• 农民知道价格-可能这里卖五分钱,可是同样在这个国家的另个地方,能卖一块钱,可能把价格翻三倍,”Gabre-Madhin说,“所以我们想象一下,如果让农民能够到一个仓库,那里实时更新最新市场价格,那么农民现在所想的将不会是在当地粮食能卖多少钱,而是全国。”

    So let’s imagine the farmer goes to a warehouse where you have constant updates with the latest market prices. Now the farmer starts thinking nationally, not locally.


  • 到目前为止,有可能地,卢卡申科无论如何也得解雇(改组内部可能强有力核心层时,没有表现出任何犹豫)。

    Still, Mr Lukashenka could presumably have fired him anyway (he has regularly shown little hesitation in purging his inner circle of supposedly powerful people).


  • 如果一位上了年纪的杰出科学家件事可能几乎肯定的,如果说某件事不可能可能是错的。

    If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right, but if he says that it is impossible he is very probably wrong.


  • 如果布朗不能立即得到审判,那么人们可能袭击监狱可能杀死

    If Brown were not brought to trial quickly, he said, people might attack the jail and kill him.


  • 因此可能试图针对这种可能保险自身

    Therefore, he might attempt to insure himself against that possibility.


  • 工友态度可能显得有些粗暴期望努力工作,一切可能完成任务,不允许什么借口

    His attitude toward a work crew can appear gruff; he expects them to work hard and do whatever it takes to finish the job with out excuses.


  • 开始时,马西亚尔把可能存在归结为难以捉摸的自然奇迹——尽管认为可能疲劳使没有解释

    At first Marcial attributes his improbable existence to the enigmatic nature of miracles-though he considers the possibility that fatigue has left him with no other explanation.


  • 基恩说到关于贝拉米未来规划,“是个职业的球员,以后,当然不是现在可能至少五以后,采访的时候可能就是英格兰或者威尔士队的主教练了。”

    I like him, he is a fantastic professional. I think in the future - certainly not soon but in maybe five or so years - you could be interviewing him as a manager somewhere in England or Wales.


  • 警方,塞缪尔-万吉鲁可能意外死亡,也可能妻子发现外遇之后谋杀。

    Police have said that Wanjiru died either by accident or by suicide after his wife found him with another woman.


  • 承认如果来源不明热量的话,计算可能的,没有过多考虑这种可能性。

    He admitted that his calculation could be wrong if there were unknown sources of heat, but didn't give that possibility much thought.


  • 埃卡佩提选了最有可能成为候选人的那个,如果这场竞争自信一点的话可能一个看起来更弱忠诚的人。

    In choosing Mr Ávila, he has opted for the strongest possible candidate; were he more confident about the race, he might have picked someone who was weaker but more loyal.


  • 警告说:“可能正在培养丈夫依赖感到最后可能以为这些都是理所当然的。”

    "You could be fostering a sense of dependency that your husband may end up taking for granted," he warns.


  • 可能还会补充生活母亲阴影之下担心她可能很快会把介绍合适女孩子

    He might have added that he was also living under the shadow of his mother, who, he feared, would soon start introducing him to suitable girls.


  • 没有人知道究竟是为什么可能由于努力成为一名团队球员可能是由于踢球太过无私所效力球队考虑太多

    Just why, nobody ever figured out. He tried, maybe too hard, to be a team player. He worked, maybe too unselfishly, and he cared too obviously for the team on which he played.


  • 没有人知道这究竟为什么可能是由于努力成为团队球员,可能是由于踢球太过无私效力球队考虑太多。

    Just why, nobody ever figured out.He tried, maybe too hard, to be a team player.He worked, maybe too unselfishly, and he cared too obviously for the team on which he played.


  • 汤姆并未告知几个晚上,妈妈可能人丢奶奶,然后出去一个名叫克里斯男人,还有,将来的几年里那些山丘可能会成为卧室窗前一道风景

    Tom hasn't been told that mum might be leaving him alone with grandma some evenings to go out and see a man called Chris, and that those hills might be the view from his bedroom for years to come.


  • 如果突然间不像个怪物可能不再来惹怒了,可能再从附近替代品

    If he should suddenly refuse to play the monster, and they could no longer provoke him, they would have to look around for a substitute.


  • 我们始终坚定地希望有一拿出一张配得起才华的唱片。 虽然近年看来这是不大可能即使这“不可能”也打着个人印记

    There was abiding hope that he would one day return with a record worthy of his talents, and though in recent years it seemed unlikely, he specialized in the unlikely.


  • 手下的骨干或杀了再焚可能会将自己硬塞入某艘潜水艇可能颗氰化钾胶囊(系脖子绳上)。

    His cadres would kill him, and burn the body; he would squeeze himself into a submarine; he would bite on the cyanide capsule that hung on a black string round his neck.


  • 至于哪个可能原因做出预测,但是许多东西基因突变也能导致甲基化缺陷可能导致不育

    He didn't speculate as to which is the more likely culprit, but said that many things, such as gene mutations, could cause defects in methylation that might result in infertility.


  • 可能收敛,或者,如果继续战斗可能会落得失去拥有一切

    He might fold-or, if he keeps fighting, he may wind up losing everything he's got.


  • 可能没有注意到这些迹象可能关系并不,”

    "Maybe he missed the signs; maybe they didn't have a great relationship," he said.


  • 忽然之间觉得这种可能可能真的患有先端肥大症。

    Suddenly, she could see the possibilities. Maybe he did have acromegaly.


  • 当然小偷认为赃物可能如此标记自己可能试图把它们清洗掉。

    Of course, it is open to a thief who believes his swag might have been so marked to attempt such cleaning himself.


  • 为什么,可能因为这些同意基督论,所以可能接待了,认为们不应接待人。

    Why? It may be that those people disagreed with him about his Christology also, so they may have received the very people that he thought they shouldn't receive.


  • DN又说如果真的订婚了,那么斯特林可能无法谋生了,因为职业可能被认为的身份地位不符。

    DN adds that if an engagement were to happen then Westling may be prevented from earning a living if his current occupation is not considered suitable to his assumed station.


  • 沃伦·巴菲特可能是- - -可能不是天才但是至少确实做了非常聪明(或是幸运)的事情:那就是,发现没什么可以购买的时候,随即也停止了购买股票

    Warren Buffett may - or may not - be a genius, but he did at least one very smart (or lucky) thing: he stopped buying stocks when he could not find anything to buy.


  • 可能通过欺骗广告暂时愚弄某些但是可能长期这么做。

    He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising.


  • 如果看见可能停下来。(可能的)

    If he sees you he maystop.


  • 如果看见可能停下来。(可能的)

    If he sees you he maystop.


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