• 指出了提高可靠性关键点可靠性评定

    It is pointed cut that the key to the reliability is the evaluation of the reliability.


  • 研究长寿命承力结构疲劳可靠性评定奠定基础

    This research lays down a base for assessing fatigue reliability of the aging structures.


  • 正确使用二项分布单元可靠性评定方法提供了基础

    Basic principle of reliability evaluation of Binomial distribution unit is offered for correctly using in engineering.


  • 论文研究内容和结果对于宝钢二、三期干熄焦框架可靠性评定维修。

    Fourthly, in term of the basal theory of the reliability of structural system, the basal system assessing the reliability of the multiplayer steel frame is put forward and established;


  • 就是说,对既有结构进行可靠性评定成为我国工程界面临一项重要任务

    In other words, the reliability evaluation of existing structure has already become an important task which our engineering circle is facing.


  • 确定管道流变应力不确定性分布缺陷压力管道进行可靠性评定的前提。

    For assessing reliability of a pressure piping containing defects, it is necessary to know the calculation method and the distributions of flow stress of material.


  • 提出方法便于工程应用对于大型复杂系统可靠性评定具有重要的参考价值

    The presented method can be easily used in engineering and has important applied value for reliability evaluation of large-scale complicated system.


  • 对现役桥梁结构进行可靠性评定剩余使用寿命预测我国工程界急待解决问题

    Structural reliability estimation and structural residual service life predication are some of the urgent problems need to be solved in the engineering field.


  • 可靠性设计评估技术进行了讨论,提出了基于性能可靠性评定工程方法

    Having discussed the technology of reliability design and evaluation, and suggested an approach of evaluating the reliability based on functional margin.


  • 传统方法相比方法具有信息量,精度高特点,能够进行小子可靠性评定

    Compared with traditional method, this presented method not only has higher precision but also solves the problem of reliability assessment with very small sample.


  • RST是反映发动机起动可靠性参数,利用基于故障分析方法建立起动可靠性评定模型

    RST reflect starting reliability, and RST evaluation model was established by dint of fault tree analysis.


  • 现役结构可靠性评定剩余使用寿命预测结构可靠性设计我国工程界急待解决问题

    Structural reliability rating, structural residual service life predication and structural reliability design are some of the urgent problems need to be solved in the engineering field.


  • 由于采用复杂电源双回路供配电方式冗余系统,使得系统可靠性建模可靠性评定造成困难

    It is very difficult for its complicated double-power supply and double-loop electrical system to realize the reliability modeling and the reliability evaluation.


  • 根据单元可靠性评定基本原理,给出了基于信息理论发动机可靠性第一近似综合评定基本模型

    In the light of the basic principle of unit reliability assessment, the general models of entropy method synthesis are established for system reliability first approximate confidence limits.


  • 传统方法相比方法具有更高精度解决状态下只有一个试验数据时产品可靠性评定难题

    Compared with traditional methods, this presented method has higher precision and solves the problem of reliability assessment with only one experimental datum in a state.


  • 砌体结构房屋可靠性评定、房屋改建、事故分析以及抗震加固中,砖砌体抗压强度抗剪强度基本的数据

    Compressive strength and shear strength of the tired perforated brick masonry are the basic data for safety evaluation, repair, accident analysis and strengthening of masonry structures.


  • 针对航天发射场加注系统特点提出可靠性分析可靠性评定方法,解决了航天发射场可靠性分析评定建模问题。

    Based on analyzing the characteristics of fuel supply system of launch site, a method of reliability analysis and evaluation of fuel supply system is proposed.


  • 汽车使用可靠性汽车大修质量评定重要依据之一

    The use reliability of automobile is one of the most important bases for evaluating the quality of automobile overhaul.


  • 航天发射场加注系统提供燃料重要设备需要进行可靠性分析评定分析影响系统可靠性因素,确定可靠度。

    Fuel supply system of launch site is a very important system, and its reliability analysis and evaluation is required for analyzing the influence factors and evaluating its reliability.


  • 应用蒙特卡罗数值模拟项分布累积概率评定方程相结合方法,对某燃气源点火器性能可靠性进行评定

    The paper uses Monte Carlo digital simulation and reliability assessment equation of binomial distribution to assess the performance reliability of the ignition device for a gas generator.


  • 抽油机故障现场数据判定寿命统计模型,实现对抽油机使用可靠性定量评定

    According to the failure site data of the well pumping unit in active service, its life statistical model is determined and the service reliability is evaluated quantitatively.


  • 这里工作对于压力管道的可靠性分析动态断裂安全评定具有重要参考价值。

    The study can be referenced to the reliability analysis and safety evaluation of dynamic fracture behavior.


  • 实际算例表明方法用于缺陷焊接管道可靠性安全评定简单有效准确

    The examples show that this method is simple, efficient and accurate for reliability safety assessment of the welded pipes with cracks.


  • 提出分析评定方法,方便地推广应用其它管道系统可靠性分析和评定

    The method presented can be easily used in reliability analysis and evaluation of fuel supply system, and extended to the reliability modeling and evaluation of other system.


  • 可靠性验证结果表明,选择合适仪器设备检测参数,采用正确的评定方法超声波所测结果准确的反映零件的质量

    Reliability experiment was shown that braze welding quality could be known exactly by ultrasonic inspection when proper device, parameter and evaluation method were selected.


  • 航天产品由于系统复杂性现场试验样本特点,可靠性试验分析评定一直工程实践中的技术难题之一。

    The reliability analysis and evaluation for aerospace products is difficult in engineering because of its complexity and small sample tests.


  • 工艺过程精度稳定性工艺过程可靠性分析重要组成部分常用对其进行评定

    The accuracy steadiness of the technological process is an important part for reliability analysis of the technological process which is usually remarked with continuous difference method.


  • 论文为此针对单层结构工业厂房提出了结构可靠性状态评定方法维护监控规范制定提供理论依据

    State appraisal method of structure reliability of monolayer steel structure industrial workshops is developed and render academic gist for the establishment of maintenance and monitoring criterion.


  • 引信可靠性指标提出相应考核或评定方法才能确认引信是否达到规定指标要求。

    To determine whether a fuze system satisfies the reliability index, it is necessary to have a method of evaluation when the index is presented.


  • 论文为此针对单层结构工业厂房提出了结构可靠性状态评定方法维护、监控规范的制定提供理论依据

    State appraisal method of structure reliability of monolayer steel structure industrial workshops is developed and render academic gist for the establishment of maintenance and.


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