• 这种做法并不自由受到约束,可以通过储存基本信息网站确认的身份,这一步添加操作流程中。

    I am not surrendering my freedom but there are basic pieces of information that I can have stored which can uniquely identify me and add to the process.


  • 知道,你自由的,至少可以自由

    Plaese remember that you are free, at least I can make you free.


  • 自由作家身份不起一个医师不过工作的原因可以接触一些国内顶尖心理健康方面的专家

    As a freelance writer, I couldn't afford a good therapist, but my job did give me access to some of the country's best mental-health professionals.


  • 把这些成本挤掉们抛弃的是高级管理,而得到的是时间分派给了大家大家可以自由地互帮互助;开发社会网络种种好处以及畅通无阻地任何人进行对话

    When we wring out costs, I want commitment from senior management to allocate time for people to help one another, exploit the benefits of social networks and converse with one another freely.


  • 工作应用向大众“提供意见”,通过印刷媒体网络媒体广播媒体-运用那些已经习以为常的证据同时大众能够轻松获得(并且重要的是可以免费自由得获得)。

    I also apply my work through advice giving in print, online and in broadcast media - using the evidence I take for granted and making it publicly accessible (and most importantly freely available).


  • 魔鬼拿出本子来他们个人了字,然后又:“现在一个谜语你们听,这个谜语你们可以,七年之内猜中了,你们还可以获得自由。”

    Saying this, the devil took out a book and let the 3 sign their names, then said: "Now, I say a riddle to you." You can think about this riddle for 7 years.


  • 可以自由编写认为正确解答自由地提交上来,添加一个ExcelCompliant标记你有条件地调用代码

    Feel free to contribute to the effort by coding what you think is the right solution and I'll add an ExcelCompliant flag to the function to conditionally invoke your code.


  • 意思是,你很难支持那些付钱LinusTorvalds的人,他们Linus Torvalds可以继续时间带领这个自由开源的模范计划前进。

    I mean, it's hard not to support the group that pays Linus Torvalds to spend his time continuing to lead the poster-boy project for free and open source software.


  • 首先工作可以享受很多的自由

    First, I can enjoy much freedom in my work.


  • 抢夺天使翅膀的身上,可以天空自由飞翔

    I will rob an angel of its wings for you, so that you can fly with it freely in the sky.


  • 护照可以自由入境美国不行

    With your passport, you can go to America. I can't.


  • 不能强迫大家工作之余也一起,可以他们在相处的时候觉得舒服交流自由

    So I think that by doing that, I can't force you to hang out outside work, but I can make it so that people are more comfortable with each other and can communicate more freely.


  • 为了自由可以刺穿

    My heart, I pierced in order to set you free.


  • 朋友们,觉得每个人无能所以自由幸运可以知道朋友

    Friends I think it is very impotent for everybody. So I free I am very luck, can let me knew my friend.


  • 很开心的是可以自由图书馆阅读每一想读的来度过一整天发现知识广博性。

    To my pleasant, I can be free to spend a whole day in the library and read every book that I'd like, which makes me find the knowledge is vast considerably.


  • 成为自知自重自爱的人,天赋可以实现梦想可以自由表达远景

    I want to develop my self-knowledge, self-love, and self-respect, I want to keep my hopes alive with my talents, and express my vision courageously in words and action.


  • 很开心的是可以自由图书馆阅读每一想读的来度过一整天发现知识的广博性。

    To my pleasant, I can be free to spend a whole day in the library and read every book that I "d like, which makes me find the knowledge is vast considerably."


  • 喜欢自由对话的方式,借此可以了解学生,也他们知道朋友一样,他们可以轻松英文!

    I like free talking because I learn to know my students more and I make them comfortable by letting me know that I am just a friend willing to help them out.


  • 她们现存的东西就可以但是她们提案的时辰,她们接受了,而且自由发挥。

    They asked to use existing works, but when I proposed new illustrations for them they accepted and gave me free reign when it came time to work.


  • 肯定C罗在那天到了很多因为科尔几乎不到球,但是现在这位边锋得到充分自由可以任何他想的地方,这也躲开盯防者。

    I'm sure Ronaldo learned a lot that day because Cole hardly gave him a sniff of the ball but nowadays the winger is allowed the freedom to go anywhere he wants to avoid being tied down by his marker.


  • 肯定C罗在那天到了很多因为科尔几乎不到球,但是现在这位边锋得到充分自由可以任何他想的地方,这也躲开盯防者。

    I'm sure Ronaldo learned a lot that day because Cole hardly gave him a sniff of the ball but nowadays the winger is allowed the freedom to go anywhere he wants to avoid being tied down by his marker.


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