• 拉罗女士来自高收入家庭孩子可以自如应对官场上的事宜,学校职场上取得成功

    Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces, Ms. Lareau said.


  • 知道原因可以帮助找出最合适的建议支持吸烟者容易成功戒烟

    Knowing why could help you tailor your advice and support, making it easier for the smoker to quit successfully.


  • 处理两种契约的方法十分不同打赌可以猜出哪种成功

    Approaching these engagements was quite different, and I bet you can guess which one was more successful.


  • 使用信息可以容易地确定项目是否具有成功部署维护支持机会

    With this information, you can more easily determine whether your project has a chance of being successfully deployed, maintained, and supported.


  • 如果发达经济体可以提供这些东西,不是常见的那些复杂昂贵产品,那么我们新兴世界成功中受益

    If advanced economies can provide these, rather than the complex and expensive products more typically consumed, we too can benefit from the success of the emerging world.


  • 觉得如果可以那个东西容易看到自己的目标并且紧紧地了解我的进步我会成功

    I feel that I would be more successful if I could easily view my goals and track my progress within one main document.


  • 健康头脑身体灵魂现在可以专注追求成功了。

    With the virtue of healthy mind, body and soul, I now am focused to achieve success.


  • 相反,要学习可以做什么生活轻松,对公司目标做出贡献,让的上司在他的上司那里成功

    Instead, focus on learning what you can do to make his life easier, contribute to your company's goals, and make him look good to his boss.


  • 可以公司准确地找到某些婚庆服务成功失败具体原因做出相应调整

    This allows the company to more accurately identify the factors behind the success or failure of certain services and make adjustments, he says.


  • 作为岛国冰岛可以说有个非常好的机会通过采取其它国家严厉措施获得成功

    As an isolated island, Iceland arguably stands a greater chance of success with such draconian measures than other nations.


  • 可以继续回到原来,聪明实施一个聪明的免费计划(如果的话),而且成功的途径已经得到确认了。

    You can then come back and intelligently offer a free plan (if you still want to) with more intelligence and the right success metrics clearly defined.


  • 正是使这些公司其它它们这样的公司具有创新性综合性质可以额外收费,如果它们这样做的话而且它们在财政上也成功

    It is that combination that makes these companies and others like them more innovative, able to charge a premium if they want to and more financially successful.


  • 充分理由相信健康饮食习惯可以增加成功机会

    I think there's good reason to believe that eating healthier foods will increase your chance of success.


  • 通过训练文章中所提到五个步骤可以掌控自己的人生而且你也会学会任何驯服恐惧创造一个幸福成功的人生。

    Take control of your life by practicing these five simple steps and learn how to tame your fear and create a happier, more successful life.


  • 研究人员说,医院之所以比大医院成功改变政策主要是因为医院的规模使得管理人员,医护人员病人可以交流沟通。

    Smaller hospitals appeared to have had more success in changing policies, most likely because their size led to better communication among management, staff, and patients, suggested the authors.


  • 通过学习技能了解世界潮流,可以容易获得成功

    By learning new skills and understanding changes in the world you can create value with far less effort.


  • 卡茨如果制片方开始这项技术投入正式使用就能看到拍摄出了多少成功影片,它们可以衡量这项技术所发挥的作用

    Katz: If this technology starts being regularly utilized by studios I would see how many more successful films were made to measure its impact.


  • 这种局部采用专门技术实践的方式可以提供成功检验,这大爆炸(big - bang)方式要好得多。

    This local adoption of specific technologies or practices might often provide a more successful proof of them than a big-bang approach.


  • 所以我们重新开始,我们可以容易成功

    So when we start again, we can succeed more easily.


  • 这个想法如果我们找到工作符合我们自然人才那么我们可以容易成功

    The idea is that if we find work that matches our natural talents, then we have an easier time succeeding.


  • 研究表明,一个成功营销活动不仅可以使人们产品兴趣,而且说真的他们享受

    It suggests that a successful marketing campaign can not only make people more interested in a product, but also, truly, make them enjoy it more.


  • 提到学生们参与未来取得成功关键因为他们可以相互学习,我还请求家长们鼓励自己孩子充分参与进来。

    I mentioned that participation was key to their success because students can learn from one another, and I asked that parents encourage their children to engage more fully.


  • 可以人们为了个共同的目标而奋斗,并且激励一个团队取得成功。我自己的要求比对别人严格。

    I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence. I expect no more from the others than what I expect from myself.


  • 可以找到持有保持颗子弹摆在桌子存储文件夹影碟如何成功猎人

    You may be able to find a clay pigeon letter holder, a bullet box he can keep on his desk to store paper clips, or a DVD on how to be a more successful hunter.


  • 喜欢红色百合的另一个原因我们已经伴随年了而且他们可以成功过冬

    Another reason I like the yellow one a little more is that they are with me two years and they can keep them live in winter.


  • 这些情况下我们必须其他国家合作因为集体行动容易成功持续性强可以减少代价惨痛错误

    In such circumstances, we have to work with others because collective action in these circumstances is more likely to succeed, more likely to be sustained, less likely to lead to costly mistakes.


  • 没什么获得结果可以看成是地道成功没什么比获得要的结果准确苛刻地测试的能力。

    There is no purer form of success; no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, than to achieve a desirable outcome.


  • 没什么获得结果可以看成是地道成功没什么比获得要的结果准确苛刻地测试的能力。

    There is no purer form of success; no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, than to achieve a desirable outcome.


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