• writer方法迭代的对象生成一个CSV文件cursor.fetchall() 功能强大,4 个代码行足以生成 CSV输出

    The csv.writer method produces a CSV file from an iterable object; cursor.fetchall() is a bit of a beast, and four lines are enough to produce the CSV output.


  • 敏捷方法领导,将相关测试工作分割定时迭代确保持续验证产品变更、确保交付改进FixPack

    The division of the test effort involved into time-boxed iterations, as under the agile methodology, ensures continued validation of the product changes and an improved fix pack delivery.


  • 一个迭代发生尝试EA时,常常会割裂时间盒——在这个周期结束时并没有得到工作软件

    When EA attempts at iterations occur, they are usually time-box decompositions - there is no working software at the end of the period.


  • 考虑仅仅全部特性或者使用什么作为迭代交付工件度量过程

    You consider only complete features, or whatever you are using to measure progress, as an iteration deliverable.


  • 不再需要一些事情进行迭代——真正交付了。

    There's no need to iterate on something done - really shippable done.


  • 对于迭代增量开发需求要求我们未知世界预测地产生结果

    The need for iterative and incremental development arises out of the need to predictably deliver results in an uncertain world.


  • MDA重复实践适合当今迭代开的需求的,因为MDA提高了开发过程要交付解决方案本身预见性

    MDA's repeatable set of practices is well-suited to today's iterative development requirements, because MDA enhances predictability of the development process and the delivered solution itself.


  • 每次迭代结尾我们交付使用的产品打包支持文档版本注释形式一起交付用户

    At the end of each iteration, our deliverables were packaged and delivered to the customer with supporting documentation in the form of release notes.


  • 迭代周期结束时(通常星期五),开发团队客户提供工作系统

    At the end of the iteration (usually on a Friday), the programmers deliver a working system to the customer.


  • 前面已经过了,RUP不仅管理容器而且用于迭代增量项目交付定制过程框架

    Having said that, RUP is not only a container for managing use cases, but also a customizable process framework that can be used for iterative and incremental project delivery.


  • 迭代1用作过渡迭代,用于完成已经开发中,作为敏捷项目开始运作交付件。

    Iteration 1 was used as a transition iteration, to finish deliverables that were already in development and start operating as an agile project.


  • RUP迭代重复活动一个经典例子

    RUP iteration is a classic example of repeatable activity.


  • 实践敏捷项目比对高要求形式项目更为重要,因为它们每次迭代之后生成执行的、测试的,并且发布应用程序

    This practice is more important for agile projects than more high-ceremony projects, because they produce an executable, testable, and releasable application at the end of every iteration.


  • 阶段包含了一个或者更多迭代,每个迭代关注产生必要技术上的交付物实现阶段的业务目标

    Each phase contains one or more iterations, which focus on producing the technical deliverables necessary to achieve the business objectives of that phase.


  • 迭代确实临时的、延续两个六个星期3迭代论证发布生产独特的产品

    Iterations are certainly temporary, typically lasting between two to six weeks, 3 and definitely produce a unique product in the iteration's demonstrable release.


  • 包含软件开发项目工具例如通过迭代规划项目透明性控制工作构建支持指定过程定义改进

    It includes tools for software development projects, such as iteration planning, project transparency, source control, work items, build support, and customizable process definition and enforcement.


  • 同样有时系统测试团队负责一部分产品管理层演示从而显示迭代交付件

    Also, at times the system test team was responsible for a portion of a demo to product management to showcase the iteration deliverable.


  • 基于选择性软件经济金融市场进行类比:发布视为不动产选项运行软件的迭代

    Options-based software economics draws analogies from the financial markets: short iterations that deliver running software are seen as real options.


  • 按照SBS方法创建新的重用资产需要常规迭代增量开发流程进行很少更改

    Creating new reusable assets following the SBS approach would require only minor modification to our normal iterative and incremental development process.


  • 迭代目的整个开发团队工作集成一个稳定的,完整的,测试的系统发行版本中。

    The goal of an iteration is a release that integrates the work of the whole development team into a stable, integrated, and tested release of the system.


  • 敏捷使用持续涉众反馈通过(用户案例)以及一系列短的定时迭代,来交付优质消费代码

    "Agile USES continuous stakeholder feedback to deliver high quality consumable code through use cases (or user stories) and a series of short, time-boxed Iterations".


  • 构建复用服务需要创造性的头脑风暴解决冲突,设计整合直到到达一个逻辑进行迭代开发

    Building reusable services require creative brainstorming, conflict resolution, design synthesis, and arriving at a logical point that will be used to deliver your iteration.


  • 早期开发中的设计评审允许架构师发现潜在重用机会并且利用这个机会接下来的迭代开发成熟的公用代码

    Design reviews in early iterations allow architects to spot potential opportunities for reuse, and then develop and mature common code for these opportunities in subsequent iterations.


  • 完全替换相比通过基于业务优先级制定路线图核心系统中的迭代改进减少风险,为不断变化的业务需求提供更好支持

    By developing a roadmap based on business priorities, iterative improvements in core systems lessen the risk and better support changing business requirements than full replacements.


  • 相反通过多次迭代演进重用资产从而减轻这些风险

    Instead mitigate these risks by evolving the reusable asset over multiple iterations.


  • Script窗格中选择任何映射语句将显示语句所引用所有目标映射对象,映射源、循环迭代条件where子句,等等

    Selecting any mapping statement in the Script Pane shows all source and target mappables referenced in the statement, such as mapping source, loop iterator, condition, where clause, and so on.


  • 开发迭代产生应用程序部署工作版本(应用程序工作构建)业务分析人员通过跟踪关键性能指标(Key Performance Indicator,KPI)来监视系统实时性能。

    After a development iteration produces a deployable, working build of the application, business analysts can monitor the live performance of the system by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs).


  • 错误导致流程中的无控制迭代激增(示例Task 1迭代),此情况有时使用Business Modeler模拟检测出来。

    This mistake can lead to an explosion of uncontrolled iterations of the process-in the example for Task 1-which can sometimes be detected by using Business Modeler simulation.


  • DataStage stages 不同是,程序集步骤迭代位于分层输入任何层次列表生成输出包含它们迭代的输入列表中。

    Unlike DataStage stages, assembly steps can iterate lists that can reside in any level of the hierarchical input and produce output that is contained in the input list they iterate.


  • FillRowMethodName设置调用返回枚举对象每个迭代方法名称

    The FillRowMethodName is set to the name of the method to call for each iteration of the enumerable object returned.


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