
  • 眼下,补助少得怜、职业前景渺茫的学生不容易。

    Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.


  • 这种具有异国情调的面料需求最终创造有利贸易路线,即现在所说丝绸,这条路线丝绸带向西方,羊毛带到东方

    Demand for this exotic fabric eventually created the lucrative trade route now known as the Silk Road, taking silk westward and bringing gold, silver and wool to the East.


  • 一种元素到底属于固体液体还是气体,要原子之间相互作用而定,它们其它物质()之间的相互作用,相当于相互作用的“代理方式”。

    Whether an element is a solid, a liquid or a gas depends on how its atoms interact with each other. But how they interact with other substances, such as gold, ACTS as a proxy for that behaviour.


  • “布洛嫁给当然为了,”亚士多夫人的朋友路易斯•奥克洛斯作家说道,“不是因为这样不会尊敬。”

    "Of course she married Vincent for the money," Louis Auchincloss, a friend and writer, would say. "I wouldn't respect her if she hadn't."


  • 组织没有此类奖研资助规划,世卫组织的某些特别规划部门资助研究

    WHO does not have a scholarship or grant programme as such, however certain special WHO programmes and departments do fund research.


  • 但是社会安全(国家养老)方面倒是有些甜头的:由此项目节约出的任何都将用于巩固岌岌的财政,不是为赤字买单

    But there is a sweetener regarding Social Security (state pensions) : any savings made from that programme would go towards shoring up its parlous finances, rather than paying down the deficit.


  • 退休收入包括银行存款利息公司退休

    Their income after retirement may include interest on bank savings and a company pension.


  • 个人退休帐户之类退休资产虽然不能用来做贷款担保即便如此它们却会证明你很精明,并因此博得贷方的好感。

    Retirement assets such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , but even they may indirectly count in a borrower’s favor as evidence of astuteness .


  • 代码复用(当时唯一尝试复用方式)看成商店购买成百上千钉子不是自己亲手打造每一个钉子

    Code reuse (the only type of reuse being attempted at the time) was seen as a way to buy hundreds of nails at the hardware store rather than making each nail by hand.


  • 韩国国立大学兽医教授仁说:“我们以说研究成果向探索人类疾病治疗方法迈进了一步。”

    "We can appraise this is a step forward" toward finding cures for human diseases, said veterinary professor Kong Il-keun at South Korea's Gyeongsang National University.


  • 了各种各样的名字还是不对,直到路过樵夫不小心听到小矮人炫耀自己有聪明猜出的名字伦佩斯提

    She tries everything but comes up short, until a passing woodsman overhears the gnome bragging about how he's so clever no one will guess his name is Rumpelstiltskin.


  • 比如,如果通胀爆发,那么对于生活成本上限调整成为养老生活的人的恶魔,因为他们对于自身购买力失去将无计施。

    A cap on the cost-of-living adjustment, for example, would be a nightmare for pensioners were inflation to flare up, because they would have no way of making up the loss in their purchasing power.


  • 许多保险公司而言风险依然太难预见,且承担保险人数太少

    For many insurers, the risk remains too unpredictable and the number of people who can afford insurance too small.


  • 强制征收巨灾保险”——发行银行核心资本过度缩水时转成股本债务——的想法得到先生部分赞同

    Compulsory "catastrophe insurance" -issuing convertible debt that turns into equity if a bank's core capital falls too far-is an idea Mr King views with some favour.


  • 同时,在养老覆盖面扩大之前各国考虑建立一种负担的非缴费方案(支柱),同它来供养脆弱老年人

    In the meantime until pension coverage expands, countries could consider creating an affordable non-contributory scheme (zero pillar) to provide for the vulnerable elderly.


  • 看起来就像唯一就是寄送罗斯信件因为他们希望主编发现抄袭,”威尔博士写道

    It looks as though the only thing is to send Rosy’s & my letters as they are & hope the Editor doesn’t spot the duplication,” Dr. Wilkins wrote.


  • 医院里伤员当地人终于拿到赔偿许多人无家

    Misrata’s hospital is overrun with casualties. Locals are at last getting paid, but many are still homeless.


  • 俄勒冈州一个双语学校里校长•福尔兰正帮助幼儿园的孩子(资料)。

    Principal Paco Furlan helps kindergarten students at a bilingual school in Eugene, Oregon (file photo).


  • 义务性项目开支也削减其中最显见的是提高领取养老年龄

    Entitlements can be cut back, most obviously by raising pensionable ages.


  • 理查德·认为进化论上帝

    Richard Dawkins argues that evolution leaves God with nothing to do.


  • 以后”,,“我们才能知道成为一个稳健的携带系统,“什么问题需要接着处理。”

    After that, ” says Kim, “we’ll know if it’s possible” for this to work as a robust, portable system, “and what problems might need to be worked on.”


  • 他们开始调查账目额,发现几乎5亿美元联邦补助拨给了Ecofield,用来研究开发替代能源

    They begin looking over the figures and see that almost a half a billion dollars was funneled into Ecofield via federal grants for alternative fuel research.


  • 如果得到我就是马厩一景了。 现在失去了马厩失去了世界所有的一切都结束

    The world does not deserve to be made acquainted with my adventures, for it ought to have given me golden shoes when the emperor's horse was shod, and I


  • 问题世界交易证券中,这些货币计价发行证券相对以货币计价发行的证劵比例非常对冲资本的StephenJen指出。

    The trouble is, securities issued in these currencies are a tiny fraction of those available in the world’s four main currencies, says Stephen Jen of BlueGold Capital, a hedge fund.


  • 问题世界交易证券中,这些货币计价发行证券相对以货币计价发行的证劵比例非常对冲资本的StephenJen指出。

    The trouble is, securities issued in these currencies are a tiny fraction of those available in the world’s four main currencies, says Stephen Jen of BlueGold Capital, a hedge fund.


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