• 可以沿黑线折叠

    You can fold along the black lines.


  • 可以沿条路一直城里

    You can go all the way down to the town.


  • 是的游客可以沿台阶上去

    Yes, visitors may climb to the top step by step.


  • 比如可以沿直线原点这点这会简单些

    For example, you can go on a straight line from the origin to that point. That would be slightly easier.


  • 述的可以沿腰部设置二个以上

    The holes can be arranged two or more than two along the waist.


  • 主意,我点著手电筒,可以沿灯柱爬下去

    I have an idea. I'll shine my flashlight, and you can climb down on the beam of light.


  • 这里我们使用一些比较巧妙索引方法可以沿多维的方向来指定层面。

    Here we get into some trickier indexing, where slices can be indicated along multiple dimensions.


  • 剑杆穿越织机时,可以沿板行进,走梭板的尺寸有梭织机要小得多。

    As the rapier head traverses the loom, it is allowed to rest on the raceboard, which is much reduced in dimensions from that found on a shuttle loom.


  • 一部分第二部分沿交界面直接接合,交界面可以沿长度方向延伸

    The first and second parts are directly joined along an interface, which may extend the length of the slug or rope.


  • 这些中介体可以沿SOAP消息服务客户机服务提供者之间所经过的路径放置(请参见2)。

    These intermediaries can be placed along the path that SOAP messages take between the service client and service provider (see Figure 2).


  • 再往一点是西雅图摩天轮,可以沿小径步行或骑行几英里,进一步探索这个城市。

    Farther away, you could ride the Seattle Great Wheel or explore the miles of trails on foot or riding a bicycle.


  • 当年的章安水位很深,双桅的大船丰水期可以沿椒江而上,直达上游一个叫皤滩的码头

    The then Zhang'an port was deep enough to allow ketch-rigged big ships sailing upward along Jiaojiang River to a dock named Pantan on the upper reach.


  • 如果游客没有出行伊柳塞拉打算,在享受海滩美景的同时可以沿珊瑚宝礁进行各种水上运动

    As well as enjoying the magnificent beach, most water sports may be practiced along the corral barrier reefs when not going on a tour to the North of Eleuthera.


  • 滑移面上个滑移方向组合称为一个滑移系,晶体滑移(如位错移动可以沿该系统发生

    The combination of a crystallographic plane and, within that plane, a crystallographic direction along which slip (i. e. , dislocation motion) occurs.


  • 游客可以沿丝绸之观赏美丽壮观自然景观欣赏古代艺术家高超工艺品尝丰富地方风味小吃

    All along the route tourists will take pleasure in the magnificent natural landscape, appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists, and enjoy a variety of local delicacies.


  • 此轮胎里面镶了一个装有微猩感应器小型设备设备可以沿测量地面接触加速减速

    In it is embedded a small device containing miniature sensors that can measure the acceleration and deceleration along three axes at the point of contact with the road.


  • 虽然许多旅游认为他们需要指南手册可以沿相同路线出行,可是估计只有30%的最终到达终点

    Although many travellers supposed that they could take the same route without the guide, only 30 percent were estimated to arrive at the destination.


  • 由于这种新型传感器可以沿导轨在水平方向上往复位移,所以在被测薄膜幅宽方向上可以实现多点巡回检测

    This new-style sensor can move to-and -fro along the horizontal direction. Thus it can actualize the multi-point, itinerant measure of film along the direction of breadth.


  • 想要达到更好效果可以沿穿孔线分成半放到烘干机高效使用并且可以减少堵住烘干机出口的机会

    For even better results, separate sheet along perforated lines and place both halves in the dryer for effectiveness and reducing chances of blocking dryer vents.


  • 光学系统整体采用的个光学直系统,安全玻璃以实车角度安装试样支架,并可以沿水平垂直方向自由移动

    This system is the optical-collimate one, with safety glazing materials fixed on the sample glass bracket from the life-size angle that can move in horizontal and vertical ways.


  • 不正常血管可以沿著瞳孔边缘生长(虹膜组织上),阻碍房水引起青光眼(称为新生血管性青光眼)。

    Abnormal blood vessels can also along the edge of pupil growth (in the iris organization), impeding the water flow caused by glaucoma row (known as neovascular glaucoma).


  • 大约一个物体赤道沿轨道垂直向上运行的高度,这样它可以一直保持地球同一地点的正上方

    That's about how high an object would have to be orbiting straight up from the equator to constantly remain directly above the exact same spot on the rotating planet Earth.


  • 我们可以角度来做参数的,但不是在这个例子里,而是沿圆周运动一些类似的情况时使用。

    And we could also have used maybe some Angle. Well, not here, but if we had been moving on a circle or something like that.


  • 可以乘坐竹筏欣赏沿溪风光,如果一样幸运的话,您还会遇到位能边划动竹筏顺溪而下边您讲述当地传说故事的博学不失幽默的导游

    You can take a raft tour of the river and if you are lucky like I was, you will have an informed and humorous guide who will tell you great stories as she manoeuvres the raft down the river.


  • 迄今为止,我们已经知道SOAP中介体沿 SOAP 消息路径分布的 SOAP 处理节点它们可以处理转发 SOAP 消息。

    So far, we've learned that SOAP intermediaries are SOAP processing nodes along the SOAP message path, which can process and forward SOAP messages.


  • Pledge算法沿墙走算法复杂,能够解决更多迷宫类型因为可以孤岛之间跳跃

    The Pledge algorithm is more sophisticated than wall-following and solves a larger class of mazes because it can jump between islands.


  • Pledge算法沿墙走算法复杂,能够解决更多迷宫类型因为可以孤岛之间跳跃

    The Pledge algorithm is more sophisticated than wall-following and solves a larger class of mazes because it can jump between islands.


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