赢得戴维·斯1997年宣布退役时年28岁

    Shtick owned the Davis Cup for Germany, but announced his retirement in 1997, aged 28.


  • 这个传人打开那个密室释放出里面恐怖东西,那个时候便能除掉学校所有莱哲认为没有资格学习魔法

    The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing purge the school of all those who in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic.


  • 蒙古是谁把它的?

    Who sold away Outer Mongolia to Stalin?


  • 诗集人性外衣》《航标》(卫斯理大学出版社)的作者

    A. E. Stringer is the author of Human Costume and Channel Markers (Wesleyan University Press).


  • 得到石头开始担心害怕失去随后矮人加入革淹没融化金子巨大战役中。

    Just being near the stone makes Thorin start to lose it. Subsequently, the dwarves are involved in a huge action sequence that leads to Smaug being covered in molten gold.


  • 得到石头开始担心害怕失去随后矮人加入革淹没融化金子巨大战役中。

    Just being near the stone makes Thorin start to lose it. Subsequently, the dwarves are involved in a huge action sequence that leads to Smaug being covered in molten gold.


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