• 乳腺癌相关家族其他危险因素暴露女性更高的风险患乳腺癌。询问自己的医生开始进行乳腺癌筛查时间可能增测的项目。

    Women who are at higher risk of breast cancer because of family history or other factors should talk to their doctor about when to start screening and what other tests they may need.


  • 这些测试根据个人年龄、社交记录、犯罪以及选择的受害者类型因素指定一个分数

    Typically the tests work by assigning a score to people depending on factors such as their age, the history of their relationships, their criminal past and the type of victims they have chosen.


  • 据估计,四百万英国妇女酒精的摄入量都超过建议的水平。虽然导致乳腺癌许多不同风险因素包括家族肥胖,但葡萄酒和乳腺癌之间有着密切联系是肯定的。

    While there are many different risk factors for developing breast cancer, including family history and obesity, the association between.


  • 具有癫痫病家族似乎增加其它危险因素所带来影响

    A family history of epilepsy seems to increase the influence of other risk factors.


  • 即使能够证明病毒肥胖存在联系体重增加仍然是一个涉及到人类基因文化和环境因素复杂问题不仅仅只与他的病毒感染有关。

    Even if the link between the virus and obesity is proven, weight gain remains a complex issue that involves a person's genetics, culture, and environment, not just his or her history of infection.


  • 然而,来自密森生物保护研究所科学家们发现一点可能不是关键因素

    Scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, however, have found that that may not be the case.


  • 喝咖啡/更多的诊断出患胶质瘤的风险降低了三分之一,这其中考虑诸如年龄抽烟因素

    The heavier coffee/tea consumers were one-third less likely to be diagnosed with glioma, with factors such as age and smoking history taken into account.


  • 冠脉狭窄、心梗、心瓣膜病、手术心肌病其他心脏损伤绝大多数心律失常的危险因素

    Narrowed heart arteries, heart attack, abnormal valves, prior heart surgery, cardiomyopathy and other heart damage are risk factors for almost any kind of arrhythmia.


  • 50起,无论男性还是女性应该进行结肠癌检测如果有相关的家族或者其他确认危险因素暴露情况的话,时间应该提前

    Men and women should be tested for colon cancer beginning at age 50, or earlier if they have a family history of the disease or certain other risk factors.


  • 对于不同女性来说,如何平衡风险益处也因人而异,取决于诸如遗传饮食习惯生活方式等诸多因素

    Balancing the risks and benefits is different for every woman, and depends on factors such as genetic history, diet and lifestyle.


  • 体型更大的生物生存关键因素氧气含量变化刻在埃迪·卡拉岩石群上。

    A key requirement for larger creatures is oxygen, and the dramatic history of oxygen levels is also etched in Ediacaran rocks.


  • 然后他们可以调查患者的背景吸烟这样比较明显联系或者根据最近项研究提议,寻找像饮料温度这样意料之外因素

    They can then search patients’ backgrounds for contributing factors as obvious as smoking or for unexpected links, like beverage temperature, as one recent study suggested.


  • 当然狗都天生不同,只有主人宠物医生知道狗宝贝的食物过敏体重情况其他健康问题,并依照这些因素指导狗狗饮食

    Of course every dog is different and you and your vet know best if he or she has any food sensitivities, weight issues or other health concerns that should guide your dog's diet.


  • 甚至研究人员强调了诸如早产、家庭收入母亲吸烟以及学术水平的高低因素产生的影响之后,对于阿加分数低于7孩子来说多动症的几率仍然更高

    Even after the researchers accounted for factors like preterm birth, family income and mothers' smoking and education levels, the risk of ADHD was higher among kids with Apgar scores below 7.


  • 但是这次新的研究更为深入,研究仔细调查了这些病人生活何时过过敏症,同时研究得出的结论时间决定性因素

    But this new study went further. It looked carefully at the time in the patients' lives when their allergies were active, and it found that this timing was crucial.


  • 更好筛查关键乳腺癌经典危险因素包括家族年龄以及是否生育

    A key to better screening. The classic risk factors for breast cancer include family history, age, and whether you've had kids.


  • 之前H1N1病毒接触似乎一个关键因素,可以让人识别出1976年的疫苗毒株并产生强烈免疫应答,这如同1976年的疫苗能人对2009年H1N1病毒产生强烈免疫应答一样。

    That prior encounter with H1N1 seemed to be the key to a robust recognition of the 1976 vaccine virus, just as having had the 1976 vaccine seems to produce a strong response to the 2009 H1N1 virus.


  • 认真调查了患者生活过敏反应发生的具体时间发现发生时间关键性因素

    It looked carefully at the time in the patients' lives when their allergies were active, and it found that this timing was crucial.


  • 根据密森国家动物园尽管狐猴有时被捕捉当作宠物交易,促使数量减少的主要因素还是森林退化。

    Deforestation is driving their decline, although they are also sometimes trapped and sold as pets, according to the Smithsonian's National Zoo.


  • 找出影响充分睡眠因素例如酒精),医生一起检查药品副作用,检查是否家族遗传

    The advice is to try to work out the triggers which disturb full sleep (such as alcohol), check side-effects of medication with your GP and check if the problem runs in your family.


  • 胆固醇多种因素引起包括饮食家族

    High cholesterol comes from a variety of sources, including your family history and what you eat.


  • 恰恰有大约一半(49%)至少两个心脏病风险因素39%的女同胞没有早期心脏病家族

    Just about half (49 percent) had at least two heart risk factors, versus 39 percent of women with no family history of early heart disease.


  • 不能控制危险饮食有些中风的危险因素无法控制,老化中风家族

    Some stroke risk factors are beyond your control, such as getting older or having a family history of strokes.


  • 发生血栓的其他危险因素包括患有癌症既往血栓形成

    Other risk factors for clots were having cancer and having had a previous blood clot.


  • 伊利诺伊大学艾伦·教授说:“个性化医疗是指了解病人生活各个方面我们背景因素。”

    "Individualizing care means appreciating aspects of the patient's life," said Professor Schwartz. "We call it their context."


  • 原发性开角型青光眼可疑青光眼患者以及青光眼家族都是使用激素眼压反应性升高危险因素

    Primary open-angle glaucoma, status as a glaucoma suspect, and a family history of glaucoma are risk factors for an ocular hypertensive response with the use of corticosteroid therapy.


  • 吸烟者单独发生癫痫发作风险高于吸烟者甚至存在中风其它危险因素也是如此

    Smokers were at greater risk of having an isolated seizure than non-smokers, even when other risk factors, including history of stroke, were taken into account.


  • 抛开已知风险因素吸烟高血压肥胖家族研究者发现抑郁和卒中二者间并没有密切联系

    After factoring for known risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity and family history, they found no significant link between depression and stroke.


  • 分析考虑到了其他危险因素包括哮喘家族是否妈妈患了哮喘,怀孕期间母亲是否吸烟

    The analysis took into account other risk factors for asthma including ethnicity, whether the mom had asthma, and whether she smoked during pregnancy.


  • 分析考虑到了其他危险因素包括哮喘家族是否妈妈患了哮喘,怀孕期间母亲是否吸烟

    The analysis took into account other risk factors for asthma including ethnicity, whether the mom had asthma, and whether she smoked during pregnancy.


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