• 粗格栅拦截的栅渣1台无轴螺旋输送机输送栅渣容器外运

    Dredges blocked by coarse bar screen are removed by one non-axis screw conveyer to container and transported outside.


  • 台无直流电动机控制对象分析基于偏差耦合的多电机同步控制策略

    The main purpose of this paper is to make three brushless DC motors as control object and based on relative coupling strategy to study synchronized control of multi-motor system.


  • 它是一台无压力基本容器钢材而制成,整个横截面覆一层丁基橡胶吸收常压分离蒸发

    Basic vessel, pressureless, constructed from steel with built-in butyl-rubber diaphragm across the entire cross-section for absorption of the expansion water when atmospherically separated.


  • Z 1第一台无线电视,调频器穿越房间传输一种压缩蓝光信号,它内部装有SiBEAM 60千兆赫的WirelessHD芯片

    The Z1 is the first TV and tuner box capable of transmitting an uncompressed Blu-ray signal from across the room, courtesy of the SiBEAM 60-gigahertz WirelessHD chip inside.


  • 云的天空显然为小镇创造了很多财富,小镇也打算设立更多的天文

    The cloudless sky is clearly a moneymaker for the town, which plans to set up even more observatories.


  • 有一设备失效时其他设备临界值少量中断变化接管负载

    When a device fails, other devices pick up the load with little or no interruption or changes in threshold levels.


  • 乔布斯发布十月份公司业绩报告曾说:“我们知道怎样只有500美元的电脑,那电脑简直一是处。”

    "We don't know how to make a $500 computer that's not a piece of junk," Mr. Jobs said in October when the company reported earnings.


  • 电视挑战其他——用意大利语播放文化涵养的节目,当时的意大利居民喜欢方言

    His television channels challenged state broadcasters with lowbrow programmes in the Italian language that appealed to those groups most likely to speak regional dialects.


  • 以前见过一些轮毂概念自行车但是款突触自行车更进了一步,它集成电机从而是电动自行车。

    I've seen a handful of hubless concept bikes but the Synapse bike goes one further with integrated electric motors to assist the rider.


  • 如果独一二的复制另一

    Be unique if and when replicated to another.


  • 诊所的休息室内,价值5000美元的咖啡盘中摆着18上等骨灰冲泡茶点以及松饼,你几乎不到什么医药味。

    The foyer has a $5, 000 coffee machine, 18 different teas served in fine bone china from a silver tray and an oven baking sugarless muffins to mask the medicinal smell.


  • OperaUnite独一二的技术,它能让任何一运行Opera的电脑终端变成网络服务器

    Opera Unite is a unique technology that turns any computer or device running Opera into a Web server.


  • standalone剖析代理标头模式 (headless mode)运行意味着工作之交互

    standalone. The profiling agent runs in a headless mode, which means it is not possible to interact with it from the workbench.


  • 一个水汽的房间内,将部件放置工作之上。部件分解开以后,要小心取,以免因腐蚀碰撞造成损伤

    Place unit on a clean workbench, in a dust - free and moisture-free room. Handle all parts carefully, and protect them against corrosion and impact damage after disassembly.


  • 活动变化记录仪坐在的小房间内的一电脑,进行工作记忆试验

    Wearing the actigraph, I sat before a computer in a small windowless room and took working-memory tests.


  • 使用时,拜肯技工所技师使用何种采模物质?。

    What type of impression material do the clinicians at Bicon use for the non-shouldered abutment?


  • 端面间隙对接、下套管之间留有一定间隙,上、下端面同时接触对接。

    End face with a gap, no boss butt is refers to the upper and lower casing left a certain gap between the upper and lower main chord rod end face at the same time contact.


  • 特高压输电线路对调幅广播干扰主要垂直杆塔引起的。

    The passive interference in receiving station of amplitude modulation (AM) broadcasting from UHVAC transmission lines is mainly caused by towers.


  • 音乐会之后,科隆合奏团华丽武汉音乐厅进行了演奏,观众兴高采烈

    After two days without concerts, Concerto koln played in the magnificent Qintai concert Hall, Wuhan - with an euphoric audience.


  • 介绍基于PS 21963刷直流电动机集成化驱动电流采样电路设计方案,进行了相应的实验研究。

    The basic characteristics of PS21963 intelligent power model is displayed in brief, and a circuit design about platform driving and electric current sampling is put forward.


  • 理论分析数控椭圆压成型时工作运动方程实现成型件凸筋滚压;

    The motion equation of the worktable of the NC ellipse rolling is established , so no-rib rolling is realized.


  • 文章给出了用于喇曼自由电子激光器磁场浸没型二极管工作特性实验研究

    Presented in this paper are the results of experimental study on the magnetic-field-immersed foilless diode of a Raman free electron laser.


  • 电视同步用于天文时辰主钟之间时刻比对

    The passive TV synchronization has been applied for time comparison among the MC's of astronomical observatory and timing station.


  • 目的探讨空气层流净化设备手术室手术快速高效安全空气消毒方法

    Objective To explore a quick, effective and safe air sterilization method for the operating room in the case of consecutive emergency operation by air purification device without layer flow.


  • 介绍直流电动机传感器测速实验方法选取了三不同结构的直流电动机进行实验。

    The experiment method on sensorless speed estimation in DC motor and three special cases of DC motor with different number of poles and different number of commutator bars were presented.


  • 介绍直流电动机传感器测速实验方法选取了三不同结构的直流电动机进行实验。

    The experiment method on sensorless speed estimation in DC motor and three special cases of DC motor with different number of poles and different number of commutator bars were presented.


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