• 可以办公室或者工厂

    It can be useful in the office or the factory.


  • 可以办公室找到

    You can find him in the office.


  • 可以办公室抽烟吗?

    Can I smoke in the office?


  • 为了减小压力可以办公室放些积极图片

    To cut down on stress, surround your office space with positive images.


  • 可以在办公室或者图书馆开个小会讨论一下。

    Other books, you just aren't ready to read yet.


  • 如果明天早晨八点可以办公室见到

    If you come at eight o 'clock tomorrow morning, you can meet him in the office.


  • 需要旅行费用用户可以办公室家里参加

    No more travel costs - users can participate from homes or offices.


  • 建议可以在办公室位“迷你导师”——部分工作帮到

    It is suggested finding "mini-mentors" in your office - people who can help you with a small part of your job.


  • 如果可以办公室小睡一会儿午饭期间车里小睡一会,你会感到不一样

    If you have the ability to take a short nap in office or in your car during lunch, you could find it makes all the difference.


  • 制造商表示人们可以办公室机场或者任何其他被禁止吸烟地方吸食这种卷烟

    The producers suggest that one can smoke these cigarettes in offices, at airports or in any other banned place.


  • 这里输入译文电子商务使人们可以办公室深夜购物一样,移动手机人们可以在任何地方购物。

    Just as e-commerce made it possible for people to shop in the office and late at night, mobile phones let them shop anywhere.


  • 出去,我就联想出外面一系列痛苦活动,当我家里,并且可以在办公室工作,我就会高兴。

    When I would think of working out, I would associate pain with that activity.When I would think of staying at home and not working out, I would associate pleasure with that activity.


  • 出去,我就联想外面一系列痛苦活动,当我家里,并且可以在办公室工作,我就会很高兴

    When I would think of working out, I would associate pain with that activity. When I would think of staying at home and not working out, I would associate pleasure with that activity.


  • “斯伯斯坦医生5点钟可以办公室我们,”乔伊斯报告道:“他喜欢帕蒂啊,如果需要的话,他肯定会愿意取消的晚餐约会的。”

    "Dave Sipperstein says he can meet us at five at his office," Joyce reported. "he's so fond of Patty I think he would have cancelled his dinner plans if he'd had to."


  • 有趣是,试验室我们很少看到显示器键盘;原来所有的机器都连往试验室工程师的办公室里,所以他们可以在办公室远程操纵这些机器。

    One thing you see very few of in the lab are monitors and keyboards; everything is accessed remotely from team members' offices.


  • 如果这些奏效哈雷博士建议可以尝试另一个更加简单的方法这个方法老师们的会议上奏效了——并且,这个可以办公室任何时间都奏效。

    And if that doesn't work, Dr. Hallett suggests you try an even simpler tactic that was used successfully at the teachers' meetings - and that is available in any workplace anytime.


  • 征服不完美老板》一书中,赫特建议可以提出问题——最好是非正式场合(例如午餐时间),如果必要,也可以办公室进行正式约谈

    In Overcoming an Imperfect Boss, Hurt suggests a list of 10 questions you could ask-ideally in a casual setting (over lunch, for instance), but in a formal appointment at the office if need be.


  • 我们当天必须办公室做一个小的备忘录还是推迟第二这样我们就可以家人进晚餐?

    Do we stay late at the office to finish a memo, or put it off to the next day, so that we can have dinner with the family?


  • 些专家可以每晚在办公室工作到十点,然后回过头来,发现他们很想回家,享受家人和朋友的甜蜜,或者去令人兴奋的地方旅行,结识有趣的人。

    These specialists could work at the office until ten each night, then look back and realize they would have loved to have gone home and enjoyed the sweetness of their family and friends, or traveled to exciting places, meeting interesting people.


  • 是她在办公室最喜欢的工作之一,因为这让她有时间可以不用待办公桌旁。

    This is one of her favorite jobs to do around the office, as it allows her to spend some time outside away from her desk.


  • 办公室可以一边打电话一边发送常规电子邮件

    At the office, you can send routine emails while talking on the phone.


  • 发出刺鼻气味者:办公室一端可以闻到这些同事身上发出刺鼻的气味。

    The Whiffy Wonder: You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office.


  • 办公室之外花费一些时间可以团队客户一起酒吧这么简单

    Spend some time out of the office, it can be as simple as going out to a bar, mingling with your team and your customers.


  • 假如办公室照了一张照片,照片里会商业名片、写家庭住址信封还有一些背景可以找到的敏感信息

    Let's say you take a picture at your office that has a business card or envelope with your home address or some kind of sensitive information visible in the background.


  • 办公室不可避免的花费时间但是工作可能会影响爱情关系事实是可以避免的。

    It's unavoidable that you spend time at the office, but it's avoidable that the fact you have a job ruins your relationship..


  • 这种灵活性开发人员飞机能够办公室一样轻松地工作可以一次又一次地进行提交

    This flexibility allows developers to work on an airplane, and make commit after commit, just as easily as if they were working in the office.


  • 志愿者通常乐于从事网站项目因为这项工作的时间弹性,他们办公室可以

    Volunteers often enjoy Web projects because the work can be done on a flexibleschedule from their home or office.


  • 意味着低的入门门槛,并且任何人希望可以的时间内掌握它,尤其是老板办公室颐指气使的时候。

    That means less to learn to get started, and almost everyone likes less to learn, especially when the boss is yelling at you from the corner office.


  • 同学们可以预定的工作时间办公室,至于其他时间只要办公室而且太忙的话也是可以的。

    Students can come into my office during scheduled office hours or any other time when I'm in the office and not busy.


  • 同学们可以预定的工作时间办公室,至于其他时间只要办公室而且太忙的话也是可以的。

    Students can come into my office during scheduled office hours or any other time when I'm in the office and not busy.


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